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are there any super safe, non permanently damaging ways to compress your chest?

im into jirai kei/dark girly/girly etc, i got a new ryousangata setup, assumed it would likely be a bit of a squeeze but would ultimately fit like most pieces i own. listed bust was 98cm, mine is 104cm, its a bit stretchy but it doesnt actually fit

i plan on losing weight to fit my skirts a bit better but it wouldnt help my chest much, and since jirai is usually synthetic polyester garbage im worried a tailor wouldnt work with it (and itd be costly)

so yeah, need advice
No. It won't look good, any relatively safe binder would cost more than the set up, and binding will almost always reduce lung capacity if done consistently. Just lose the weight or buy bigger clothing.
>need advice

lose weight chunky
a flattening sports bra. that should take off enough width to fit without being too uncomfortable. but it'll probably look bad anyway because you can always sort of tell when your chest doesn't fit, even with the sports bra
I was worried weight loss would not help my chest much either, but I went from 115cm bust to 88cm over the course of 60lbs. Not sure how much you intend to lose but it will help some.
>are there any super safe, non permanently damaging ways to compress your chest?
No, and there never will.
No, you won't find a method effective enough that isn't too uncomfortable.

Here are your options;
1-hope that losing weight will bring your bust down enough. It actually might happen, just look at >>10942026
2-buy clothes that fit you as is. If you do lose weight you can always take them in.
3-sew your own. If you don't know how then learn to sew.
4-alter it on your own or get it altered. It might be difficult to find a matching fabric so this is the worst option.

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