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last threads about to hit the bump limit. merry christmas /cgl/
the average lolita sewing group member.
what's wrong with it. it looks so nice for a hot summer coord. Feels like vendetta
she's fat
Calm down anachan she’s not fat
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failing to see the "full white lolita outfit" here
i just dont think it looks right. the blouse, shoes and socks don't really look good with such a bright colour. maybe im nitpicking

definitely not fat
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just how obese are you people
>official skirt measurement is 64 to 72cm

Just say you’re delusional and go

I thought doing brows like this got left in 2014. The makeup is indeed terrible, but I’d like to see more of the outfit. I can’t imagine it’s great either.
why do people go to r/lolita to post their face anyway? she looks like she's being strangled by her outfit
stop bone rattling
you sound hungry
this is cute except for the shoes being much more modern than the rest of the pieces, but that's a nitpick. she's not chubby enough that it ruins the coord either.
Tea Party shoes were first released in 2005
Camisole released in 2006
Skirt released in 2010
Tea party shoes are technically the oldest piece she's wearing.
sure, but thematically, tea parties look out of place in oldschool styling and especially tartan. again this is a nitpick and largely personal preference, she doesn't belong in the ita thread.
How can they look out of place when they were first released before the cami and the skirt? I am just asking to have a discussion about it, and to hear what you have to say.
this coord has tartan, built-in bloomers, very saturated pink, and a bold, almost y2k bag, so regardless of how old the pieces are i'd call it "oldschool styling". imo, something chunkier like heart buckle shoes or RHs would suit it better.
tea parties on the other hand best suit the delicate and elegant pieces found in modern AP/BTSSB imo. when i see tea parties, i expect pastel pink, border prints, mesh lace, etc. people will disagree but 2005 is when brands started transitioning from what looks like oldschool to what looks "modern" to me.
I guess I'm just getting thrown off because you're calling the oldest item "too new" and the newest item (the vw purse) "y2k"
I don’t have much more opinion to offer other than sometimes things look like things from a different time period ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My main quip is the socks! I hate those cheap ankle socks that have the thin ruffle of tulle lace that has no gathering. It just looks like a floppy tube of cheap lace. Fucks sake gather the damn lace! At least meta has the balls to actually gather the fuck out of the lace on their raschel socks!
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What is with this new bread of tiktok "lolitas" that all dress like this
She always looks ita and ugly it’s crazy
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Wear whatever you want, but don’t call it lolita when it doesn’t hit any of the marks of the fashion. Fucks sake.
What the fuck is going on with the girl on the left? Her dress is too tightly laced, or possibly just too small in general? I’m thinking too small in general due to the tightness of the detachable sleeves even that low on her arm.
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Look, all uggos overexpose pictures to hide things they hate - nose, acne, bad makeup - but using it to try to hide your gut is a new low I think.
looks like they just used flash
>hit any of the marks of the fashion
have you heard of roomwear
Nta but are you seeing the coord? That’s not roomwear she’s in the fucking street
Nayrt. -she's outside -roomwear is a legitimate part of lolita fashion, no matter how hard the occasional beginner screams it's not lolita because "it's not in the guide" -room wear can look very nice -this outfit is absolutely terrible -it's not even an example of room wear.
She laced it too tightly, there seems to be a generous amount of shirring in the front panel. The only thing I can be sure of doesn't fit is her upper arms are too big, so she can't wear the detachable sleeves high up enough to connect with the short sleeves.
I don't think it's good, but it's also not bad enough to be ita level bad.
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Extremely cringe, would be even worse if she was wearing trousers under the dress.

The absence of petticoat is not the problem here.
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She might want to reconsider wearing Lolita fashion or remove her hijab, as the combination doesn’t seem to suit her capacities. It appears that her fashion choices don’t quite come together.
Can't stand this guy, everything he does is the worst and all he gets are asspats.

If she "knows the rules," wouldn't she know that it's okay to wear anything as long as you just don't call it lolita?
ayrt, and ugh.
So far I've only seen one (yes, 1!) lolita with a hijab who didn't want to show the outline of her legs who seemed to understand how to wear lolita without looking absolutely terrible.

They want to avoid showing the outline of their legs because it's their culture, but then they decide to wear trousers under a knee length dress and it doesn't occur to them to look for a solution that works within their culture's limitations without looking ridiculous. There are floor length dresses within lolita and EGA. If they're even stricter about hiding the outline of their body there are even floor length sack dresses.
But they probably want to wear the knee length dress so much that they don't care that it looks stupid with trousers. Weird mindset, to want to wear a specific style but not care about wearing an outfit that actually looks good.
Wearing the fashion for that long and still having no idea how to put together a good looking coord isn't the flex these bitches think it is, but we all know what she actually means is she saw a lolita once on Tumblr 6 years ago.
Also, a standard JSK still shows the silhouette of a body and defines the bust/waist. Isn't that not allowed?
>wear my lolita cord without a skirt because it's too hot
>wears a black blouse
>with a camisole over it
Is this... ita logic? I mean, you can technically wear lolita clothing items in a non lolita way, it's not a lolita coord anymore though.

People always find workarounds and loopholes with islamic rules. It's impossible to follow them all so they cherrypick which ones to follow in order to virtue signal as a good muslim and conveniently swipe under the rug the ones that don't suit them. Hence why 99,9% of muslims won't eat pork (it's easy) but only a small minority will do their prayers everyday because it's such a hassle to do even though it's more important (literally one of the 5 pillars of Islam lol). All of that to say that religion isn't an excuse to dress like shit, they're the ones choosing to wear these fugly large trousers under their dresses when lolita is already a modest enough fashion, especially with so much tea lenght dress releases.
I also thought you weren't supposed to wear anything showy or flashy as that isn't modest, but then wear lolita which is extremely loud
Nayrt, and yes you are correct that they're not supposed to wear anything showy or flashy. But >>10943605 is also right by saying that they cherry pick which rules they follow. There are some extremely flashy Muslims who care way too much about status and material things.
Dang, 12 years and that's the first dress you choose, kek
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tf is this? shop towel kei?
If they did SOMETHING to make the veil match, it'd look way better. Make it black, for one, and if it had a lace overlay to give it some texture and dimension, perhaps have that in a different color, a veil or hijab could look REALLY pretty in a coord so long as there was actual effort put into it. Here, it feels out of place, thoughtless, and like they just slapped a weird looking clip to it and called it "good enough."
Why is this tagged as lolita fashion
lolita fashion is larping as an overgrown 5 year old, nonna. didn't you hear?
>lolita fashion is larping as an overgrown 5 year old
correct, that's sweet and ott sweet lolita

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