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My friend is a cosplayer who dreams about living off, or at least making some good money by doing cosplay. She’s already got a decent following (27k) but her engagement is not that good and has started to lose followers. Any ideas on how to improve this?

define good money so you can set expectations and goals.
Unironically sugardaddies. Some girls get a lot of funds that way.
But the people you attract are crazy so will affect her mental health
famous cosplayers all make money by being e-prostitutes and high end escorts, as well as having sugar daddies. if you see a hot cosplayer with some mid balding nigga, that guy is her sugar daddy and/or onlyfans pimp
99% of women who do onlyfans make like a few hundred bucks a month
>oversaturated market
>they don't market themselves and just throw their photos into the void and hope something sticks
>they take blurry iphone photos of their ass in a dirty mirror showing their dirty room
wow I wonder why men aren't running to buy stuff like this
You can't. It's a hobby.
It's like asking how to make money out of building model train railways. Maybe if you make an onlyfans showing you getting railed by a modeltrain you could make some bucks out of it, but overall it's something you can't make money out of, you only do it for yourself.
Even most professional cosplayers have rich parents, a rich husband or a second job to support their career.
That makes me so jealous. I wish I could live in that kind of world even if only for a day.
western women live on tutorial mode
lol you dont. You only truly make money if you jump off from cosplay and into the adjacent disciplines like tailoring, prop making, costuming, selling fabric like yaya or modelling
I guess you've never heard of Kamui Cosplay? She doesn't sell her body. She sells her books which are cosplay tutorials. She also gets hired by corporations to cosplay their characters. I assume she guests at cons too, but I don't follow her socials. Lives completely off cosplay though.

Since nobody has given any real suggestions besides selling your body here's what else you can do.

Commissions, make a YouTube channel focused on cosplay, make a Twitch account while working on cosplays, teaching / making tutorials, cosplaying certain things so they capture the eyes of companies to hirer you for cosplays. If it doesn't go away, TikTok. I know plenty of people who rely on TT to pay the bills.
And she has a rich partner.

The lucky few can make SOME money out of cosplay, but it's not very self-sufficient. That goes for a lot of work in the creative industry. You may look at artists and webtoon writers, feeling jealous of their fame and wondering if you could also get rich like that, but a lot of them still live with their parents or are married to someone making a lot more money than they do.
Commissions, streaming or selling patterns and books does make money, but cosplay is still an expensive hobby and at the end of they day you may only barely make enough money to pay the rent.

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