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hi!! first time poster, but wanted to show off my proshot images!! this is my favourite but i have more!!
looks like shit
you're way too innocent for 4chan

the cosplay is cute but the face youre making is not flattering
this. and why do your makeup like that? you clearly have a cute face. please research more flattering makeup styles. i understand the gaudy flashy tiktok makeup is fun but it doesn’t suit every cosplay
The Cheese Tax! The Cheese Tax!
You got to pay the cheese tax every time you're cooking
When the cheese drawer opens this puppy comes looking
The rules are the rules and the facts are the facts
But when the cheese drawer opens, you gotta pay the tax
Hi!! yeah the shot isnt the best of my face ^^;; makeup wise, ive been doing my makeup like since since 2019! its simply how i like doing it :D
heres a dif photo without the puffed cheeks ^-^
wow this is somehow even worse, surely this isn't actually you and you're just trying to bait people into shitting on this girl... right?
this is 100% me ,, havin my face called bait isnt what i was expecting today ^^;
So you unironically choose to go by the name gluttony as a fat bitch? That's pretty bold.

ok buddy calm down :P
it makes me wanna kms but kill you first, I hope you're happy
what's wrong with your face
Do you have Onlyfans?
Very cute Miku, tho many won't like it as isn't basic, standard look they would expect. Don't listen to them, you look Great.
Really trying not to be an ass, but that makeup is less than flattering...
Surely this is just bait, right? How could anyone post this and think it looks good. Your makeup looks like it was done by a schizophrenic with markers.

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