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hello, recently I made a thread when i showed my jojifuku outfit and got a few comments so now Im posting an i hope so improved version^_^
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*where, sorry english is not my first language
can you spamming tourists fuck off back to whichever normalfag social media hell hole you crawled out from and leave us alone already
„leave us” edge lord thinks hes in a cult or smth lol, also i said comments because a few people commented on me in a REPLY. its kinda funny how sensitive you are bc you’re getting upset about things like that
nayrt, you're getting negative reactions from people because you're going against the board culture here. You're not supposed to create a thread just to share an outfit or ask a basic question that can be posted in one of the existing questions threads. Because there's a limit to the amount of threads on the board creating a new thread kicks another thread off the board. People making new threads just to post one outfit or to ask a basic question that could have been posted to the existing questions threads therefore kicks other more important threads (that serve and involve the community, not just yourself) off the board. You're not supposed to post images of yourself, especially not when you create a thread just for that purpose. There will be backlash if someone is suspected of self posting (either for positive or negative attention). There will be backlash if someone is suspected of posting an image of someone else whilst pretending to be them, in an attempt to cultivate drama. Jojifuku is a controversial style within J-fashion, and is generally not well received here. No matter how unfair these things may seem to you, that's just how things are and getting angry at it isn't going to change anything.
I'm spoon feeding you and that's also not generally accepted here. If you still think this is an interesting board then I recommend lurking for at least 6 more months to get more familiar with it.
>being too illiterate to lurk for a few minutes to get a hang of how the board culture works
this isn't tiktok or whatever retarded hole you came out of. you had a few days to learn your mistake and not to mention you could have just bumped the old thread with your new shitty coord if you wanted to selfpost that bad.
I'd say put more attention into your hair and nails, and also eat a bit more those legs are dangerously skinny
But if she gains weight how will she stuff herself into clothing meant for people half her age?
just enough to not be anorexic, that little bit

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