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Thread for posting your cosplays, or asking advice on cosplaying. Stop making singular threads for your cosplays, newfags, this isnt reddit
Cosplay-adjacent question, my living arrangement isn't so great this year and my work-from-home setup has taken over my sewing desk. I need to still make costumes for 2025, what's the best way to get a setup going for sewing? I cannot move my work equipment since I'll need them on a daily basis.

Second desk?
>Implying anyone reads anything before posting, including thread OPs
Noble but naive
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>working on joshua graham
>got the shirt, boots, sleeve garter taken care of
>using mummy bandages instead of gauze, the white sleeves and such should handle curved areas like the nose
>need a new vest because I bought a cheapo Amazon one with pockets over where SLCPD and SWAT need to be
Question now is whether it's better to paint the vest markings or use one of those fabric markers you see at hobby lobby. I also need a Bible and the .45.
get a second desk/table and use the biggest of the two for what you need most room for.
Best way to be comfortable in cosplay?
Without any further context...loose fit + breathable material. Also with POCKETS. If there aren't any, make some / use something that serves the same function
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Me as Hatsune Miku From Vocaloid
Try getting a toy m1911 on Amazon and painting it. It has an ejecting mag and a slide.
Maybe get a hollowed bible so carrying it around at a con isn't so heavy.
As for the vest I am unsure.
>Second desk

I know that is the most logical and simplest answer, but it's also a space issue. My sewing desk-turned-workstation is already crammed into my bedroom and there is no space for a second desk. I've thought about using the dining table but it also seems like a huge hassle to have to reset it twice a day and ensure there's no stray thread or fabric lint in food, or the risk of getting oil stains on fabric.
Do you sew every day or multiple times a week? Do you use your desk for work for home purposes every day or multiple times a week?
How big is your room? What items need to be in your room (bed, desk, etc) and how big are they?

There are space saving solutions but it helps to know what exactly the situation is before giving recommendations.
>hollowed bible
Get a real one instead
It isn't that heavy
Whats some simple vosplay using everyday items for male. I know clark kent is popular. What else is there. I want to do something simple but at the same time eye catching. Preferably comics or mainstream Fandom. Not into big anime much other than one punch man.
Best glue to glue fabric? can't stitch anything sadly
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First cosplay ever! I sewed the top half myself with a pattern from indigo patterns on Etsy. It’s a sleeveless button up shirt, jacket, and bow brooch. This is made with bed sheet and it’s my first time sewing anything with sleeves. The cosplay judging booth at the con I went to really liked it :) Skirt isn’t screen accurate because usps got delayed

I’d use your work/personal desk as a sewing space. I’m guessing that you have a pc and that’s the issue, right? Is it possible for you to store your pc and use a laptop instead? That way, both machines are easily portable and you can alternate
Suppose I'm trying to put spots on a spandex bodysuit, do I paint it in or glue foam instead?
Need some help : I have glasses I want to temporary tint. Is there some kinds of transparent stickers that works for that ? I can’t buy another pair
Dont ruin your glasses for a cosplay. Get contact lenses.if you really want, you can cover your lenses with some colored plastic/film to give them a tint
Going to try making my own gloves & stockings to practice. Are there any patterns in particular that people suggest?

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