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I have a vested interested in gas masks and other CBRN equipment

I'm really liking the look of the MSA Millennium gas mask, and I am looking to acquire one

Upon doing some quick googling, it seems like they're very expensive....

My budget is around $50 or so, if the Millennium is an unreasonable thought for that price range, I would love to hear about alternatives that are in my price range

Also, what kinds of filters are accepted by the MSA Millennium? I feel like it might not be standard 40mm STANAG filters, which may mean I would like to hear affordable filter suggestions as well

Pic related, an MSA Gas Mask example
You're probably better off posting this in >>>/k/ since this board is about DIY costuming and how to replicate something like a cool mask, rather than where to buy an actual one. And making one yourself is generally going to be more expensive in materials alone, let alone time.
Ah, I suppose that makes sense

I didn't think to post on /k/ because I mostly understand it as a firearms related board.

While I would post on /k/ for gun related things, posting about gas masks never crossed my mind

You sure it won't get deleted for being irrelevant to the board?
Alright. I'll make a post about it there.

How do I delete this thread? So I don't clog things up and waste people's time?
FUCK it deleted my post. Okay, short version: I’m just here for lewds but I’m former CBRN ordnance handling and current radiation protection. Yes, 50 bucks for a good mono-visor mask is unrealistic. Your best bet if you want mono-visor is to see if any nearby fire departments are throwing out old used masks. They’ll be SCBA facepieces, but you should be able to make some modifications so it looks like it’s a cartridge respirator.

Otherwise, if you’re fine going to dual-lens, C3 masks are super cheap and look fucking good.

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