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I have a vested interested in gas masks and other CBRN equipment

I'm really liking the look of the MSA Millennium gas mask, and I am looking to acquire one

Upon doing some quick googling, it seems like they're very expensive....

My budget is around $50 or so, if the Millennium is an unreasonable thought for that price range, I would love to hear about alternatives that are in my price range

Also, what kinds of filters are accepted by the MSA Millennium? I feel like it might not be standard 40mm STANAG filters, which may mean I would like to hear affordable filter suggestions as well

Pic related, an MSA Gas Mask example
You're probably better off posting this in >>>/k/ since this board is about DIY costuming and how to replicate something like a cool mask, rather than where to buy an actual one. And making one yourself is generally going to be more expensive in materials alone, let alone time.
Ah, I suppose that makes sense

I didn't think to post on /k/ because I mostly understand it as a firearms related board.

While I would post on /k/ for gun related things, posting about gas masks never crossed my mind

You sure it won't get deleted for being irrelevant to the board?
Alright. I'll make a post about it there.

How do I delete this thread? So I don't clog things up and waste people's time?

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