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What’s your opinion on coordinating an outfit with a popular character? For example, anything Sanrio, Pokémon, a magical girl anime mascot, Vocaloid, Sonic, Kirby, etc.

Does it only work with “kawaii” characters? Is it frowned upon? I’ve seen many cute coords with inspiration from video game characters, but I wondered if the community sees it as cringe.
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I think themed coords are better than costume coords. I mean anyone who owns a shit ton of lyrical bunny prints/accessories, or Usakumya prints and pochettes, would be making somewhat character themes coord with brand mascots, and that's OK. Sanrio is usually safe, hell brands have released sanrio branded stuff. AP has, and V-Castle has, and others. Of course if it's something not really loliable (I dunno, like Jesse pinkman, or dragonball Z) then just don't do it? People who get this weird idea that they must mash all of their fandoms and hobbies together ick me. You can like unkawaii shit and also wear Lolita... But some things just don't go together.

Reminded me of this post I saw on Tumblr eons ago. Basically, if you want to cosplay, just cosplay. If you want to wear Lolita, just wear Lolita. But I think "this character but Lolita" is cringe.
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does it look good?

does it suit the occasion?

does it make you happy?

don't worry about it.
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showing off your love of a character is a long-standing street fashion tradition.

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