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using pig feet in your cooking is based and I'm tired of pretending it isn't
>lust provoking thread
Not a lot of meat by weight. Just like chicken drumsticks.
pig feet are delicious. stew them, slow cook them, whatever. becomes the most tender and flavorful meat ever
The shit they walk in all their life provides the umami kick! Kind of like Indian food
t. never seen a pig irl
What are you talking about, I was with your mom last night
stick to french fries and chicken nuggies, you autistic fairy.
I had ground beef, cabbage, onion and bell pepper for my last meal. I didn't have any garlic and I'm still kinda pissed. I doubled up on the onion but it ust wasn't the same
sorry to hear youre passing away, ill keep you in my thoughts and prayers R.I.P.
I'm gonna reincarnate as a pig and shit on my feet so your soup tastes like Indian food
Roughly 70% of a chicken leg is edible. Adjusting for the percent of edible meat and price, legs are still one of the most affordable cuts. You can usually get them for around a dollar on sale. https://www.thekitchn.com/the-best-budget-cut-of-chicken-243355

inb4 some dipshit who doesn't shop claims that chicken legs cann't be found that cheaply. They cost 99 cents/lb at my Aldi right now.

Pig feet tend to be more expensive (I have no idea what happens to most of them, they don't seem to be a popular cut in the US. I suspect that, like chicken feet, a fair amount are sold to foreign countries) and have less edible meat. They're still good though, and I recommend trying them if you haven't.
You don't eat them raw and right off the pig, dummy. Indian food doesn't taste like shit either, Cletus.
I would, but trotters and hocks aren't even cheap. Shoulders are a better deal by far.
Not worth the hassle. At least use veal feet like the French.
okay, post a recipe using them.

come on faggot, just one.
why is this autist so obsessed over chicken legs? you're weird
>not obsessing over chicken legs
What do you even eat?
if you pull up to a function with chicken legs you're gonna be called a weirdo forever
Because I can afford to give meat away to friends?
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I prefer cat
Where do you live that chicken legs are considered so strange and exotic?
I live in a middle/upper middle class suburb in the US. I have no idea where you live if chicken legs are considered such a foul thing to eat.
Weak left leaning hands typed this post. Or you're poojeet
what is wrong with americans

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