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Okay I am a fat fuck I admit that, I'm pushing 250lbs and my heart is starting to hurt.
So I looked up calorie intake and understand that it's calories in and calories out.

So I started counting my calories.
I decided I would start skipping breakfast as a way to cut my calories, okay got it.
Lunch rolls around.
1 Pizza = 1000 calories.
1000 calories in a single pizza. That almost fills me up, so okay that's doable.
Now what do I eat for dinner?
Burrito + Ice Cream
That puts me at 2200 calories.

Two meals.
put me way above my calories for the day.

And I'm still hungry and not full.
I also do not drink any sugar drinks or any beverage that has calories so I drink water with flavorings.
Eat one meal a day you fat fuck. That's what I do.
250 is no big deal as long as you're over 6 feet tall and exercise most days.
You're joking, right? You need to eat less calorie-dense foods. Pizza and ice cream, and probably the burrito too, are ridiculously high in calories for their mass and volume. It's why we crave fat and sugar; they're super dense in terms of calories. This is why stereotypical diet foods consist of things like fresh vegetables with little or no dressing so that it fills you up, provides you with micronutrients, and doesn't have a ton of calories.

Also, news flash, if you're losing weight and not sick yes you're going to be hungry. Just how it is, and part of why it sucks.
Eat steak. That's it, that's LITERALLY IT.
Eat lower calorie foods, midwit
Pizza is my standard go to food, but I am looking up low calorie alternatives.

maybe if I just eat 3 pizzas per day I can make it.
see >>20616144
dont eat so many pizzas
Literally just stop eating food.
If you're fat enough to have love handles, you have excess fat and you can go weeks without eating.
Drink only water and electrolytes.
You'll feel much better after 2 days and the pounds will come right off.
instead of eating a whole pizza, eat half a pizza and some salad with oil and vinegar. even better if you throw some lean meat in there. the pizza basically has no protein or fiber which help fill you up. by adding lean meat and vegetables, you can be full with less food.

you don't even have to fully give up the food you like. you can also probably get away with more calories per day and still lose weight since you're starting at a high weight.
When I used to diet it was rice with seafood, veggies abd a light sauce. One massive meal a day. I have such a bad relationship with food I eat way under or way over calories.

Instead now I go to the gym. I enjoy running, swimming is OK and I do it with my daughter, I find weights boring but they improve my body.

who eats "a pizza" for lunch? a whole fucking pizza? for one person? what the fuck?!

I don't care how fucking small it is, a normal person does not eat a whole fucking pizza... FOR LUNCH.

even the smallest Tony's or whatever shite, store bought garbage pizza, I'm only eating half of it, AT BEST. usually, I eat two slices, and I'm done. leftovers for lunch at work, tomorrow.

yes. you're going to be a bit hungry while your body adapts. that's life.

develop realistic expectations and self control.
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Aside from replacing your existing meals with lower calorie alternatives and reducing portion sizes, consider adding simple broths to help with feeling full. A whole pint of basic boxed chicken broth maybe with some diced vegetables boiled in it is like 50 calories.
It takes a few months for your body to adjust to the point that less food still makes you feel full, so you either cut drastically and tough it out or do it gradually and accept that it'll be a long time before you start seeing noticeable weight changes. Personally I think the latter is more likely to stick in the long run.
When I'm dieting, I go on the "instant ramen" diet, which basically involves eating ONLY chicken or beef flavored instant ramen for several months.
You'd be quite surprised how tired you get of ramen after only a month or two, even if you have an unlimited supply. I think this stuff works best for the temporary relief of an urge to eat expensive crap like KFC or Five Guys.
Drink water while imagining how ashamed your ancestors would be of your repugnant body
stop eating anything but salad and like 12oz of meat a day you goyslop addicted cattle
Keep trying different strategies until you find something that works for you.

Intermittent fasting works for some people, coffee as an appetite suppressant works for some people. Focusing on lower carb higher fat/protein diet helps some keep feel fuller longer, etc.. etc..

You know what you need to do, eat less, but what you need to do is find a sustainable strategy that works for you.

At a glance, pizza is not very filling, try something else..
>So I looked up calorie intake and understand that it's calories in and calories out.

literal propaganda designed to make you fail.

>so i decided to make myself super hungry and weaken my will power by intentionally starving myself

rookie mistake.

>lol imaeat a whole pizza and someice cream. calories in right lmao
>but im not full :(

because calories in, calories out is a fucking meme. you wreck'd your ability to feel satiated when you loaded yourself up with sugar from the ice cream since metabolizing sugar suppresses leptin, the hormone that makes you feel satiated. the only reason you felt full from the pizza is because you ate the entire thing and literally filled your stomach.

Feeling full has nothing to do with calories. Feeling full requires a normally funcitoning endrocrine system and fiber. The only way to cheat this is to shrink your stomach capacity, which is obtained by fasting and then eatting smaller meals.

>how do i do this
This is not health professional advice or dietary advice and its not my fault if you die trying this because i have no idea how your body actually is. But if I was fat I'd go

>don't eat for 16 hours
>look at the time from dinner, then count at 16 hours. This usually means, have a later breakfast. Wake up, check time. if 16 hours, eat. if not, do not eat.

Eat meals with fiber, not processed slop. That means real fruits/vegetables/meat. Keto works because it simplifies the fiber problem and removes slop. Eat a steak or some chicken. Have an organge orsomething as a light snack. Dont skip meals, thats dumb as fuck if you are actually active. The only fasting you should be doing is between dinner -> sleep -> wake up -> count to 16 hrs -> eat normally. Eat breakfast/lunch/dinner/whatever meal plan is comfortable.

you should pay attention to calorie count but dont actually trust it. calorie counting is a way to plan your meals, but your body doesnt process them like a machine doing basic math.
its also important to do a bare minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day to get your heart rate going, which boosts your metabolism. doesnt matter how you do it, just do something. if you stay static allday, sitting on a computer or whatver then your body will try to minimize consumption because your brain thinks you are in some kind of crisis or energy saving mode.

Eating pizza, burgers, hot dogs, tendies, and ice cream get boring after a while. It's a big world, anon. Eat something else.
Eat more whole grains instead. They're more filling and lower in calories.

Mostly all you have to do is eat less highly processed food. Skip the ice cream and have a glass of milk, maybe a little honey if you want. Use whole wheat for the burrito wrap and pizza. That'll cut down on calories and keep you full a lot longer.

250 is still pretty heavy unless you're like 6'5" and jacked.
Unironically start taking prozac or start smoking. I've upped my dosage and now I have no appetite whatsoever. I have to force myself to eat, and its a lot less than what I was eating before. I almost 99% of the time only drink water.
WRONG, see >>20616144

"Whole grains" is the entire reason why we have obesity/diabetes today.
there i solved all your problems
I buy rotisserie chickens that I eat with rice and veggies. I make stock out of the carcass, then eat chicken noodle soup for the next few days. Rinse and repeat
>t. lost 40 pounds in the last 4 months
>ice cream for dinner
Great bait
You aren't supposed to eat the pizza in one sitting by yourself anon
>And I'm still hungry and not full.
needed a couple of 50 calorie salads, or 100 cal soups in there.
You should be eating for nourishment. Not to be "filled up". Only balloons and bitches need to be filled up, so which are you?
Meat and 3 veg
Each meal shouldn't be over 600kcal
Quit soda and alcohol, only drink water
Do light exercise
Congrats, you'll shit out 5kg a week
If you got money and aren't a picky eater than just buy lower cal foods that way you can eat more of it in volume.

Egg whites, veggies, potatos, white fish, etc. Drink plenty of fluid and get in your fiber and you will feel full.
>Only balloons and troons need to be filled up, so which are you?
Also, diet soda is the same as water, nutritionally speaking, and it actually temporarily causes your body to burn calories faster, so drinking a large diet soda can actually neutralize and/or delete the excess calories in a 40 mcnugget meal with 2 large french fries. It would be like eating a happy meal.
Literally learn how to cook, if you absolutely MUST have pizza and ice cream you can at least make them yourself with high quality ingredients and less sugar and salt.
Another thing you could try is substitutions - por ejemplo, make (or buy) a parfait instead of ice cream. Or for the pizza just eat the cheese and topings and throw the bread away, or try to heat up some tomatoes and garlic put on bread with some fresh mozzarella , yummy. I like flax crackers with hummus, I'll put bits of cheese on there, olives, and chunks of herring if I'm feeling kinda risky

The more variety of nutrients you consume the less you'll crave that super sense stuff. Try getting mineral drops for your water. Since I've been using them I feel more full.
Smoothies are great too instead of.ice cream, you can do like avocado with strawberry or mango, then once you get used to them start adding more healthy stuff, I make mine with sprouted greens, flax seed powder, ginger, aloe, a sloce of lemon or lime, theyre delicious but i cant ha e them every day. its like the consistency of ice cream but actually has good nutrients and way less raw calories. Another tip is to eat sweet potatoes, just stick one in the over at like 350 for an hour and a half or until its soft, I put butter and garlic on mine. Sometimes some shredded sharp cheddar.

Don't worry about dieting or changing overnight, take small steps and slowly replace the unhealthy choices with healthier ones, if you go to McDonald's get the salad etc
Get used to being mildly hungry.
Since you've been a fat piece of shit for so long, you've started to associate not being stuffed to the gills as "starving".
If you stay busy throughout the day it will not only help distract you from the hunger but also help you lose more weight by being active.
Baby steps.
If you try to go from 3000+ calories a day to 1500 overnight, you're setting yourself up to fail.
Cut out small things out of your diet for 1-2 weeks, then move on to the next thing to cut out.
Start with no drinks with calories.
Then go from ice cream for dessert to unprocessed food
Cut out snacks, or at least make some snacks more healthy like vegetables and a light dip.
Pizza is not a daily food you fucking moron, it's an occasional treat.
one meal a day is the real answer

amerifats are so pussy and brainwashed they claim you will STARVE if you don't eat 6 meals a day. you have to ignore most normie advice on this stuff. only recently did they even acknowledge not eating all day as an option
>ice cream
You're supposed to be dieting, retard
You're supposed to be dieting, retard
Can be a good option, but I doubt you made your own with a low-carb wrap and protein heavy

You can have three meals a day and still have a 500+ C deficit and not be hungry
Massively cut the carbs, eat more salad/veggies along with a big lean protein portion to fill up, stop eating takeout/pre-made slop
How is this possible with diet soda? Sounds like bullshit. I actually quit Diet Soda like a year ago because I was trying to get on a weight loss journeey.
I too enjoy making rice with the chickeny runoff from cooking a chicken. Very flavorful!
Thanks for the recommendations. I think the change of ice cream to parfaits is what I will do. I already use halo top, but 400 cals for a pint is killing me.
Today I only ate 1200 calories rounded up
400 ramen
400 soup
400 halotop
>Pizza is my standard go to food
You're keeping track of your calories, you're already doing better than 99% of people 'on a diet.' You're gonna make it!
I'd suggest going online and looking up some easy, low-calorie dishes you could cook at home. Like chicken and rice, soup, baked potato chips, fish etc. Cooking your own food is great, because (You) control how much fat, oil & ultra processed crap goes into your food.

Your own image says the exact opposite. You should cut back on steak.
>85g of steak has 160calories
>160cal/85g = 1.882 calories per gram
>297g of kidney beans has 277calories
>277cal/297g = 0.933 calories per gram
>a pound of steak has twice as many calories as a pound of kidney beans
You need to lay off the pizza. The kinds of pizza you can have and lose weight won't be appealing to you; think very thin, homemade dough, very little cheese, fewer bits of fatty meat, and lots of veggies. It'll be like a flatbread thing. And no dipping crusts in hot garlic margarine or mayonnaise based salad dressings.

Honestly you seem too far behind mentally to put this advice to good use.
>fast fried meat

Okay.... Odd
Not diet food.
>1 Pizza = 1000 calories.

10" personal pizza sure. but if you mean a regular sized 14" pizza then LOL NO
why can't she just make a quesadilla
You're welcome. Another smoothie tip is to measure them out and put all the ingredients into little sandwhich baggies and freeze them, that way when you want one you just take it out of the freezer and pop it in the blender, and you don't have to worry about the fruits/vegs going bad this way as they're frozen.

the parfaits are great because they sell them everywhere, making them is a pain in the ass, my yogurt always goes bad because I donh't eat it fast enough, so parfaits are generally out for me.

The baked potato is the best diet hack on that list I gave you though, they're absolutely delicious and full of great nutrients, and fill you up for like 12 hours, i eat like 3 or 4 per week, they're super safe as well (don't need organic) and very inexpensive.

Cut out ALL sugary drinks especially sodas. I do a water bottle of water with a tiny splash of pure fruit juice (no sugar added) or lemon/lime drops and the mineral drops, fill it like 6 times a day... You should have a "grab it" snack food, i like dark chocolate and tangerines, water chestnuts, grapefruits, some people like bananas.. good luck man get those nutrients!
only buy and eat chicken breast
you'll lose weight, i promise
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I eat Jack's Thin Pizza, 1000 cal for the whole thing.
I usually eat one every other day because they are very tastey.
No you dummy, protein deficiency is what makes you hungry. You need around 100 grams to feel "full". This is why it's literally possible to eat nothing but white rice/pasta/bread and NEVER feel full. That's why pizza, especially cheese piza is so bad for you.

100G protein from steak = 640 calories

100G protein from kidney beans = 1,108 calories
Yeah no shit. "Diet" food is a meme, just eat homemade meals and watch your daily intake of things and go to the gym. Just make decent whole meals, "chicken rice and broccoli lole" is shit that actors on roids say. Just make homemade food and don't make it unhealthy goyslop.
>pizza, burrito, ice cream
This is a very obvious troll thread and you retards should feel ashamed for taking it seriously.

No e necessary.
Coley? Is that you?
nope, see >>20616144

The TRUE goal of dieting is reaching around 100 grams of protein (makes you feel full) intakr with the least amount of calories.
>"Whole grains" is the entire reason why we have obesity/diabetes today.
Most people are eating refined grains and sugar. There would be less of an issue if people ate whole grains and fruit instead.
See post above.

Even "whole grains" have DOOOOOGSHIT protein density.
>Pizza is my standard go to food
>protein deficiency is what makes you hungry. You need around 100 grams to feel "full"
Do you have severe mental retardation? Or is someone paying you to be this retarded?
Go drink 50 gallons of water right now! Surely you won't feel full in slightest, so you'll drink until you pop, because water has no protein.
>being satiated, feeling full = literally being full
I can EASILY eat a whole large 2000+ calorie cheese pizza all by myself and still feel hungry 5 minutes later.

After eating a large steak (~600-800 calories) I feel disgusted at the though of eating food for hours on end.

Why is that?
>Why is that?
You're delusional and placebo'ing yourself, obviously
What? You're afraid of drinking water?

why is What? an unsubstantiated claim you just made up on the spot, about a scenario that never happened, happens to align with your assertion? On the internet of all places? Imagine that!
You don't eat whole grains for protein. Not having protein doesn't mean they're bad.
I've done this several times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Every single time I ate a big steak I feel absolutely REPULSED at the thought of eating food so much that even the next day I feel discouraged from eating a large meal.

Something is VERY wrong with pizza if it makes you feel like you've been starving to death after just 5 minutes.
So just start lifting. A good lifting session can burn +400 calories. Or walk 2 miles, or bike.

Based secret ingredient is love enjoyer, YGMI
Unless you are fat fuck (in this case keto will be the most efficient for you) the secret trick is to eat about 40g of high-quality animal fat daily. It will make you feel full for the rest of day.

Another thing is you are not hungry when you are sleeping. So if you eat a lot for breakfast, skip lunch and eat only very little in evening it will be easier mentally than having rich dinner and then wasting the fulness by sleeping.
>pic unrelated
>just work out for an hour or two instead of eating 20% less pizza
cut carbs out until you can control yourself
don't eat the pizza base
just have a whole pizza topping 2 meals a day and you're fine
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hey fren, your honesty is a big asset, good job. don't eat ice cream. don't force yourself to do a huge calorie deficit, you can keep it smaller as long as you are certain you hit it every single day. make any lifestyle adjustments that will help (like if you eat more because you're busy, socializing, or bored, try to be less busy, socialize differently, and have things ready to occupy yourself with).
but most of all, if you're not feeling hungry every day, you're not losing weight. if you can't get used to, and even comfortable with the feeling of hunger, it's never going to work. once you start seeing real results you can even begin to enjoy hunger in that you'll know whenever you feel it that you're getting closer to where you've decided you want to be. if you really want this, you will do what it takes. best of luck to you, and don't forget that you're doing this through love for yourself, to no longer bring harm to you or your kin.
Don't eat pizza and ice cream retard. If you eat low enough calorie food you can have 3 meals a day and only hit 1600-1800. If you want a pizza you need to accept that it will be the only thing you eat that day. I have been eating to about 1700 every day this year, dropped 15kg so far. I eat a lot of hard boiled egg whites, they're filling and low calorie. Develop some discipline.
Start eating other stuff. I usually have a cracker with creame cheese for breakfast, a ham sandwich for lunch, and soup or some piece of meat or fish for dinner. And I snack throughout the day on fresh fruit
I literally eat all day, but it's relatively healthy food
Breakfast - egg and 2 pieces of toast
Snack - individual bag of chips
Lunch - Turkey sandwich
Snack - apple
Dinner - marinara pasta of some sort and garlic bread
Calorie intake = 1800
My BMI is 17
I forgot, I drink water with all my meals and usually don't drink other things
Is this bait?
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>greek yogurt and a 2 boiled eggs
>lunch chicken salad with a teaspoon of dressing
>replace whatever sugary drink you're having with water
>after work, do walk, and eventually you jog
>lift weight
>dinner (meat and veggies)
>Snack (get one of those 0 calories jello or pudding)


>That almost fills me up
This is your problem. You've conditioned yourself to over eat. You've conditioned yourself to never ever feel the slightest bit hungry by stuffing your face. You need to slowly fix this - lower your portions until 2200 kCal a day will satisfy you.

CICO, you also need to be doing exercise.
this sounds like an awful way to live
>just live life with nothing good to eat, no fun, ever, just work, train, eat healthy
OP if you're serious about this I swear to you that limiting yourself to only having pizza one night a week will make it ascend into the realm of the gods

You will enjoy it so much more and will actively look forward to it
>tfw 170 lbs 6'2
one meal a day, fatso. you're uncomfortably hungry most of the day but it makes that meal + drink at the end of the day so much more satisfying and you get to completely pig out with minimal consequences.
Do it incrementally. Lower your caloric intake by 500 each day towards your goal calories until your body gets used to the lower intake and adjusts accordingly. It's tough when you do a drastic change in diet suddenly.
Okay be a blimp then. You can still eat some slop occasionally anyway.
that's the kind of woman I need, a 5/10 somewhat overweight asian that will eat pizza with me
try bronkaid and caffeine
>nothing good to eat,
that's the problem, you think anything other than pizza and soda isn't "good to eat"
>I'm still hungry and not full.
Eat high protein foods like lean meat. If you filled your 2k calories with meat, you wouldn't feel hungry.

Other than that, drink water anytime you feel hungry.
Just crush san marzanos and put fresh mozzarella and basil on a medium rare Rideye anon.
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love pizza
abstain from all fat.
just eat as little fast as possible
use aspartame for sweetener.
learn how to use a pressure cooker and eat lots of natural fribrous starches.
Calories in, calories out isn't a meme. That's the sort of shit fatasses say.

Also, yes you shouldn't eat that much sugar.
How much protein does a pound of steak have vs a pound of beans?
>"Whole grains" is the entire reason why we have obesity/diabetes today.
1/10 got me to respond
1. believe it or not with the right foods you will not be as hungry as you are all the time now. Fiber powder and whole foods help a lot. You're probably eating the shit in your pic, big floppy pizzas. I could eat that entire thing if I wanted. Give me one chicken breast and veg and I will be beyond full. yogurt and fruit

counting calories at the beginning of a diet is literally the hardest part. that's the worst part. you're not USED TO IT, you get used to it. your stomach shrinks. you're probably cutting too much. you probably need to eat more and smaller meals. you're probably eating the wrong shit. you're probably eating at the wrong time.

relax. I know you are just "exaggerating" but it's making you exaggerate how hard this really is.

I don't know how fat you are, but you're gonna have to start thinking about what you eat. you don't get to eat pizza every day. it's a special occassion thing. you'll enjoy it more if you treat it that way.

>i'm still hungry
yeah you're gonna be hungry for a while

i know you're trying or at least are pretending you are, who knows, but you love food, it's not gonna be easy. BUT you will be surprised with some things that get easy

I was like you but maybe more in control about 2 years ago and now I have a problem where I don't eat ENOUGH food DESPITE working out 2 hours every day minimum with a rest day every week or two

don't be a diva. stop thinking with your stomach. and accept that you don't know everything.
>i never said i know everything
you're acting like it, because you think you've got this math all done in your head and it's just not adding up like oh man if 1000 calories is this and this is that and the other thing

there's shit you don't know that will make things easier for you

do not crash diet 1000 calories if you're 350 lbs eat 2000 and work out. 1000 is insane and for 600 lb people who could literally die tomorrow
Just eat big salads.
Briefly go on a keto diet. Cut all carbs from your life for roughly a month or two or at bare minimum massively lower how many carbs you intake. I say this as someone who was once 350lbs and am now 200 with growing muscle now.

the reason I suggest this is because the keto diet how it's supposed to work is to, to explain it lightly, get you onto the hunger cycle that eats the sugars and fat and not just your storage. what this will do for you is shrink your stomach after successfully doing it long enough. it happened to me. now I can't eat nearly as much as I used to. I have also changed up my diet considerably. such as I rarely ever have pizza anymore.

mind you that if you attempt this you should get some iron and magnesium supplement pills because your body will not get it's normal supply from typical keto meals. and remember that you will feel hungry not long after you eat. that's the point. it's a high fat no carb diet and carbs are what keep your stomach sustained and content.
You lack will power and drive op.
Obtain it, and you will find the way to weight loss.
You're not supposed to diet you fat diabetic retard. Just fast, if you get past the first few days you will stop being hungry especially with that pregnant belly full of fat.
>I decided I would start skipping breakfast as a way to cut my calories,
Fucking retard. You fucking stupid fat faggot. Look up weightloss advice before trying weightloss. Can you even be bothered to learn anything you worthless fat faggot?
Kill yourself you british faggot
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Well, being disgusted by other fat people and developing the will power to not turn into a fat acceptance person is a good start.
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Since this aired, "healthism" as now been added to the vocabulary.
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You can lose the weight op. Since you come to us for advice you now have the drive, which makes you better than all of these fatties combined.
Video of this?
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Pizza and icecream are sometimes food, they shouldn't be a staple of your diet. Eat unprocessed food. Eat plenty of vegetables. Eat plenty of lean protein. I don't mean shit like "protein bars" or "protein shakes" either. Just good honest food that you prepare yourself. If you don't it right you'll lose weight and not even be hungry. Might take a while to adjust but unprocessed foods are delicious.
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Last pic. Here's a random grocery shop.
Maybe don't eat fatty foods fellow retard if you're keen on loosing weight make chicken(without the skin) and tuna a staple of your diet. No that does not mean have pizza with tuna and chicken. You're pretty fucked if you eat an entire pizza in one sitting. That is supposed to last you an entire day so half a pizza per meal and what the fuck are you doing eating pizza. Idiot.

The only none retard thing you said was you count calories and can finally see how fucked you are eating pizza.
Stop eating so much you fucking whale
So I can only "diet" if I eat this kind of garbage rabbit-food? All of that shit looks terrible.
Don't need to diet if you do cardio and strength excercises. You won't do that either. Stay fat, fatty.
how the fuck do you look up weight loss advice without getting a bunch of retarded schizo nonsense or scams
The fear of death is a good motivator start with that. If you can count calories know that the lower your intake the faster you lose weight. It takes a looong time to lose obese weight unless you do something extreme. That's the water and vitamin diet you basicly starve yourself while drinking lots of water to keep your stomic full with the occasional small snack+vitamins to keep yourself alive. This is an exteme diet that will leave you shitting water and no i'm not joking. If you want something safer seek out a weight loss coach or a doctor who can prescribe you anti-hunger pills.
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>Pizza is my standard go to food
This has to be bait. If you're not trolling then no wonder you're a fat fuck. Do you really think people who are thin eat pizza every day?
>garbage rabbit food
>fish rice eggs and chicken with veg sides

You are revealing an awful lot about the kind of upbringing you had anon and it's not really reflecting on you well
You can only lost weight by not having fat greasy slop for most of your meals
Just eat fruits and veggies. You can eat all you can and lose weight.

Keep on eating fruit between meals and stop submerging everything in mayonaise.

Have a cheat day, eat whatever you want during that day, but DON'T turn it into a whole cheat week. Counting calories is for astronauts, you aren't living in a tube (yet)
If he wants to fucking die he can stop counting calories the retard had no clue what was making him fat until he did.
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Former fatty here, it’s just accounting, getting used to not eating, not eating carbs/sugar, and drinking water. It’s less enjoyable than being a slob but this is why people do drugs of all sorts because reality is bleak and not enjoyable
Accounting is exactly it.
I've dropped from 235lbs to 226lbs in 9 days.
By the end of summer I will be my target weight of 200lb. By the end of the year I will be 182lb.

This is a certainty because I will remain on a simple calorie deficit. In vs Out, every time.
The amount of people that fall for this bait is actually astounding. 4chan is unironically dumber than Reddit.
>4chan is unironically dumber than Reddit
>has decided it's impossible that some pizza-eating fat fuck uses this website
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Anon, these people exist
Did you drop absolutely everything? Even bread and pasta? Not OP but I'm getting a bit fat
If it tastes good spit it out.
it's almost like your body is a machine that runs on carbs and digests them quickly and efficiently
>>Did you drop absolutely everything? Even bread and pasta? Not OP but I'm getting a bit fat
Not that guy but I did. I started with cutting sugary drinks by switching to calorie free gamer energy drinks because I'm not kicking the caffeine addiction. So that reduced a lot of extra calories and carbs. I then said why not try the no carb. So I switched to only meats and leafy vegetables. I eat caesar salad every day with bacon and cheese and salad dressing. That has nearly zero carbs.
Then whatever meat that's cheap.

After about 10 days I had the keto flu which is your body feeling like you have a fever for a day and a half and then you know you are in ketosis. I'm not likely below 30 grams of carbs a day, likely way below that. Don't feel hungry unless it's been like 20+ hours from my last meal. I say this as a 125kg peak weight guy.
1. Don't get used to eating too much
2. Find something interesting to do so you forget to eat

Simple as
>bacon and cheese and salad dressing
Sounds like some pretty fat stuff to me
Yeah. Fats are not carbs.
>eats a whole fucking pizza until he feels full.
The fact you are feeling full means you ate too much, you are supposed to stay hungry when cutting.

Eat steak and salad, fish and broccoli, chicken and spinach.

And stop eating ice cream, that is downright poison.
>yes i trust the corporation's numbers, yes my body will exactly extract 100 calories from this soda because i am a robot

it is a meme. it was literally started by the coca cola company when they first started getting accused of making people fat with their sugary poison water.

The numbers on nutrition lables are estimates, and how your body metabolizes them are entirely based on your own diegestive system. Use them as a GUIDE, do not trust them explicitly.

>only fat asses say this

another faggot corporate cope. lick boots harder, shill.
I'm 6'1 and around 250lb (110kg) and lift 3-4 times a week consistently for over 4 years. 5 plate diddly for reps, 3 plate bench etc and I'm still, without a doubt a fat fuck
Forget about calories. They don't matter. Skipping meals is a bad idea too. If you're hungry; eat.

The problem is the food you're eating.

Carbs, sugar, probably seed oils, and other garbage. No wonder you're hungry all the time; your body is getting almost no nutrition!

What you need to do is start eating animal products and cut out the carbs and sugar and seed oils.

Eat any meat, fish, seafood, eggs, (avoid dairy cause carbs/sugar, except cheese occassionally), etc. you want, any time of the day, and cook with butter, tallow, or lard. Eat when hungry. Stop when comfortably stuffed and satiated. Make sure you're eating plenty of fat though, and stay hydrated with water. It's that simple. You'll no longer be hungry, you'll be much healthier, and you'll lose weight easily.
>avoid dairy
>cook with butter
>it is a meme. it was literally started by the coca cola company
Where the fuck did you get that from? Calories were developed by Wilbur Atwater in the 1890s in an attempt to make sure people were eating *enough*.
Right, technically, but I mean like milk or yogurt. Butter is mostly fat, with almost no sugar or carbs.
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>Do you really think people who are thin eat pizza every day?
Blimp shaped really, really do think that
I want to laugh at the pizza man, but I can't. I have the same problem with soda. I'm not fat of course. I even have muscle. But I'd probably be a lot better if I didn't like soda so much.

Well, soda and general sweet stuff.
>I see thin people
Coming this Summer, The Sixth Scoop
Actual exercise. What nobody tells you about dieting is its actually a short term solution for short term laziness, like if you stopped playing bball when summer ends and put on 30lbs. If you ended up a fat fuck once it will happen again unless you change.

If you workout with weights a few times a week a for a year eventually you’ll put on muscle which in turn increases your metabolism, but also that muscle passively burns calories by virtue of existing. Also at that point your body will start craving actually nutritious food for energy to sustain itself and then everything will sort itself out.
When I decided to change my eating habits I found it very helpful to do some rather intense fasting/dieting for about 2 weeks, just to reset my addiction to food.

I did 14 hour fast period (bed time till after lunch) and was almost zero carb with tons of fats and protein (cheeses and meats mostly) and like 5-9 oz of salad every day (would buy the pre washed spring mix from grocery and put feta cheese, sliced up tomatoes and cucumber, oil, acv, and a can of 'deenz, or sliced hard-boiled egg, that was a great meal)

After like 2 weeks i wasn't craving the other stuff any more, and I got off that strict diet, I added back whole wheat, white rice, and some other carbs like sugars from fruit, but was able to stay away from pizza/burgerking/chinese all in the same day like I was doing before... the sugar in all that food is addicting and getting off it is like coming off any drug, it sucks for a few days but then once you're done withdrawing from it you feel way better
diet soda and your only problem will be shitty teeth
Try eating less and incorporating less calorically dense foods alongside it. You can still eat the same shit. When you feel like treating yourself to junk food, I recommend buying smaller bags of things like chips and sweets (eg single wrapped chocolates) as opposed to family/full size stuff. Or go out to eat occasionally for things like pizza and order a single slice as opposed to keeping entire frozen pizzas on hand. The portion size, lack of accessibility at home, and added price will discourage you from eating excessively. When you go grocery shopping, prioritize things that are high in fiber and/or protein. They'll help you stay full longer.
If you're really desperate and your mental relationship with food/hunger/etc is completely fucked, GLP-1s can be a viable option. They change how your body reacts to junk food, so your insulin won't spike as much and you'll crave it less.
>And I'm still hungry and not full.
Junk food is not very filling. Besides the tobacco industry owns a fuckton of junk food companies and intentionally engineers them to be hyperpalatable so people will eat more of it.
This is really good and compassionate advice. Counting calories is an excellent start OP and I'm glad that you're paying attention to how much you're eating. I've managed to keep 60lbs off over the years and while it can be difficult calorie counting is a blessing. I also adopted two overweight cats recently and calorie counting has really helped them lose weight. It's pretty clear from their behavior that some foods are more filling than others.
Start chewing gum in between meals
>I ate a whole pizza for lunch
>then I had a whole burrito and finished it off with ice cream
>i don't understand

Literally stop eating. go on a fast you fat fuck.
I'm 250 and eat one meal a day... I cut out snacking years ago. Like 2021. But I never lost weight.

OP what you have is a bunch of undeveloped muscle. Just pick up something heavy when you feel hungry
>just damage the small amount of muscle tissue you have whenever your body signals to you that it doesn't have enough nutrients.
Good way to get hungrier and build no muscle.
One tendon by itself is stronger than you can imagine. Think of eating a nice wagyu tomahawk steak. There are always one solitary sliver of meat that just wont come off the bone. Thats the power of exercise. So strong even beimg roasted or grilled in 425 F heat doesn't destroy it. We are all going to make it
Jesus christ dude, there's numerous things you could cook that taste good.
>egg fried rice with veg, frozen or fresh doesn't really matter, throw some chicken in there
You don't even need to be "glorious nippon/china numba 1 technique to be amazing riceu" mindset where you keep leftover rice to make the shit perfect. You can just fry it right from properly steamed/cooked rice.
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>mfw dropped to 97kg/215lbs at 194cm/6'4" just by changing my diet
I eat whatever I want besides restaurant food. Baked potato and beef for supper, was great, ate a fuckload, feel fine. Getting leaner now that I'm working out more often.
>oh i want some chicky nuggies
Chop up some chicken thighs, season them, brown them, chicky nuggies for days. Eat as much as I want. I brown them in some avocado oil and go to town.
>oh I want some sweets
I drink some chocolate milk. Fuck it, I do what I want. Might even eat a homemade popsicle made with whatever fruit juice I have on hand. Fuck it. I'll juice an apple and an orange and make popsicles for tomorrow. You can't stop me.
>oh I want some potato chips
>why not make potato chips
Potato chips are a pain to make.
OP here. Today I started eating miso soup with celery. I am currently shitting myself. It is tasty and filling though so I think this is gonna help fill me up.
She looks cute, I’d watch her shit out what’s left of that pizza later that evening
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300 lbs, 6 feet four inches tall. I eat one meal a day (breakfast). I've been doing this for 3 years and im always starving.
You can take away all the green stuff on those plates and still have a good balanced diet.
>>oh I want some potato chips
have you ever baked shredded cheddar cheese? shit's amazing. like a super cheesy cracker. better than cheez-its
>I want to lose weight
>Hmm, what should my diet consist of?
>Pizza, burritos, and ice cream sounds about right
Kill yourself.
Go carnivore
>1 Pizza = 1000 calories.
A single pizza is like 3000 calories, retard
Good start by never drinking calories. Never ingest added sugars, pizza sauce has added sugars. Never eat anything with an ingredient list.

>calories in calories out
Is why you’re always hungry.

This. 2 pounds of beef a day is only like 1700 calories and you’ll be full after each meal.
Eat a sallad dumbass, there's only 140 calories in 1kg of lettuce, you could literally eat 10 heads of lettuce and still be at a calorie deficit, ofc You are going to be hungry if all you stuff your gullet with is some of the calorie densest food on the planet
You are being dishonest with what is actually being eaten or drunk.
>maybe if I just eat 3 pizzas per day I can make it.
every fat person is allergic to cardio. Just bike for a ehile for some base conditioning and then get into running when you're at a healthier BMI.
>muh cardio kills le gainz
You're fat and gay and retarded, what the fuck do you know faggot?
prioritize maximizing protein, water, and fiber in your diet - it will make fewer calories much more satiating. avoid excessive carbohydrates, eat carbs like rice or banana after a workout. use healthy fats like fish and avocado. try spacing your meals out farther so you can have larger meals, by only eating once or twice a day
Not going to waste my time telling you why pizza and ice cream are packed with calories that ultimately leave you hungry and fat. Eat less, lardass. Actually, don't even eat. Just don't eat food for like, a month, and only drink water. You might lose a whole 10 pounds.
>I'm 250
that's old
Not with cheddar, but with pic related. I put oregano and a little garlic powder on when they're almost done.

Eat actual food and not slop.

Trying eating 2,000 calories of fruit, vegetables and meat alone. Waaaay harder. The problem with bread is it isn't immediately satiating and it lacks micronutrient density (added micronutrients are notoriously hard to absorb.) So not only do you still feel hungry when you just put 1,000 calories down your gullet but you're also malnourished due to lack of nutritional material.

Honestly, long as you have electrolytes with it, not bad advice. You'll lose muscle mass but as long as you eat protein when you're coming off of the fast you'll get it back pretty quickly.
eat less (in general), eat more protein, drink more water
You're not hungry you're bored or depressed. Even fat people will no longer feel "hungry" after eating 2 slices of pizza. Meals are not about making you feel uncomfortably stuffed. If you don't feel hunger pains, you don't need food.
Tasty food is nice, but the feeling of being strong, fit, healthy and not sickly and aching 24/7 is way better. Tasty foods should be a rare treat rather than a daily thing.
Fried rice is upwards of 300 calories a cup. Thats like 2 bites. You'd still be hungry.
This is like 1000 calories and you would be hungry in like an hour.
Exercising is a terrible way to lose or maintain weight, and its just useful for overall health. You have to exercise for like 2-3 hours to lose the calories from a tiny meal and very few people have that much free time for exercise let alone more. It only works for professional athletes because its literally their job.
The rabbit food you offer in comparison tastes terrible. Why else do those sell so well? Browned flavorless seared chicken tastes nothing like nuggies or tendies which are packed with flavor.
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>waaaah muh rabbit food
>me want nuggies tendies
>dont wanna stop drinking coca cola no me want SWEET NOW
I guarantee you that a tuna sandwich, a good one that you can make at home is just as filling. You can do so much with an egg. You can even just make toast, shit nigga just pick up a book.
There are like 90 thousand different meals you could eat that are better than eating 1 pizza or a burrito and ice cream.
If money is not an issue for you then you have literally no excuse.
This nigga needs HFCS in his tendies lmao cant handle cayenne pepper lulz probably a fat abbo
So the thing is CICO does work, but eating like this is going to be kinda painful because you don't have a lot of water, fiber and electrolytes to help you feel sated and full
You're going to have a much easier time if you cook or prepare your own meals or at least introduce more vegetables, whole grains and fruits into your diet; for example, you could replace your pizza with a sandwich - use Ezekiel bread or any whole grain bread, lean beef or turkey, mayonnaise, some pickles or smoked chili and you've got a really easy snack that tastes pretty good for the calorie count
You could replace the ice cream with a low sugar or zero added sugar slow churn alternative - or just eat a big old pile of fruit instead, like mandarin oranges or a bunch of berries with zero sugar panna cotta
Diets come and go, so you should try to change your eating habits for the long haul, acquiring cooking and food budgeting skills where needed - these changes will help you stay fit and sated for the rest of your life
Also consider going on a slight caloric deficit; you will lose weight at a perfectly acceptable rate merely by dropping 500kcal from your maintenance value
>eat pizza filled with added processed sugar and seed oils
>eat burrito filled with added processed sugar and seed oils
>eat ice cream filled with added processed sugar
>still hungry
you'll likely lose quite a bit of weight just by restricting yourself to 2200kcal/day, yes even eating ice cream every day, but you won't enjoy it. Change what you eat to food that's more satiating, more nutritious, and less addicting. An easy test for 'addicting' is: can you easily restrict your intake of it? Can you eat just a piece and put the rest away? Or do you always find yourself eating the rest anyway? What you can't prevent yourself from binging on, don't eat at all.
An easy heuristic for 'more addicting' is lots of added sugar.
An easy heuristic for 'more satiating' is 'more protein'. More, as in a higher *ratio* of protein vs. carbs and fat.
There's no easy heuristic for 'more nutritious', but if you've eaten a reasonable amount of calories and are still craving food for some reason, a deficiency is one cause of that. Vary your diet.
You don't have to care about seed oils but avoiding them is a very easy way to cut the worst foods out of your diet, because seed oils have nothing at all going for them except for cheapness - making them extremely popular with all the peddlers in food-like poison.
>water with flavorings
save your teeth and switch to water.
To help your diet you'll need some cute slave girls feeding you tendies, onion rings, fries and some pizzas then you too can become jabba the hut.
The force is not strong with this one >>20625946, it yammers too much and says nothing.
I started my diet at 250lbs (down to 225 so far).
500 calories for each meal is enough.
Even if you have to have a snack later, as long as you keep it low you're fine. A piece of thin sliced ham is only like 60 calories.
You think you need more than that but if you just eat 500 calories and stop you'll find the hunger goes.

also pizza is one of the worst foods you can eat. it's just bread, so you don't get a lot of food for the calories.
>I literally eat all day, but it's relatively healthy food
>Breakfast - egg and 2 pieces of toast
>Snack - individual bag of chips
>Lunch - Turkey sandwich
>Snack - apple
>Dinner - marinara pasta of some sort and garlic bread
>Calorie intake = 1800
>My BMI is 17

>has marinara pasta a sandwich and snacks and still only 1800 calories

You must eat the portions of a small woman

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