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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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more like posto mommie, stewie
I ate rice and pork at a soup kitchen
I can't wait to kill myself
my mom grew this basil and brought it from LA
there she is, my beautiful stewart mom
Your parents have three houses?
my gut is saying this is the wrong pasta shape, I think I will use spaghetti instead
idk lol, cheese is added tho, also two whites tonight
Fuck off Stewart. Why do you like flexing your parents wealth to an audience of poor working class alcoholics?
oh god damn it stewarts back? at least post more pics of your mom, faggot
Pesto is the most overrated thing out there
But continue, no one does cooking threads anymore
post her nudes to get back at her
she's making cannoli to make up for it
how am i supposed to jerk off to that
Don’t call your mom a bitch.
I hope you didn't drink pinot noir with pesto?
no that was leftover from yesterday, my brother made saltimbocca for dinner
based stuart cooking with the senpai
>yet another episode of the neet nigbull owner squatting in his parents house
It's uncanny how all your food looks like shit and you are proud of it, also proud of your garbage life.
I wonder if your parents will ever express their disappointment at your inability to have a life of your own, you're supposed to take care of your parents as they age, not the other way around.
>working class alcoholics?
Speak for yourself loser
oh noooo :( did a taco bell thread die?
>malding this hard
>identifying abject failure to thrive and grow as a human being is malding
What fine pilpul.
>parents house
This is only one of them. They have another in LA and another in Italy.
>eating pasta on a monday summer dinner with your family = abject failure to thrive and grow
Your family owns your house and you are allowed to live there, what does failure mean to you?
Success doesn't mean living at your parents house while they foot the bill for your lifestyle.
Most cultures call that a failure of a child and normal people would be embarrassed to be in that situation, not broadcasting it to strangers online thinking your better than anyone else.
are you an orphan?
i'm taking classes, have a job, and have sexo. don't hate me because I my rent situation is easy
The dog is also part of his failure to grow and thrive as an adult because it’s actually an emotional support animal he has for anxiety. It’s probably his parents fault he’s all retarded because they treated him with indifference as a child and mistakenly believed providing a life of luxury and creature comforts is a replacement for actually being present and building a strong emotional bond with their child.
based, dont let the trogdors get you down stewie
I own two houses and employ 40 people, this allows me to take care of my parents as they age, not them taking care of me as they age.
You are a failure by any metric.
fuck you i bet you live in a thatched roof cottage
He's probably poor lol. Stewart is top 10% and mogs most people.
All rich people are like this though. The rich get richer.
Yet you're still seething. You're clearly not on his level. Are your houses in prime locations or just a house? Not all hours are 1 mill +
Like your threads. Not your dog. I thought u were brown when u did a cinco de Mayo thread.
Welcome to another addition of a lonely faggot makes a cook along thread because they don;t have anyone to cook for so they compensate by making shitty threads like this larping as an actual cook even though they have no idea what they are doing. I've seen this episode.
I hate when non Italians try to make cannolis. They end up looking like this.
>flexing ur wealth on /ck/

honestly embarrassing and should be bannable
It's just a cook a long.
whatever man you know what you're doing
Not him, but you didn't see a shitty stove and countertop etc & you or the other guy got triggered.
no i actually read the post where he brags about his parents owning multiple houses and whatever, it's just gross to brag about it on 4chan

whenever i see people on the news that get killed i feel bad but then i'm reminded of people and their families like op and it makes me glad it happens
I want to make those now. But I don't want to buy the wine or the tube to roll the dough. And I don't want to fry the dough.
Are you poor or something lol you reek of resentment and bitterness Do you seethe when you drive by nice areas too? You should be happy for Stuart. He is living a good life. Tf wrong with u
no because people in "nice areas" are just living their lives and this is the first time i've seen a thread like this here
I remember my 10 year old classmates about being rich. You want the 10 year to die too? My god, are u even middle class? You people are trash. No wonder the wealthy view you as garbage. Listen to yourself.
> remember my 10 year old classmates about being rich. You want the 10 year to die too?
What are you even talking about dude?
Not really lol. During Xmas, fancier foods come out or people visit their richer friends or families, we get posts with nicer kitchens and foods. Most people are just poor so a rich person, an actual rich one, stands out. Imagine seething. I'm happy for Stuart.
so are you poor or rich why are you dickriding him so bad
>whenever i see people on the news that get killed i feel bad but then i'm reminded of people and their families like op and it makes me glad it happens
There are 10 year old kids that act like this. You're mad cause you have nothing to show off or sth?
I just know your kind. You're only seething cause he is rich. You wouldn't care if he was poor and he lived in a shit hole.
What if your parents owned multiple houses and whatever? Would you care then? Would that make you no seethe?
so is this samefagging or
You don't get 3+ houses in multiple countries from "hard work" lmao
There are entire neighborhoods that are rich. How did all the people in those areas do it?
what a terrible conclusion to reach from my post
? Stuart lives in a neighborhood. In that neighborhood, there are others like him. What do you not get?
okay i understand why you're simping for him now
What? I don't understand what youre saying.
I hate reading threads where one guy keeps saying something and another keeps asking "what I don't get it" and it keeps going. Lol and now I'm in one.
you are fucking retarded and you are lower class
Yes I am. But I actually want to know what you or the other anon is saying.
cool thanks for admitting it but it was obvious already, it's why I said >>20617771

you are proud of your own servitude, fucking repulsive
Shit like this is why the Poors are a plague and should be avoided. Even when you want to talk to them and discuss further, they just lash out and start insulting. Kind of like when fox news invited the leader of /antiwork on and it was some chud tranny with his messy room in the background lmao
>dude im innocent haha btw idk how many houses my parents even own LOL they have so many i forgot

What? Youre replying to some one else. Who is servitude?
only someone with english like this would defend op
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I had quiche, beans, and potatoes for supper
bf had the same, but tourtière instead of quiche
(I'm veg, he's not, it just werks)
we're busy arguing, fuck off you zesty retard
? If you weren't seething at op, u would be seething at another rich person for something else. Don't tell me you also seethe at those Christmas threads lol
>we're busy arguing
be busy doing something better, retard
>durr??? whuhh???
Go change your tampon.
imagine being a w*man
baka ngmi
like what
>those hands
>those nails
>those legs
that's a man baby
You people have issues. Even when fox news invites you on to speak, you show up with nothing to say. I literally have no idea what you're trying to say besides "I'm jealous"
bro what are you even saying lmao
Dude lol. I just want that fucking anon to explain himself instead ending each post as if I'm supposed to know what he is trying to say.
it's very obvious what's being said, you aren't a native english speaker, shut the fuck up
I'm saying I'm asking him to explain himself and he won't and can't. Just like when Fox News, invited the leader of the antiwork movement for a live interview and the guy and went on and didn't saying anything even though it was his chance to say something.
what is this "argument" even about?
anon cooked food,yeah in a faggy way but still, what's the issue?
He is implying shit not saying shit. Oooo 3 houses. Ok? There are people worth over 20 million.
Poor people seething.
They are more comfortable seeing ugliness and low quality food.
why do you keep bringing up fox news and reddit lmfao actually unhinged
he has money and we are poorfag NEET incels and third worlders. So we react with resentment.
Cause that anon is acting like Redditor lol. Fox news and that interview proved many things. You give those Poors a chance to voice their opinions on live tv, and they actually dont have anything to say.
>capitalizing redditor and poors
I wish I had a nice kitchen
I don't think poorfag neet incels would react with resentment. Or third worlders. Neets are comfy. It's the guy slaving away.
I live in a van and I'm not seething at the op; brazilanon needs to calm down
>im at the bottom of the barrel and have accepted my place as a serf that means no one should ever do anything

>aaahhh nnnooo you're at the bottom of the barrel you're supposed to hate those at the top not recognize and strive for the same level of beauty aaahhh nnnooo
who's poorer and madder at not-poors than a brazillian, honestly
incredible man
I slave away, but I make decent money and care about good food too, so I doubt it.
Every time I make a thread about ingredients that cost more than $10 or a meal that costs more than $20, the poorfags start seething, to them everything that isn't trash must be a meme etc.
You think the guy seething is Brazilian? Why would they seethe? Lol. They all know westerners live better than them and it's not sth to seethe about.
work on your english
ranjeet pleez do the needful and werk on yuor'e esl
You or the other guy was bitching about owning multiple properties and how rich people are bad.
they are
NTA but I think it’s more that OP is flaunting his parents wealth as if he earned it that is ticking people off. And he’s a weird gay boy with a shitbull support animal so he’s very easy to dislike.
no i live in a double wide jacked up on stilts along the gulf of mexico
how terminally online do you have to be to recognize (or care about) someone who posts their kitchen more than once?
man's just another anon; if anything, ignoring his previous posts is insulting to a """person""" like him
>taking a picture of a kitchen
>"flaunting weath"
i'm sorry you live in a godforsaken hovel if that's the case, OP's image is upper middle class at most
>ignoring his previous posts is insulting to a """person""" like him
What? There like 3 different groups of people itt with their own inside jokes or whatever.
Its all in this same thread, you dumb ass kissing faggot
his kitchen is as wealthy as...two dudes making minimum wage in the midwest
>OP's image is upper middle class at most
Oh no, not this he is only a top 5% cope.
am I a dumb, ass-kissing faggot
or am a dumb-ass kissing faggot
do I kiss dumb asses, or am I just dumb - kissing asses?
Not really there is a certain refinement to it that is there. It's the appliances and everything. It's not just the kitchen. Some mid west person can be rich sure but there is a bit of refinement here. I'm sure mid west kitchen would have different materials too. Similar look but different materials.
read: taking 6 sheets of wet paper towel to a surface once a week
Kitchen looks clean
>as...two dudes making minimum wage in the midwest
Two dudes making minimum wage cannot even afford that counter. No matter where u live.
>No matter where u live
the midwest
rural alaska
>upper middle class

this is what rich people say to avoid the stigma of being rich lol
>the stigma of being rich
>of being rich
literally who cares what liberals think
laughing my lmao off
Go look prices of counters with nice materials, 3 people with minimum wage cannot buy it.
How do I make 100k a year? Insurance or trades?

I don’t want to be poor any more.
100k after taxes isn't rich lol
>look prices of counters with nice materials
I really don't care how much our landlord spent on the counters - rent is $1,600/mo since there's 20K ppl in this town and he just wants to rent his basement
It's still top 10% though
no it isn't
It's quality. Wtf are you even taking about? No landlord would have nice materials in his rental property in a shitty area? Rich people have nice kitchens. Poor people have kitchens that can look like if but when you look at materials, it's different. And that home and basement isn't high quality. What are you even trying to say
Around there probably. Most people aren't making that much. Especially with the workload too.
it's literally poverty in coastal states and middle class in non coast states
>really don't care how much our landlord spent on the counters - rent is $1,600/mo
The landlord wouldn't bother putting high quality materials in a 20k town then. Your comment is retarded.
I think like even 150 000 is not enough.
>$100k after taxes isn’t rich
In middle America outside big cities it is
And in those areas, this pay isn't even available lol.
Cool thread. Kek'd at Mom fucking it up. Who'd you want to win the hockey?

Amazing job making so many men cry and get upset by simply existing and posting.
>kosher salt

Jew spotted
the redpill and Pepe the frog :D

Max Verstappen is rich

Kanye West is rich

Larry Fink is rich

OP's parrents are middle class

know the difference
Kanye West is wealthy, not rich
Wow this thread is still going on.
Imagine being the equivalent of a welfare sponge to your parents and being proud about it.
Mods, nuke this thread pls
Damn, the economy must be really bad to cause all this genuine seething at a trust fund kid for being born to wealthy parents instead of just making fun of him for being a gay autistic with a dumb little dog.
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>/ck/ this assblasted over a comfy family thread
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>still malding
>faggot is so poor he thinks upper middle class is rich
i can picture you now - you're like every broke wook i've ever came across at festivals. there is no stigma behind having money
even millionaires (single digit) aren't really all that "rich". flying first class isn't that "rich".
the top 1% of the top 1% are actual rich, and these people don't interact with the likes of us because they live in a completely different, closed society. that's real money
and here you are seething at a family who obviously likes cooking so they have a nice gas stove. i'd feed stuart's dog before i fed your ratty ass
>Who'd you want to win the hockey?
this is a golden knights town so I didn't care to see florida win and was pretty indifferent, maybe mcdavid comes to vegas next? but thanks for asking :)
Upper middle class people don’t own three homes including ones in LA and Italy. The millionaires I know don’t own three homes. Stewart’s family is loaded. I’m not mad though, just pointing out that his family is too wealthy to be upper middle class.
They do actually
Shut the fuck up, you liar.
>According to the Social Security Administration's 2022 wage data, the average upper-middle-class income was roughly between $80,000 and $100,000.
thats not "flexing wealth" thats normal shit that people with jobs have. fucking poorfag neet
this thread made me realize what i want to do with my life so thanks guys
glad you got something from it
it's actually something i can't even repeat lol

Cunningly absorb your parents retirement money and post online about how you are morally superior to others and totally not human garbage riddled with anxiety and mental health issues?
Who is the brown twink next to you? Post more of him.
that's my brother, we have been getting tan
Does he have a job or is he like you?
I'm employed but he just finished undergrad in montreal, I made a thread about it a couple weeks ago
Kanye, Larry Fink, those people are top 0.01%
op is top 1%.
Don't try to drag rich people don't by saying "ooooooo they aren't billionaires."
There is a huge gap between the top 20 and bottom 70.
Is it true that your dog is a service dog for anxiety is that just something anons made up to make fun of you? I ask because making threads like this where you post all kinds of personal information is the last thing a person with clinical anxiety would do.
>the top 1% of the top 1% are actual rich,
Oh nooo the the 1% aren't richhh only the top 1 of the top 1 are. Lol. Only 1% of people in the world even have a million dollars. Most people are poor. That is why there is so much seethe.
Kek nice cope. 1% of people in the world, out of 7 billion people, even have a milly.
So anything above $100,000 is upper class? Makes sense I guess. Even a billionaire said 95% of Americans are "fake rich." Op is top 5% and people are jelly seething. Lol.
wdym? i wasn't talking about making money
thirdies don't count
Social media and even this thread has made people think "millionaires are the norm." It isn't lol. 1% of people in the world are millionaires. There is a huge gap between the top 20 and bottom 70. You don't need to Larry Fink or Kanye rich. Top 1% is clearly more than enough to make 90% of people seethe as shown itt
>tats and drugs
your parents must be so proud
Then what. You don't want to be rich like op?
i told you i can't say
he's a psychiatric service dog but he's not for anxiety, although he definitely helps with that too since he's so charismatic. without oversharing: his training and service work is not for me and I don't need (or use) a service animal to function. over 90% of the shit written about me on this board is other people making shit up or others larping as me online.
What is so lmao. Lol. 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Huge gap between top 20% and 70% and the gap keeps growing.
he probably wants to kill me and wear my skin as a suit
this is probably the most off topic thread i have ever seen on this board in years of using it

meanwhile if you make a thread about cooking oils it gets deleted, crazy
This thread reeks of Reddit where an op posts nice things and the Redditors say "please be considerate, not all of all are wealthy." There is even Reddit space kek ---->>>>20618125
they're also dickriding him
as a top one percenter do you ever buy nicaraguan babies for your dog to munch on?
no but I had a delicious anaerobic nicaraguan coffee the other day
>fun actual /ck/ Big Texan threads not allowed
>this faggot OP has two attention whore threads up right now to talk about himself
The board is dead
you're free to leave bucko
You’re free to seek attention and talk about yourself elsewhere.
i'm not the one seething thoughever
Kys poorfag
This is the rich people thread.
Less talk, more brown Latinx twink posting please.
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This. Literal shit fit thread of seething off topic garbage and we’re not even allowed to have a thread where we watch people eat steak. What an embarrassing mod
imagine have a great life and needing to come and humble brag about it on /ck/
Meh it's w.e. You're just jelly
Who is bragging here? You see a nice kitchen and you're wetting yourself.
These blog threads are a cope because everyone ignores you IRL and you’re too much of a meek little bitch to tell your parents you’re desperate for their love and attention. Saying “you’re just jealous” is the richfag equivalent of a black person defaulting to “but muh dick be big”.
>desperate for their love and attention.
No one is like this. Poor or rich lol.
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dry brining these two picanha
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tomato salad and epi baguette will be sides
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went to this new wine place and this white wine rec was way way too sweet, hopefully the côte du rhône will be better
Who pays for all the expensive food you cook?
This is CK.
My brother bought the steaks and bread, I got tomatoes and wine.
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green egg going
côteS du rhône, it's on the bottle stewie
Are those the kind of plants where if you touch them they close up because they are sensitive ( ◡‿◡ *)
How do you guys afford such premium ingredients as college students? All the stuff you cook with is always very high quality. You guys eat like kings, what’s your secret?
spending time and effort looking for the best stores and asking the staff what the best deals are, bringing the dog out makes just about everyone really friendly too
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mexican birds of paradise, probably my favorite plant in the entire backyard, you can touch but you have to prune them every year or else they won't grow flowers
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grilling picanha
I’m a grad student and there is no way I can afford the quality of ingredients you do even shopping carefully. Heirloom tomatoes, fresh bakery bread, and picanha are not cheap. I’m guessing the wine was at least $20 a bottle.
sucks to be you
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just finished dinner, let me dump pics now
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the wine is nothing special, but it's alright. my made a salsa verde too >picrel
i'd say this meal cost like $60-$70 to feed 5 people.
really enjoyed the flavor of this cut
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Good on you non-pitbull-Anon for your blessed OC
I’m doing fine, thanks. I just don’t understand how OP and his brother afford this food as students especially with the rampant inflation of the past few years.
hunt for deals, I live in the most expensive food city in america. the picanha was $15/lbs, the tomato salad was like $8 (total was $16 but we didn't even use half the tomatoes for this salad), the wine was $35 for two bottles, epi baguette was less than $5. the salsa verde was probably just herbs from the garden, garlic, evoo, anchovies, lemon/vinegar...
>I’m doing fine, thanks.
how are you doing fine if you cant afford those items?
u sound jelly.
> I just don’t understand how OP and his brother afford this food as students especially with the rampant inflation of the past few years.
What is there to not understand? They aint poor.
this post reeks of reddit lol
rich people are recession-proof
we aren't in a recession
i thought by definition we are.
by definition we aren't
We were, two negative quarters this year or last year. And there have been mass lay offs every week for the last two years lol. We are going to enter and exit a recession without ever officially being in one lol.
The White House, the media, and expert economists all say the economy is better than ever by a wide margin. The only people complaining are Magatards who want to make Biden look bad to distract from a 34 times convicted felon presidential candidate.
recession or not, 60-70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck
In Canada, some say very high immigration is covering up a recession. Could be the same for USA.
How have OP and his brother avoided that cruel fate especially as students?
by not being poor.
Why do you keep asking that so sneakily? lol
You already know. You are just jealous. You are like that dude on Reddit who made a thread like "I am wondering how my co-worker was able to afford a 4 million USD home when we don't make more than 150 000 USD, I am concerned for him" when in reality, you are not concerned or wondering, you are just jealous.
Wait till you find out many students go to college for free while the poors actually pay for it themselves.
>60-70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck
OP aint poor, and this is why people seethe.
70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. I remember going to Whole Foods, and I wanted 8 chicken breasts and the guy was like "are you sure..?" and I was like "yeah." Then it would like 87 bucks on the scale, so I said "oops no thanks." I wonder if I looked poor. lmfao. but yeah, the staff person was actually concerned. He probably thought it was kind of a rip off? Idk.
>d providing a life of luxury and creature comforts is a replacement for actually being present and building a strong emotional bond with their child.
This is exactly the type of shit poor people say. "At least us poors have family." kek
Who gives a fuck about biden or trump. They are both grifters. The reality is inflation is pretty high and has been for the last 2 years. Most people will never be able to buy a home and can't ever get a mortgage and in a nice place. I think you need like 150% income to be able to afford a mortgage in a nice area. Jobs are shit, no one has work ethnic anymore. I know I don't, why should I? It is degrading to work with third worlders and post- wall females. Inflation won't drop, why would it? The population keeps increasing non stop week after week, literally.
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>all the seething poor people replies
bravo, OP. good thread!
Since you seem to know, can you explain how OP and his brother afford their lifestyle as college students? I want to know how to eat like OP everyday as a grad student.
>resources and construction
i weld for 2 hours and get paid for 8. yummy rail union
I like taco bell threads tho. there's enough slop on the menu you can have a decent thead about it all and combos to get.
Aren't "farmers" just third world labor now?
>I want to know how to eat like OP everyday as a grad student.
Do you have no money in your account?
I will always point out someone added landlords to working class when landlords are leech class. whoever made this fake edit needs to be flogged 100000 times
holy based
>provides you a place to live and takes care of annoying shit like fixing the laundry machine and paying property taxes
that doesn't sound like a leech to me, anon.
Because they leach off their parents
>takes care of annoying shit like fixing the laundry machine
welcome to 4chan retard
Landlords like OPs landlord are getting rich off the work and sweat of OP while doing nothing except being lucky enough to be boomers who bought cheap houses 50 years ago. Now they can bleed people like OP dry for rent while doing absolutely nothing.
What landlord?
He has literally said he lives in one of his parents houses before.
His aging boomer parents make his lifestyle possible, without them he is just like you, a loser.
Why are you so salty about not having rich parents? I bet you hate lotto winners and casino luck. Hes lucky. Lucky is cool. Even if it never happens to you, cool that it could.
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>leeching off your parents is cool
crab mentality
garage but buddies
not realy
i'm thinking a part 3 later today will get this thread to the bump limit (300? right?)
Based stewie
what should I make? I need to go grocery shopping today
Get some cucumbers so you and your gay boyfriend can go ass to ass
Paella andaluza
my brother has a gf and he went back to montreal this morning, that's why I made steak for dinner last night
maybe, it's hard to find good seafood here. I usually call my fish monger here and put in an order in advance
Ass to ass with your gay brother using the cucumber
>it's hard to find good seafood here
For meat duck magret with sweet potatos and cocoa
>he thinks you can't be successful with tats and weed

ok boomer incel, give your boss a firm handshake next time I'm sure that promotions coming right up any day now!
sounds like something I had in barcelona years ago, you have a recipe for a cocoa sauce?
Brown the shallots and the garlic clove in the fat of the duck breast for 2 minutes. Add the wine, chicken stock and cocoa. Season with salt and pepper and simmer until smooth
that is truly crazy you are still in this thread riding him
>that is truly crazy you are still in this thread seething at him
i got @'d
A Maine lobster boil. Lobster, potatoes, corn. And you can fancy it up with good bread, wine, and a nice big summery salad. Or do a mixed seafood grill.
Think about it. Your parents provided you with multiple nice houses, and they provided their parents with nice houses to retire in their old age, and what have you given? You've given them nothing. Your grandparents were poor and your parents built a life for everyone. If you were in their position you couldn't do it. You can't do anything yourself. You're just coasting on daddy and mommy's success. It's pathetic.
I just popped in and I'm nta but this..
Do you have zero self introspection? You guys are seething in two of his threads, kek.

How do you not know he provides his parents with fulfillment and joy? Are you one of those people who will break their back and work their tits off, then leave all their money to save the whales or lgbtq or boob cancer charities and be sad and angry that their children suck ass and didn't bootstrap themselves into wealth, like you did?

If I had kids, I'd be happy to see them not struggle like I did. I'd provide for them and as many gens as I could. If not, what was the point of killing yourself or reproducing? I'd even buy them as many gay pitbulls as they wanted and have Ceasar Milan kick em a few times, so they're good bois. He can kick the dogs and my kids. Train em both.
How do you know that he doesn't** fucked that up.
What does Caesar Millan have to do with it
As a parent your children will always provide fulfillment and joy, but relying on one's parents for an entire lifetime instead of doing things on your own would objectively be disappointing to any parent.
he literally cooked for them and posted pictures of it itt
He trains dogs and the pitbulls everyone here likes to be super duper vocal about it. I thought you'd like that he kicks them into polite members of society.

True, I guess. Id just want my kid to be happy, tho. If they wanna be an artist or a SoundCloud rapper and live in a house I provided, who cares. As long as they're nice people and don't do any harm to anyone, I'm happy.

I don't follow this guy that much, but he seems kinda young and I thought I read he's in school? Whats the problem if so? He's not 45 living on his Moms yacht and screeching at Dad for turning off his black card, is he?

Why don't people get this upset at the eat so good anime guy? Doesn't he live with his dad? Is it because he posts anime and doesn't have a fancy kitchen? Genuinely curious.
>in a house they own
>with the things they own
So he went to his parents house to make them dinner, I'm sure that makes up for failure to thrive.
>Genuinely curious
He doesn't pretend he earned it nor does he try to make it seem like he is superior person to others.
Imagine living in your parents house as an adult, proudly post about it online, while telling others that you are a better person than they are.
It's just sad when you step back and actually think about the implications of it all.
It's like a nigger saying that living entirely off welfare is honorable and good.
Ah. Okay. I've never seen him say he's superior or be crazy prideful to be a leech. I just see people yelling about his mom, nice house, and dog and him posting little cook alongs like everyone else.

Das pretty lame and I can understand the obsessive hate then. I mean, I'd move on, but w.e floats your boat. At least it makes it valid. Thanks for explaining.
>Imagine living in your parents house as an adult, proudly post about it online, while telling others that you are a better person than they are.
>while telling others that you are a better person than they are.
literally nobody has done this. I post pictures of food and offer layman's wine tasting notes, stop projecting
You're making the duck magret stewie?
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not yet, i need to go to the butcher. the only good looking protein was some sausage and this piece of salmon. I am probably by myself for dinner tonight so i'll make panzanelle with fried chickpeas. I work on weekends so i'll have the chance to pick up nice duck breast and a spanish wine to go with it.
Do you have an average or even slightly above average piece? If so, post it, take the ban, and you'd make a bunch of these guys jump off a cliff. Oh, if you're 6 ft or over, post the tape measure. Then they'll for sure start dropping off like flies.
fuck incredibly based post
He’s a short little fat Latinx alcoholic with a small penis and mental health issues so bad he has a licensed service dog. All he has going for him is mommy’s money.
whatever you have to tell yourself to feel less insecure.
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tomatoes for panzanelle
based 4chanx letting me see deleted posts
>living with someone and having to have 'regular' meals that 'normal people' eat
Fuck you, I want to make an omelette with minestrone soup. I don't care if you're my fiance, I think I'm going to buy that octopus too
what're you drinking?
How much allowance does your mom give your for food every day? Those Whole Foods groceries aren’t cheap.
What wine are you pairing?
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I buy groceries
idk, i'm drinking this roero right now which I like a lot. I have this white from ischia I want to try next.
What do you spend a week on groceries, $300-$500?
no like half that
How long until the panzanella is ready stewie? I'm hungry
would say based but
Since it's summertime are you planning on going to the park with your parents to barbecue?
You'll always remember those days the best
bitch it's 5:45 i'm not eating for awhile
I don’t care, faggot. Make the fucking panazella right now. I’m not waiting all night, Stewart. Get to it, bitch boy.
i'm waiting until the 6ers pick. this dish will take me 5 minutes
tomatoes started
I'm hungry stewie hurry up foo
Why the fuck is quiche suddenly so popular?
wa la
>suddenly popular
what fucking spaces are you hanging out in where everyone's raving about quiche?
i've also noticed an uptick in menus featuring quiches
Quit teasing the dog, asshole.

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