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Why do fast food workers get so upset when you get food late at night? It's freaking 1am and no other place is open, just give me my damn burger without the nasty look
>le jaundice face
She's ugly
it's probably because you're an obnoxious retard
You probably smell like weed, alcohol or look like you haven't showered in weeks.
>fast food workers
There's your answer. Working in fast food.
i worked a lot of late nights at fast food places and the most common phrase I hear is "WHY CAN'T THEY MAKE THEIR OWN FOOD AT HOME!?!"
Because they don't want to be there, don't want to do work, and would like to be in bed. They don't control their shift schedules but need to keep their jobs so they don't get kicked out of their homes. It's not personal, but they do hate you.
because night shifts run a skeleton crew 100% of the time
mfw the restaurant doesn't offer 72oz steaks
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closing at pizza places as a driver is so fun. the manager is screeching and raging about an order and i get to pocket the $10 tip for a half a mile drive
It's probably because before you showed up wanting a burger and fries some pothead lardass rolled up ordering 2 of everything souring the rest of the shift. I don't order anything past 11pm besides the most basic shit that should be under the heat lamp cause I actually want my food right away and don't feel like whipping tired wagies for specialty items with spit and cum.
This. One person on the register and drinks and ice cream, one person cooking everything else.

Plus it’s either someone working a second job exhausted as fuck, or they’re doing homework for classes to get out of the trenches. They don’t want to give your ass customer service, they want to fucking sleep or finish studying.

My favorite though was the owners kid playing a portable PS2 with the flip up screen, at the time playing street fighter while his dads six franchises were giving him a seven figure trust fund.
generally speaking midnight+ hours, there won't be anything on the warmer since they're expecting low volume and thus most would go to waste. they're seething having to suddenly heat up some frozen burger patty despite it being a simple task. i had a manager seething over an order or two an hour while he was trying to watch boxing tournaments in-between.
Cause it's a shit job and you're making them do it at 1am, say thank you with a smile on your face and go eat your food you fat fuck
couldn't be me
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Wagie wagie get back in the cagie
Get me my eggs, bacon and sausage gravie right NOW!
Hmm. You sound like a snivelling bitch. I'm right aren't I? You're a little pussy. Probably a ladyboy.
nah he's my friend >>20620754

back off before you find out what real pain is.
I'm a salary man in an office job, I'm just not an impotent boy who has to glean his only self worth from mistreating young people working shit jobs

le heckin epic frog meme
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>le heckin epic frog meme
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I like this Post.
>guys I posted the mystery meat girl again
If you're getting food right before they close and they've cleaned everything up. Yeah I could see them getting angry.
But if it's still like an hour until they close, then they should earn their money.
Used to work at five gays and the policy there is you cannot kick customers out and you can't lock the doors if there's people inside. A huge family walks in at 9:59? We have to serve them. More people walk in even though we're technically closed? Have to serve them. It was bullshit. Sometimes I wouldn't leave until 12 or 1am because of these people. Its just rude to go in right before they're closing, anywhere, doesn't matter the place. But if it's one of those open late joints then who cares? Why would anyone be giving attitude during normal business hours even if it's 3am? I can't believe that happens very often.
Ex BK broilermaster here, i only winged when we were about to close and had to cook more food, they only pay you until closing time but you have to clean up and basically stay after working for free
>If I was rich like this guy and didn't have to work this job I wouldn't be wasting my night ordering burgers
>I'd be out living a life worth something
>This guy has every advantage over me and is barely living
This is what entered my mind when people came in late night at the spot I worked at before I got it all together and went back to college aged 21.
>It's freaking 1am and no other place is open
And they'd like to be home just like everyone else because nobody but degenerates wants to be up at that hour. In my experience most of the people working night shift are just there because they're reliable people without a 2nd job or family to get them out of those bullshit hours.
you could make a rap song about it
they're not getting paid to work, they're getting paid to show up and if nobody comes in they don't have to work and can just smoke weed and bullshit all night. you coming in forces them to actually work, essentially for free since their pay is hourly not based on number of orders completed or anything
How do I broadcast to the graveyard shift wagies that I'm also a night shift worker just getting a bite on my way from home and not some retarded pothead getting the munchies at 2am? I feel like they wouldn't be so peeved after realizing I'm not the latter.
let people have their feelings, man.
you sound easily offended.
can you get in any actual legal trouble for doing this?
>but you have to clean up and basically stay after working for free
That sounds highly illegal.
You can get the death penalty for it in most states.
look bitch, you get paid the same if it's 9pm or 1am
>They don’t want to give your ass customer service, they want to fucking sleep or finish studying.

No one forced them to take the job. If they'd be better off without it, they're welcome to quit. If they need the money that badly they should appreciate that the place is open so late to give them the opportunity and that there are customers enough to ensure it remains open.
shut the fuck up.
you're like landlords who think their tenants should be grateful for a roof over their heads, nevermind the broken heater and the roaches.
Besides the DUI, no
>t. stoner working in a shit McJob and paying $1200 for a shitty 1 bedroom
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The feelings of the wagie are of little importance. Their thoughts, even less.
top notch le upvote
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>wagies itt seething
now chop chop with the McDoubles, I've got an appointment to smear them on the mirrors and walls of the bathroom
Because we close at 2 and you come through at 1:55 half awake and possibly stoned, with no idea what you want, take like 5 minutes to order, it’s probably something new with multiple ingredients or fried, and somehow manage to form a line behind you because your sitting in the drive through for so long on the near empty blvd drew the attention of every drunk person driving by that wasn’t thinking about fast food until now.
>be me
>be drunk
>wagie takes order prior to me and it's still 30 minutes until closing time
>pull up
>"sorry anon we're closed"
lazy ass niggas
did they include apple fritters with that tip?
latinx scarlet johanson
I'm 18 and you're yelling at me to hurry up
based 72oz steak promoter appears again
I'm all these things and proud of it. Our ancestors never had (((daily showers)))
That's literally the plot to the cold open of that X-Files episode.
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unironically i've had old ladies give me bags of snacks before, and some houses even have chips & soda out for drivers. people are very eccentric.
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>fall in love with
>have children
>grow old with
I'd let you watch while I impregnate her.
Too bad i pissed on her before, she's mine
i peed on her leg first. she is mine.
Honestly I wouldn't mind it if we closed like 30 minutes or an hour earlier because we have to do closing duties before the closing hour and every single customer means you go home that much later. I really don't want to stay at work after a tiring day when I also have to think about the commute back home and commuting sucks extra when it's late.
Shes half Filipino I believe
Already reported you to animal control fido, she's all mine ruff
So, in your opinion they'd be better off if the job didn't exist? And before you start in with "well, uh, they should either get a free living or their first job should pay more!!! Greedy corporations!!!" remember that's not what's being discussed here. The point of this thread is employees being shitty to customers, without whom the job wouldn't be there at all.
>It's either this extreme or the other
The issue is layers of abstraction. They are paid hourly, not on number of customers served, so their attendance during their scheduled time is the only immediately relevant factor to their wage. Therefore, since they are specifically paid to be present, any orders that they fill are an extra obligation on top of what they are paid for, which they do not receive any additional compensation for. Slow night where 5 orders come in all night vs the store being totally overrun by some local late night event where they do 500 pays the exact same. Obviously if the store gets no customers at all then it will close down or restrict hours etc but that is a months-long prospect that does not pertain immediately to the constraints of a single shift.
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Well done
If they don't want to work then they shouldn't have taken the job
>mistreating young people working shit jobs
Bro I just want a cheese burger after getting off night shift.
Because the duties of night shift are to clean/stock first and make food second
or its someone that gets a graveyard shift job for the extra pay and for it to be dead quiet chill on your phone sipping a beer most of the night
fucking annoying when you just want to chill most of the night and do maybe all of 5 minutes of work but then some faggot comes to the counter and ruins your night.
i went to a checkers at 2am and they thought i was crazy for eating at the picnic table
in their defense it was early january and about -10F outside
but i just came off a 14hr flight and was actually enjoying the weather
When I was a fast food wagie late shifts were comfy. It was slow and you'd just bullshit with your fellow wagies.
boo hoo put the fries in the bag bitch
That is, of course, until some fat faggot like OP rolls through and orders half the menu
i can fuck her

>>I'd be out living a life worth something
But mate the only good time for a fast food burger is exactly late at night when every grocerer is closed and you've forgot to stock your fridge up.
>I'm a salary man
Sorry but I don’t think watching every episode of One Piece counts as an “office job” Darquavias. Make the French fries like you were hired to do or go to prison like you were destined to do
>scheduled to close
>gotta work alone from 9pm - close.
>clean whole kitchen ready to go home
>order comes in ten minutes before close.
>gotta uncover all the shit I put away and begrudgingly scrape some nasty old food that's technically safe to eat out of its receptacle because I'm not making fresh food.

I never eat late night fast food ever because I know the quality will be shit.
>you're making them do it at 1am
Their employer is, not me. They agreed to their shift, I didn't force them to take it.
The only explanation is they want to get paid for the shift without performing their contractual duties, i.e. getting paid for free. The feel that I should enable their time theft, and if I don't, then it's a grave offense. This is ridiculous and unreasonable.
Office workers get to slack off for hours since our job doesn't involve immediately reacting to a transaction. Fast food workers should expect to perform work tasks every second of their shift since that's the nature of their work. On the flip side, they don't have to check on work after hours or stay late when deadlines get pushed forward for $0.
>you're making them do it at 1am
If they didn't want to do it at 1 am, why didn't they sign up for the day shift? I loved working night shifts, I hate having to get up at 7 for my current job.
>>clean whole kitchen ready to go home
>>order comes in ten minutes before close.
There is additional time in a closing worker's shift after closing time to do all the clean up. Something tells me you never worked fast food. Though I don't doubt these workers are liable to do nasty shit when someone dares to use the restaurant during posted open hours.
don't you have food at your home?
I wouldn't be getting food if I had some at home. Which grocery stores are open at 1 am?
Lmao maybe a well managed place. Definitely not all places do, when I worked at dominos closing shift I was scheduled to an arbitrary "close" and if I waited for the store hours to tick by and then spend like an hour cleaning the manager would get angry that I took so long to clean up and then scheduled me to a set time and just shifted some duties to the day shift guy and it caused all sorts of tensions.
filipino stare
she has great feet like every Filipina mutt
Thats so fucking stupid. Why is night shift any different than day shift? They're there to do a job. I worked nights a lot and never expected it to somehow be easier because I was on an opposing schedule to most the world. You stupid af, but I appreciate you trying to be kind in some way.
Thats illegal dawg and you should be smart enough to complain and get the government involved. Get you a fat check.

I don't get all the crying about closing time, I too won't go in in the last 15 mins or half hour, to be polite. When I worked shitty service jobs, I didn't get butthurt about having to clean twice, tho. I was also smart enough to clean and do everything else possible and leave minimal food prep shit cleaning until the last second. If I had to stay 15 minutes or a half hour later, who fucking cares? I got paid for it. If you're working off the clock you need to keep doing it and get paid. There are a bunch of stupid attorneys that will even take you on for free, lol.
How hard is it for you geniuses to put a fucking cone or a wet floor sign in the drive thru when your closing minute ticks by? Put a chair there if you want.
Don't want to waste my time cooking and cleaning the dishes at 1am. I would rather drive 5 mins out to get a burger and not have to worry about the cleanup.
chat is this real?
*bans you from the establishment* heh, nothin personnel, kid.
Thankfully the govt forces landlords to fix shit at their own expense after annual govt inspections, at least here
Friend's landlord tried kicking him out to turn it into an Airbnb and tried to keep the deposit.
Landlord got fined $15k, lawyers on his ass, govt stopped him from going Airbnb and landlord was forced to keep my friend for 3 more months at his expense so he could find a new rental

Just don't live in a shithole without consumer protection laws
Most places do last order 30-60min before close
They want to have the place already cleaned so they can go home on time instead of trying to do everything in the little amount of time managers allow them for shutting up shop. Be it closing off already cleaned sections, limiting certain items to make sure you don't need to wash problematic stuff. When a places closes the staff don't just walk home after, but the bosses hate paying them to work hours that aren't actively earning. So you have the minimum amount of people possible working late but with the expectation of serving any order that comes along with no questions, but still out the door and clocked out ASAP while having the whole place spotless, register cashed up etc etc.
why don't they adjust their posted closing times then?
I think it's just blatant racism.

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