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How glad are you that these are now commonplace so you don't have to tell the cashier your embarrassing order or have them realize how much you frequent the place?
i dont have either of those problems
but i appriciate the convinience thoughever
Nothing better than getting recognized as a regular

That's how you get free hookups and loaded portions
>embarrassing order
what were you ordering that was embarrassing? I only ordered extra cheese
every mcdonald's I go to has mexican employees who don't care how much I eat
how do I order a quarter pound with mac sauce on these things? That's my biggest issue.
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Imagine touching that thing, You know how many filth covered hands have been on it.
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I would go to McDonald's with my mom on the weekends for coffee but stopped after they added these. The cashiers began telling us to use them. Now we go to Starbucks and bring coffee from home.
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>fast foodies won
Had maccas the other day for the first time this year. Last time I had it was December 2023. It didn't taste great. The burger smelled like a fart. All I could think of was how the burger and fries are like 70% toxic seed oils.
Imagine being told to use one of those things after walking up to the counter to place an order.
McCustomers are speedrunning the lamest parts of living in a technological dystopia and are going to ruin the rest of fast food for regular normal people.
I don't use them and i like talking to the staff because no one else will talk to me but also I don't live in america so the employees aren't minorities who can't communicate properly.
there have been studies that have found feces on like 90+% of them
no fucking way i am touching it
>free hookups
story time?
I just always feel like a fatty when I order extra or loaded up.
I feel with cashiers you can get a lot more custom. With a kiosk if the option isn't on the kiosk you're not getting it. Like >>20621609 and the mac sauce.
Same actually, because I saw on a billboard that they have thicker patties now and my biggest issue with McDonalds/most fast food burgers is the paper thin patties. They were modestly thicker, acceptable I guess. But it just tasted of old oil.
Working at McDonalds seems like a nightmare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKWLu6UHryQ&pp=ygUNbWNkb25hbGRzIHBvdg%3D%3D

The beeping alone would give me PTSD whenever I heard a beep.
this 1000x. If they didn't provide the option radio button on the kiosk, autismos can't order their tomatos sliced into triangles or whatever. And the human interaction skills you'd need to even make the suggestion to someone to add said option button far outweigh dealing with a warm-bodied cashier.
yeah that beeping is so annoying, its the reason i dont go inside mcdonalds anymore
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Seconded. I don't know why everything just beeps nonstop. What's the point of an alarm if noone silences it?

Imagine visiting a loved one at the hospital ICU. You walk in and hear the beeping of that heart monitor...
>even when you don't realize it takes your picture/ records you

the world truly is a gift
Does a robot bring you the food or something? The cute zoomer employee handing you your food still recognizes you for going so often, and judges you. She thinks about you every night, because of how repulsive you are for eating goyslop so often.
tbf, they've been recording you at the counter for years
I think it's insane they have the cups sitting right there for people to grab.

I used to work at McDonalds and people (mostly highschoolers) would walk in without ordering, grab a cup, fill it at the soda machine
>Cashier in back
>Decide to use kiosk instead of waiting
>He comes back to the register
>"Sorry can I take your order?"
I don't use these things anymore
>le square boomer
I'll be you're old enough to remember before they had self serve refills in the dining room.
What are you talking about?
I honestly can't remember if they had the cups out for grabs before or not. I wouldn't be surprised if they did though with all the chaos that ensues with McDonalds
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lol, no, they did not always have cups out for grabs; that is very recent. Nor did they always have a soda fountain in the dining room. I think it was the late 80s when ff restaurants started letting diners do their own soft drink refills. It was a big deal at the time.
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>just use the touchscreen
Traces of faeces have been found on every single McDonald’s touchscreen swabbed in an investigation by metro.co.uk.
Samples were taken from the new machines that have been rolled out at restaurants across the country – every one of them had coliforms.
Senior lecturer in microbiology at London Metropolitan University Dr Paul Matewele said: ‘We were all surprised how much gut and faecal bacteria there was on the touchscreen machines. These cause the kind of infections that people pick up in hospitals."
Ba da ba ba ba.
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so what, are people only pooping on the screens then?

I demand a refund
I had a friend who worked at McDonalds and he says whenever his microwave beeps he notices he gets extremely attentive with it and goes into work mode and he hasn't worked at McDonalds in years.

Everytime I go there I just hear beeping and yelling behind the counter constantly.
>not being screenpoop pilled
>How glad are you
I don't eat mcslop so I never use these or care if they are commonplace mcslop items
Nah they just yell at a number and throw it on the collection counter. Yes that means people can steal your order, it happens a lot. It's not a good system.
I remember going to the cashier last October and he looked at me in shock because I guess nobody uses them now. They just stand there the whole shift.
if ordering a big meal makes you feel like a fatty then it can only be because you ARE a fatty.
don't worry about being judged for your order, they were already judging you the minute your gut came peeking in through the door.
I've never been embarrassed by making an order but I've often been annoyed at the cashier being able to complete the simple task of entering an order into a cash register, especially since they're become picture driven touchscreens.
My only complaints about the kiosks are that you're touching a screen that hundreds of other have since it was last sanitized and that companies are increasingly making it difficult to order what you want as they use dark patterns to push you towards ordering what they want you to order. In some cases, it's still necessary to use a cashier to enter an order as their screens have more options than the kiosks.
Aren't we doing at the kiosks what they do at the cashier, except they get paid for it?
>It's 2026
>You go to McShitfood for your daily ration of soy-fed heifer beef and soy-boiled potato strips
>Everything is automated, the interior of the building is a sterile, empty shell of what it once was
>Every foodstep you take echoes throughout the building
>You walk up to the automated ordering terminal
>no wagies behind the counter to ask for help
>no way to tell anyone that the machine is down
>you leave

The death of fast food as I wish it would happen, thank you for reading
The beeping not being attended to mainly happens at locations staffed by people who hear chirping in their hallways at home.
What are they?
Entering orders? Yes, but the interface the cashiers have on their screens are different than what a customer sees on a kiosk. Cashiers can change many more options than you can on the kiosk and the workflow is set up to use as little of the cashier's time as possible while the kiosk is designed to suck up your time so they can push more extra items on your.
Try ordering just a Quarter Pounder patty on the kiosk. You can't do it. You can't even do it on the app without a trick. The cashier however can do it quite easily.
I watch 2 1/2 minutes of that and wanted to off myself just thinking about it. That fucker about fell over 3 times in that time period, much less the FUCKING beeping.
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There is your problem right there.
>ordering just a Quarter Pounder patty
>being this adkins diet pilled
If you do this, do they charge you less for just a patty?
is when they introduced this
so around 2016-18, at least in my area
Watch this one, even the guy filming is fucking panicking. I'd rather start onlyfans or some shit than wagie at McDonalds
That reminded me of this random time I ordered McDonalds and they sent me the patty with no buns.
So...they put the "buns" in some sort of toaster and they look ok, so why the FUCK are my egg mcmuffin muffins always burnt to a FUCKING crisp?
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I dunno why they made the change. The place looks miserable, it looks like a depressing soul sucking place to go eat never mind work.
We're halfway there
Shitty workers, you can see from the POV videos how simple it is, yet they still fuck it up.
This is a truckstop McDicks so their equipment is a little different.
Not only that. They removed most of the counter space except for Uber pickups so you kind of can't stand there, waiting for your order. Also, they put up a wall so you can't see the kitchen nor its staff. And of course, if they're jackin' off in the back, they can't see you. Maybe the grill people might see you but they don't speak english so it's not like they can tell anyone, por favor?
>Everytime I go there I just hear beeping and yelling behind the counter constantly
as if thats not enough to make you not want to go inside, you also have to think about:
>every mcdonalds in the world is grey and looks like a prison inside
>they dont get cleaned properly anymore
>rubbish everywhere
>greasy as fuck
>the food has the cheapest possible ingredients and tastes a lot worse now
its so depressing
They probably put up that wall so we don't see all the junkies nodding off in the back.
Their revenue took a hit during covid, but itll keep going up every year. The only scenario where McDonald's would bring back the old style restaurants (colourful and family atmosphere) is if they were losing money, which it looks like they won't ever.
With their prices these days too and the quality of the food, you may as well go somewhere decent to eat.
that's not drugs that's alcoholic DTs they guy's liver is probably destroy
>why the FUCK are my egg mcmuffin muffins always burnt to a FUCKING crisp
the mcmuffin toaster is a separate unit either on top of the bun toaster or somewhere else. it only gets used during the morning shift so it is literally the least important thing to get repaired if it starts acting up

the equipment is designed to not have any serviceable parts so you have to call a special licensed repair guy to open it up and work on it. its the same shit with their ice cream machines breaking and the grills over-flattening the meat.
fecal traces are a lot more common in public places than you'd think. public pools have a shocking amount of it despite the use of chlorine.
i like them because every mcdonalds or wendys or taco bell i go to almost always has some "ME NO SPEAKY NO ENGRISH!!" foreginer who cant get my order right or understand me, at least with these i get the right order now
The only time I used one of these it glitched out and I had to order from the cashier anyway
I think anon means they "hooked him up" with some food, not a woman...
>the mcmuffin toaster is a separate unit either on top of the bun toaster or somewhere else. it only gets used during the morning shift so it is literally the least important thing to get repaired if it starts acting up
Yeah, but how does it burn so fucking much? Every single time.
>public pools have a shocking amount of it despite the use of chlorine.
that's literally the reason public pools have to use chlorine.
yeah but it still doesn't remove it completely.
well, yeah, but if you're swimming in a public pool, then you've already passed the point of caring about it.
I feel that way about women
I told myself I would never, ever use one of those things but I changed my mind when I realized it was the only thing in the whole place that understood English.
>One cheeseburger please
traces of poop is EVERYWHERE. average person walks around with a shitty arse and barely washes their hands, average person is fucknig gross.
t. monk tier germaphobe
>average person
non-Whites are not the "average person"
i hate them so much
where the fuck should i wait after i make the order?
and now i have to be on edge the whole time listening like a hawk for someone to shout a number, while constantly repeating the number over and over in my head so i don't miss it, having a mini panic attack every time they are about to call an order, then when is is my turn feeling the eyes burn into the back of my head as i nervously approach the counter to pick up my food, to ashamed to ask for sauce at this point , so i may scuttle to eat my value meal on the secluded bench i picked out before i entered the restaurant
My immune system's not weak enough to let me get infected by traces of shit. That and the hand sanitizer's bolted to the kiosk.
Ayo im call you scuttle gut.
Prices there have become so disgusting I don't get how anybody goes there anymore. Any semblance of "quality" has obviously gone too so what are you even paying for?
I've never seen one of those, is it only at sloppa places?

Everywhere I go usually just has a fat middle age man running the register.
They're at fast food places with high turnover so they can hire fewer cashiers. However, some sit down restaurants now have QR code menus that also allow you to order from your phone and brought to your table.
I've only seen these at McDonald's, though, I haven't been inside any other fast food restaurant in a few years. Maybe others have them now. They've been in every McDonald's I've been to though.
I prefer it, then I don't have to spill spaghetti over the menu and get to take my time and go over the choices until I'm ready to order.
The more I can dissociate from the reality that there's brain dead nogs in the back touching my food the better, so the kiosks and apps are a big improvement since I don't have to interact with them at all and get disgusted. I hate that a person puts my order on the counter where I can see it too, would much rather have some kind of order pickup box that opens from the kitchen side and the front side so I don't have to see them at all.
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>t. three-for-free
Got bad news for you buddy, even the average white person is barely white anymore
> or have them realize how much you frequent the place?
anon, they work there 20-50 hours a week
they fucking remember regular customers
t.i work in a hotel and remember the same guests that come back the same time of year every year, right down to the fucked up shit they did the last time they were here
>good job, goy
>what ho, its three for free!
thanks for the update, shlomo.
normalgroids don't wash their hands unless they can see something on them
The only thing McDonalds does right is utility coffee. Their food is not even tasty, how do people crave it?
I don't go to McDonalds sorry
They're proven to make people buy more too, its easy to impulse buy when everything is there in front of you and a tap away rather than needing to relay it
Thats why restaurants are using tablets to order your food on now too
post bmi>>20621597
This world must be scary for a dumb creature like you
Those are for phoneless ultrapoors.
You are a neat freak!
Yes, it's much cheaper than ordering a Quarter Pounder and then selecting no bun, no lettuce, no sauce, etc. There's no standard for how much they charge so different locations charge different amounts but it always ends up being cheaper than buying the Quarter Pounder and removing things. Once in a while you might come across a franchise location that's stubborn and doesn't want to let you order just patties. Or a cashier who doesn't know how to do it (tell them to check the a la carte menu).
You can force your choice on them using the app by ordering just the patties from a location that does it, having the cashier associate that order with your account by scanning the QR code from your phone, and then saving it as a favorite. From that point on, you can order just patties by using your saved favorites in the app.
Do you normally pay for hookups at fastfood places?
Someone in corporate probably thought that the old look was unprofessional and childish. So they gave it a corporate makeover to remove the soul and make it look professional and adult.
He got his ass tucked by the manager for a value meal
Oh to make it look like a "grown up restaurant" cause they failed.
It's easier to resell these locations if you don't have to remove a giant pizza hut roof or something because whoever buys it doesn't want to install another pizza hut
This, I go out of my way to avoid automated registers in stores too. I enjoy cashiers chatting to me about random things, even if it's gossip I can't begin to put into context. Human contact just feels nice.
Well, as long as humans in your area aren't garbage I guess.

Haven't been to McDonalds in ages but the fast food places around here always show you the kitchen. Especially gyro places, they put it all together right infront of you. Hell even a KFC I went to last month had an open kitchen.
One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
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You need a pack of these. Don't use them to wipe the screen, use them to clean your hands after touching the screen. That nasty touchscreen is just one of many contaminated surfaces you've touched.
You don't even need that. Since Covid, everywhere I go they have a hand sanitizer thing. .
What's the point of washing if you can't see anything?
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>I go out of my way to avoid automated registers in stores too. I enjoy cashiers chatting to me about random things
How is that still feasible in your part of the world? Where I live, all the McWagies are in the kitchen, there are no more dedicated cashiers waiting to input transactions. When someone comes and waits at the front, one wagie has to be diverted to take the order, which slows down the kitchen and strains the other McWagies. They are in a hurry to get back because their manager probably told them to get back ASAP and get pissed off if you do anything extra like think about a choice for 0.05s or make any substitutions.

The reason they have the screens is so they don't have to pay someone to take the orders. Ordering at the front therefore diverts kitchen labor. It's a shitty hybrid system, they should just commit to digital-only ordering and do pic related already.
it's weird how they didn't do a god damn thing to make the service any faster
>I enjoy cashiers chatting to me about random things
It must be so torturous waiting four minutes for your hamburger
it just sucks because mcdonalds used to be a lot faster. at one point, speed was the entire point and they were able to do it without the food being really any different from how it is now
Of course, they are employing fewer and fewer people per restaurant. This is a predictable outcome, first McD's took over the market, now they've peaked. The only way to keep increasing profit margins without real growth is cutting down the labor force and price gouging. Happens to every business that gets legitimately huge.
>Happens to every business that gets legitimately huge.

correction: it happens to any company that is publicly traded because shareholders only exist to suck all value out of the companies they invest in
I would play slop-factorio so fucking fast. Another 1k hours in the hole np
Service time has increased. That's because of more menu options, more people getting drive-thru since covid, and more customisation now that people are free to take as long as they want on self-serve kiosks.
You think they can't see you're fat without seeing your order?
god you zoomers are so boring and uncreative. it's just wojak this, wojak that. open mspaint for once.
>How is that still feasible in your part of the world?
Depends on the time of day, I usually go out to buy things as early as the stores open so cashiers are pretty free. You couldn't do it at 18:00 on a work day of course.

I wouldn't have it any other way.
i love getting feces on my dominant hand before i eat food.
>12,50 an hour to put up with this shit
I worked at mcdicks for a month before I freaked out and quit right before a shift. Make 11,50 where I'm at but I do 1/4 the work I did there.
It's in their genetics.
imagine how many filth covered hands have touched the door handle to get inside the building
I would unironically never go to a fast food place if these screens/phone order apps didn't exist
I hate talking to strangers
webm cuts off too soon. There are a few seconds where he stares in confusion at the black screen and tries to poke at it some more
>imagine how many filth covered hands have touched the door handle to get inside the building
OK. My plans to never go to McDonald's remain unchanged.
I don't have social anxiety so these are shit. I can tell the cashier what I want in 5 seconds.
You can't seriously say it's better to have to touch and swipe a laggy shit-covered interface and opt out of shit you don't want with an UI designed to sell you extras you don't want. Or maybe you actually want it because you are a fat fuck who can't even make his own decisions.
>we go to Starbucks and bring coffee from home.
Why don't you just drink coffee at home?
>I can tell the cashier what I want in 5 seconds.
Doesn't work here, I'd have to stand at the front for a minute until one of them comes out. If there are people in front of me, it's even worse because they might go back to the kitchen between taking orders. The reason they have those screens is to negate hiring people to work the register full time like in the past, they run skeleton kitchen crews here.
Unironically would rather be a garbage man or literal janny or some shit than work in fast food. I've heard janny can be pretty comfy actually.
simple, you touch it using the knuckles of your right hand. You open the door and touch random shit with your right.
Your left hand is specifically dedicated for eating and eating only.
t. autist
Why's it shaped like a pizza hutt?
$11.50 in 2024
That's fucking brutal. In HS my fast food summer jobs paid $8-9/h, that was 15 years ago when everything was 3x less expensive.
This. Restaurant buildings get repurposed all the time
ive never heard of a mcdonalds closing down (and if you have to google it, neither have you)
Last time I went those didn't take cash or coupons, which they used to send.
I'm sure the app is easier and has better deals.
The soda machines have all been behind the counter for decades now, except in honest low crime places like Japan
That's "the entire economy is property development focused" for you
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I'm sure it doesn't happen often, but they want the option to easily sell off assets if need be. In this example, Starbucks had to redo the entire building exterior which definitely made the sale harder.
It's so the building can be renovated and sold easier, because most of the economy is property market based now.
At this point making burgers is just the side business, they're mostly just holding onto multi million dollar properties in prime locations and selling gathered data
t.a small shop front in my small country town sets you back 11mil
>they want the option to easily sell off assets if need be
come on bro youre making that up, they make these soulless shacks purely to save money and because consultants tell them thats whats in style right now, not so that they can be sold to another business
Must be an American thing, I've never been to a fast food place to broken machines
alpha af
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No, because all the restaurants are slowly renovating to the new style. They're investing into full demolitions and rebuilds to make the building easier for other businesses to purchase.
>let me just repeat what i said but with no proof

>Franchisee-slaves are representative of the parent company!!!
You're not serious, are you?
no hymen no diamond
I don't care about those things, I just like them because I can take my time choosing without feeling like I'm delaying other people.
What a little melon felon
Based old pasta poster
huh i never realized san francisco was an "honest low crime place"
idk sounds like bullshit (lol)
why would pajeets go to the hamburger store
It's fun to get out of the house.
I used one of these for the first time recently at a shake shack in a rest stop. The damn thing wouldn't let me scroll all the way. It showed more options but just wouldn't fucking scroll to them. I'm honestly amazed they managed to fuck it up.
Literally look at the picture
Why would the franchisee replace his building if he's just trying to save a buck?
ah, so "autists" is the name of the inhabitants of that big country South-West of the PRC
Franchisees are the ones who would be encouraged to redesign the building exterior with grants from the parent company. Or, he would do so because he expects his business to die.
In my cuntry, we can pre-order and pay online and go pickup when it is ready.
Subhuman cattle in the tech dystopia eill be treated like subhuman cattle
People with a basic sense of class (basic basic) and a very modest sense of joie de vivre will continue to go to regular restaurants, even in the tech dystopia
Funny how it works out.
You can go wash your hands in the bathroom after ordering, y'know.
Just open the bathroom door with your elbow lol

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