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Share your recipes, ratios, f1 and f2 flavorings
no flavorings because i've got real American meat between my legs
>water kefir
Not kefir. Kefir is, by definition, a drink made from fermented cow's milk.

>but water kefir is a thing too
Only among retards who don't know what kefir is. You may as well call it "water yoghurt"
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You mean fermented beverage?
Yes, water kefir is fermented
There is no such thing as water kefir. What's next, water yoghurt, water butter, water cheese?
>Kefir is a type of fermented dairy product. People make it by adding bacteria and yeast cultures to milk. The cultures feed on natural sugars in the milk. This allows them to multiply, creating a fermented drink. Kefir has a tart and tangy flavor and a consistency similar to drinkable yogurt.
Then where is the milk?
what does it taste like? never had water kefir
plain water is fine in any civilized country
This is called 'infused water', not 'water kefir' you stupid ai.
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>a pale yellow edible fatty substance made by churning cream and used as a spread or in cooking.
then where is the peanut?
Oh you don't want Americans to misuse your language and your culture? You must definitely be a neckbeard.
So what is this, exactly? Kefir diluted in water or... what?
Acidic sparkling water basically with some fruity notes if you use fruits for the sugar source.
Similar profile to kombucha honestly, but I think kombucha has more bite.
I make two fermentations. First one aerobic second one anaerobic.
First 32g sugar and 32g kefir per 500ml, one or two lemon slices, and 1 dried fig.
Leave ferment until the fig rises to the surface usually around 24h.
Remove water kefir grains, fig and lemon and transfer liquid into bottle with a lightning-type closure.
Second ferment i add fruit like banana, peach, mango whatever floats your boat in the bottle. Ferment same time as the first fermentation.
Then into the fridge to stop the fermentation.

Water kefir is a mix of microbes bacteria and yeasts, that's fermented with sugar and water instead of milk.
How fast is it? I do kombucha and it takes a solid 3 weeks sometimes to develop the flavor. I had to get more jugs to make enough.
Depends on temp, activity of the grains, and how carbonated/fermented you wa t it. I'd say a 3-5 day ferment is fine.
F1 is around 24h until the figs rise. The water kefir is done and could be drink as is but F2 anaerobic makes it bubbly and you can flavor it. So another 24h.
I prefer kombucha's taste but it takes much more time instead of ready in two days.
>I'd say a 3-5 day ferment is fine
What sugar/kefir/water ratio are you using?
i googled it, its kefir grains in water.
I thought it was stupid before, but now i realize something. are you really gonna let the towelheads that are too busy throwing rocks at cutouts of Neil Patrick Harris from leftover IEDs made out of How I Met Your Mother promotional material? we should just call it fagwater or something.
so glad costco started selling kefir near me.
>are you really gonna let the towelheads that are too busy throwing rocks at cutouts of Neil Patrick Harris from leftover IEDs made out of How I Met Your Mother promotional material?
This sentence doesn't make any sense
i forgot to finish the sentence. the idea is there, dont let the towelheads control our language, they want us to turn against each other
>the towelheads
I think the traditional head garb of the group in question is a lot smaller than a common towel.
Whoa. This stuff must be fast.
>i googled it, its kefir grains in water.
>trusting go*gle search
Milk kefir and water kefir grains are totally different creatures. Both are scobys, but they contain different communities of bacteria and yeast, that enjoy different "food."

Milk kefir grains look like caulifower, kind of, and vary in size. Water kefir grains are transparent and small, kind of crystalline-looking guys.
then what do you suppose we call it? faggotywater? waterfaggot? fagwater? fag2oh?
we need to call it something else? lamebucha? fagbucha?
yeah it's one of it's advantages
pics :3
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oh i'm gonna keeeeeeefir
Literally me fr fr
oy vey
Annudah shoah
>the laptop 3 feet away
Water kefir? Anon did you hit menopause or something? That's so gay.
so it's fizzy?
It can be yeah
It's cheaper than the carbonation Jew.
Healthier too
I have no idea. I leave it to some old man sitting at some cart with ice and flavor bottles, he's better at this than I am.
A friend from South Africa told me what keffir really is, everyone should know that it's nigger.
not sharing a recipe but water kefir is fucking based, it permanently cured the eczema of one of my mates.

Health benefits from water kefir:

Balancing the intestinal flora
Counteracting constipation naturally
It energizes the body
Strengthens the body's immune system
Fight cancer
Positive effect on tuberculosis
Positive effect on Crohn's disease
Fight various forms of rheumatism
Positive effect on inflammation of the respiratory tract, kidneys and bladder
Regulation of blood pressure
Positive effect on eczema and other skin diseases
Positive effect on chronic fatigue syndrome
Positive effect on ADHD
Positive effect on concentration
Regulation of body weight
Provides general resistance
Combats gallbladder and cystitis
Any health benefits I don't get by drinking kombucha and milk kefir regularly?
i have a friend who had Crohn's and IBS so bad he was suicidal and he cured it/made it go into remission using Kefir and a poop transplant where he got poop from a health person put up his butt

more info here. make sure you are eating when you read it, preferably some food that is very sloppy and brown
A friend of mine felt unwell and went to the doctor. Turned out she had 500x too many good gut bacteria in her stomach (caused by kefir). For the next 5 years she was on a diet of leafy greens and water.
I'm all for kefir bit you got to understand what you're doing. Anecdotal evidence won't cut it either way.
>For the next 5 years she was on a diet of leafy greens and water.
why not nuke it with 10 days antibiotics and restart fresh?
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launched 2.5L batch
miracle drink ngl
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Food-fermenting bacteria don't colonize the gut, she could just wait a few days until she pooped them out. I don't believe this story.
They can still be useful but mostly by killing or supporting other bacteria along the way
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two appricot three red berries bottled
when you drink loads it gives you the runs
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You sir, are a gentleman & a scholar.

How to make bubly water kefir without the bottles exploding from the pressure?
take a chance
Reminds me of that fucking "ah, it appears to have done something" webm
the bubble pic is aerobic fermentation. there is just a towel on top of the jar so no pressure buildup. when you bottle you remove the grains, still there is anaerobic fermentation and you should not let it ferment too long.
then put in the fridge to cool down the co2 before opening the bottles otherwise this happens >>20626253

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