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why does their food suck so much?
It all went downhill after 1066.
How else do you get people to join the Navy to get the fuck out of your joyless industrial bland shithole, than with dreadful fucking food
rapid industrialization
rapid urbanization
the depression
two world wars
2 World Wars with decades of rationing creates a generation who don't get flavor.
Damn I know where I'm going once the us gets too brown.
still the best anglo cuisine
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They looked at the potato famine next door and said
>God damn that toast sandwich looks so bloody delicious, we used to have a colonial empire.
subservient peasant sensibilities
clearly never had black pudding
>The greatest British food is literally black cum
>Cornish pasties
>Irish stew
My favorites from there
it doesn't
Lack of a dining culture.
It doesn't
You've never been there
You don't know what you're talking about
Like what this anon >>20622397 said it doesn't suck, at least the overwhelming majority of it, and the only people that think it uniformly sucks are fags/fag-lovers and browns on Twitter that hate white people
it is basically french
it's pig blood actually nigger
That's rich considering America spends the less time cooking and eating then other western nations. You're so tied down to your corporate life that you can be added to cook anything more than a TV dinner and then wolf it down to get to your next shift.
Ood thing to say when your only famous chef had to move to America to find work.
Actually two, I forgot MPW was shilling stock pots for years.
What's actually odd is that you're such a xenophobic cunt that you think that your realm of ignorance constitutes recognition. There are 100s of Michelin starred chefs in the UK who are pushing the boundaries and are world respected. You should scream about a grilled cheese again, like the dribbling fucktard you are. Low IQ, low personality.
>Americans are bad because they... have jobs!
You've fallen to a new low, Nigel.
Boil or broil. Simple as.
I really enjoyed everything I ate in Ireland and N. Ireland. It wasn't until I took the ferry over to Scotland that the food got much worse.

Genuinely tried my best to like haggis, but every place I had at, all of which were pretty highly rated, there was just so much fucking black pepper in each and every one of them. After that, all Scottish food just seemed to be awful and fried, so I mostly just got shit from the grocery store and cooked at the hostel for myself.

Went down to London, went to F Cookes and tried some jellied eel with a steak and kidney pie. Eels were fucking inedible. Wish the guy told me ahead of time that they keep the bones in, but I don't know if I would have been able to understand him anyways. Pie was fine, and I'm not generally big on pie...so, good job?
Yours a chud. You like the goretusk liver pie in it?
haggis is nasty

I loved scotland because I got what tasted good, like munchie boxes, every item from the chippy, even fried pizza, pies, and I even ate at Gregg's

overall very comfy society if you don't care about being fat
>haggis is nasty
If it's been seasoned properly, it's great. But if the seasoning is wrong then it's not worth the effort.
What's it like to live there bros
>being this assmad over a comment
This American website should just rangeban the rest of the world
Its true. Whenever someone says some shit like "its just nutrients" its always a brit.
Funny enough, English peasants worked more hours and grueling conditions then any other European peasant and they were proud of that.
>why does their food suck so much?
The secret is that it doesn't.
OP got fuckin rekt
Protestantism is fucking shit.
I learned to make cornish pasties and they’re in my top three favorite foods. They just take a while to prepare. I would have them all the time if I had more free time.
The UK is basically a lot of villages surrounding towns. Village life is pretty good. Beautiful surroundings and a sense of community. Towns and cities not so much.
How come they’re all so ugly in comparison to Americans if we all come from the same stock?
Our food is higher in bitter, salty and pungent. Things like marmite, pickling, and mustards are popular here, which aren't the most well liked cross culturally.
And can't forget the bombings.
I enjoyed the food there.
Scottish Angus beef is probably the finest in the world and the seafood in Cornwall was brilliant.
>haggis and deep fried stuff

If you didn’t eat meme tourist foods you would have found we have some of the best meat and seafood in the world.
With all of that bounty 'round you why did you go to starvation and blame it on taters?
Because we didn’t have refrigeration, massive industrial fishing and farming and advanced transportation networks in the mid 19th century.
Why didn't you scotch and irish blame your own inepepetude on yourselves instead of innocent potatoes?
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Is that like ineptitude but with Pepe?
Nor did we in the USA, yet we're here, so are you.
Thanks to all.
The Troubles.
Sure, frog legs always help when I'm eating them.
>M'lord, pray share some beige with us. Winter last was harsh, and our youngest John didn't make it. Please spare us your slop so we may fatten for the coming cold. Please m'lord, we would be honored to take your eels and offal. God be praised for this bounty.
bongs are a fucking joke, kek
Most underrated food in the world.

People only hate it through ignorance, and because it's popular to do so.
shut up faggot, it's not underrated, it's just shit
Shepherds pie
Beef Wellington
Cullen Skink
Roast Dinner
Full Breakfast
Bangers and Mash
Fish and chips
Steak and Ale pie
etc etc

all these are good when done right
people judge British cuisine based upon the worst of it, but wont hold other countries to the same standard. Do you think everyone in France cooks perfect Coq au vin?
you listed bland slop like it was a gotcha
I'm glad you are happy to eat like a 1200s peasant, but the rest of the developed world isn't, and will continue to make fun of you
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>bland slop
I almost feel sorry for you ESLs trying to seethe about British food when all the serious chefs in the real world don't have that opinion
i am a londoner and really struggled to find restaurants that werent shitty tourists traps in glasgow

did you actually eat anywhere else in london or did you just have the fucking jellied eels which literally nobody here eats anymore and is widely thought of as a joke
I really don’t like Glasgow and avoid it as much as possible but it has some amazing Indian food. Mother India’s Cafe is brilliant.
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You sure you aren't American? Cause you definitely get triggered like one.

Motherfucker we colonized the FUCKING WORLD do you really think our genetics are inbred

Every country in the world has isolated communities with inbreeding, you're fucking stupid if you think several countries of millions struggle with inbreeding
probably some turdie in a country that still has cousin marriage
Kek. I actually am Scottish, I just hate Glasgow because I had a bad time at university there.
Nothing is wrong with cousin marriage, retard
ok paki
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>do you really think our genetics are inbred
This. The average British person has DNA from almost all the races of Middle Earth (except the Elves). I don't even know how an orc mates with a hobbit, but life, uh, finds a way...
I know where this is, it's a pub meant for unsavory characters. America has plenty of these you can find in Los Angeles or New York City.
Sounds like a great place to find high XP quests! Do you know if the barman will serve kobolds? (Asking for a friend.)
don't try to pretend like that video isn't representative of the entirety of the UK
Dude in the beanie stomping around looks like a blazed out of his mind Nick Rochefort
>tfw no goofy anglo gf...
I could save her. She's cuter than 99% of the beasts you see in those photos of urban slag nights vomiting in the street and smoking fags from the drain.
>hourly Britain obsession thread
>le irish food good!!!
>le English food BAD!!!
Actual delusional contrarianism
It’s comforting that people still seethe about us even though we’ve lost our empire, the NHS is long past crisis point, politics is a shit show, wages have stagnated among the middle class and things are only going to get worse. Makes me feel important.
that's the wrong word
you're a laughing stock
if anything, it's pity. we pity you.
Seems to me that it's seething. Probably BBC starvation or not enough HRT as they're too expensive. Either way, it's a seethe
>politics is a shit show
You sound like you're one of those lame fascist asses from the midwest. The ones that can't really understand that the rest of the world is different. The ones who think they make the world's best food.
You know, ordinary /pol/fugees on /ck/
I don't know any native brit who actually eats our meme culture foods like haggis, jellied eels, etc. Everyone I know just eats 'normal' food that wouldn't look out of place in America (cereals, meat and veg, eggs).

Crazy that tourists really come over and eat that shit. You probably get funny looks from the natives wondering why you're eating gross shit.
Haggis is quite popular in Scotland but more so deep fried at the chippie, in bon bons at pubs or in pakora at Indian restaurants. We only tend to sit down to an actually properly prepared haggis on Burns night,
France had World Wars and rationing too but the food is great. That can't be the explanation. Same for Italy or even Germany.
Beef Wellington is french. It's obviously some kind of retarded "liberty fries" due to Napoleonic wars. It was just renammed because of french hatred. The grammar prove it ( English would rather say "Wellington Beef" if they actually invented it. )
It's actually just some kind of basic "rôti de boeuf en croûte" . That's nothing special in France but for english tongue, it's peak food and they are proud of it.
Yes yes... Burgers and hotdogs are German, pizza is Italian blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Ireland doesn't really have any traditional foods, apart from some basic bread types and such, on account of being kept as a pre-industrialised bread basket for the UK for most of its history in the last millennium. Irish ingredients - beef, milk, cheese, butter, lamb, etc. - tend to be top notch however, and the past 30 years or so have seen big improvements in our cuisine. We've gotten crazy expensive as well though. Our alcohol production was once the best in the world and happily now recovering again after a brutal 20th century.

Scots have some good ingredients too, but a bizarre habit of fucking them up as much as possible in the kitchen. their whiskey is also literally pure piss, but the marketing of decades has convinced America that it's not actual paint stripper.

Wales has nothing to offer and never did. the place is just a retirement home for the English now anyway.

The English sacrificed their own traditions in favour of being a mongrel nation at the heart of a global empire. they have basically fuck all food production anymore, and no alcohol production that's in any way palatable. even their strong cheddars, which are very good, are now made using Irish dairy. some traditional pies and pasties have survived, but honestly that's about it. unlike most empires of history, the English never tried for the cultural win, they just let the french walk away with that one. so now English is the Lingua Franca if the world, but nobody likes their cooking or fashion or styles of anything.

England, Ireland, and Northern Ireland (Ulster) have each their own variation of the 'Full breakfast', which is, of course, the international high-water mark of cholesterol building.

here endeth the lesson
At least mutts admit hot-dog , pizza and hamburger are originally foreign food. But it seel like bongs are butthurt about their sole decent dish being "liberty fries" tier and basically an overrated boeuf en croûte.
looks bad tastes good
doesnt need to be taste good to get your through a hard days work
also if you have a pint and or a cup of tea with every single meal its really not all that bad
Actually they don't. They obnoxiously claim it as their own in a smug and ignorant way. Then nitpick about the origin of other dishes from around the world. You're obviously quivering with impotent anger, like an effete cuckold. Stay mad, keep crying and snivelling like a pissy little bitch. You're an embarrassment
>steal culture from the godforsaken French and doing it much worse

Serving richly spiced stews was no longer a status symbol for Europe's wealthiest families — even the middle classes could afford to spice up their grub. "So the elite recoiled from the increasing popularity of spices," Ray says. "They moved on to an aesthetic theory of taste. Rather than infusing food with spice, they said things should taste like themselves. Meat should taste like meat, and anything you add only serves to intensify the existing flavors."

The shift began in France, in the mid-1600s, adds Paul Freedman, a professor of history at Yale University. "It was a way to also show off the wealth of the French provinces," Freedman says.

The rest of Europe soon adopted this new style. "It's a redefinition of what elegant is," Freedman says. "It's sort of like — in fashion — for a while having more frills, more jewelry was fashionable. But then someone said that a basic black dress with some pearls is much better."
>They obnoxiously claim it as their own in a smug and ignorant way
Sound like you about this "beef Wellington" you care so much about. Is this a sensitive area ?
Don't worry, bongs can still make food on their own, as long it's no more complexe than fried fishsticks and greasy fries covered in vinegar.
>doesn't need to be taste good
good morning SIR
What is even better is a pint with a GOOD meal already
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The anthropological answer is because they never had the time to develop an advanced food culture. They were too busy being constantly invaded, and then suddenly more preoccupied with looking outward.
This is why something like chips and curry, or chicken tikka are quintessential 'British' dishes, and also why the Island is home to the highest concentration of the best chefs on Earth.
A nation like France could develop haute cuisine after needing to look inward once they were cut off from the outside food and spice trade. They intensified their cuisine and developed wild techniques utilizing only what they had available.
A nation like Japan parallels Britain in a sense, because some of their most ubiquitous dishes like Curry, Omurice, or the Cutlet are all taken from outsiders that made contact when the country opened up to the outside world after the Meiji Restoration.
Their most famous domestic dish, created with what they had on hand during their isolation is Sushi, relatively simple consisting only of fish and rice. They do not get dogged on like Britain because they had 250 years of isolation to perfect their craft however.
For a nation to develop a great cuisine they require a range of ingredients at home, a robust international trade network, and a period of time dedicated to the development of the cuisine.
I don't care about beef wellington. I just think you're a glib and smarmy little dick. And a shitbag.
Absolute twaddle. Maybe read more books if you want to pretend to be smart
Intellectualism is for losers, why don't you leave your basement and go somewhere for a change?
If you don't care about it, why being so harsh ?
At least, say something constructive so this discussion is'nt as bland as bong cuisine
because your picture doesnt include shetland. the cultural home of british fine cuisine.
this is really pretentious for being completely made up. did a DMT fairy reveal this to you in a dream?
Stfu you eat snails
My grandparents are from there and a lot of it is leftover bullshit from WW2 rationing but Britain is still basically the king of simple meat dishes. Take the pork pie for example it's pork, lard, flour, and a thick stock made from pig bones and it will blow the fuck out of any other simple pie, you could go around claiming other cultures have their own versions of equally good simple pies and then you'd be wrong.
Could you make that with a block of spam?
Protestant countries prefer making money over delivering quality. Whenever they discover quality they'll begin to come up with ways to reduce it while increasing price. It's not that they can't cook (or make beer, wine, cheese) it's that they'll start to skip ingredients, advertise and raise prices until there's nothing left to talk about. The US and the Netherlands are as bad, and definitely not just in cooking.
that doesn't explain how America has the best food in the world
Explain india and pakistan, the worst shitholes on the planet with food that looks like poo. They're right up there with cutting corners and have 0.0 to do with quality. Neither of those two are protestant nations.
That looks very British, like a British spam cake, now only £30 per slice.
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Some of it is quite nice
it looks fucking raw. the meat isn't even browned or anything. it might as well be boiled. suddenly I wonder if all of these pies you invented wasn't just a creative way of making sure the meat didn't accidentally pick up any flavor from cooking.
Yes, but you're ignorant and obtuse. Therein lies your main problem. Get back to tipping cans of condensed soup into a bundle of ingredients and calling it a recipe.
Australian pies are way better.
I had a couple of decent traditional breakfast places in london but when i took a couple of my friends there i felt embarassed because the food was so shit. When the brit places were shit I tried to take them to an indian place because they enjoyed that but it was like sugary glaze on spinach and chicken and we couldn't finish a single plate. Scottish seafood and beef is good though but England is just hell on earth when it comes to food.
Never let the soggy true chips turn cold or reheat them in the microwave. It's not like chinese that tastes better from the fridge in the morning. It's always bothered me why that is the case.
This, but unironically. This entire site has massively gone to shit since Covid and it's basically because it's flooded with non-Americans pretending that they're in on jokes (memes) made by Americans. I'm convinced if the site would just implement mandatory nation flags half the retardation would evaporate because it would be obvious how fucking lame the rest of the world still is. As it stands this site is engaged in a massive self-own by allowing UK Commonwealth fucktards and tons of Yuropoors and thirdies to fool themselves into believing they're cooler and more clever than they are.
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Get an air fryer bruh
Lurk moar you fucking newfag.
Japanese owned website hosted on servers in the UK
Suck my cock, fatty.
You’re a guest here and should behave accordingly.
>unseasoned meat
there, I've described all local British food
if they get wild they might put some bread on the meat
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American-created site currently owned by a Jap CIA asset living in Paris and beset by hideous foreign scum larping as edgy American autists. How many military bases are there currently on UK soil? A dozen? How much American media and products will you consume today? Lots, I'd wager. How much of your pathetic lives revolve around having American low cultural farts penetrating every orifice of your body? Basically, all of it.

You are here because you have nowhere else to go because this is the only place where you get to experience the illusion of "free speech" and you know it (in addition to the other above-mentioned humiliations). That's why you're angry, Nigel.
That's just a pâté en croûte, aka average food when it's considered top food in bongland. There is many variety with many different filling and the cold stock stuff you talk about is the most basic thing to do.
It's not just "different version of pie", it's the exact same thing but there is nothing to brag about. Of course I guess the british version is good too but that's the minimum to ask for.
Behave yourself, guest.
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>trust the food reviews of our gay tire company whose mascot is also a brutal execution method used by militant africans.
French? Ah ha haha ha that's even worse. Say hi to the rats and negros of gay Paris for me. First Haiti, then home to France, and all according to plan. In the meantime, keep indulging in American culture and technology. It's only your entire world at this point...
You are a mutt and a negro lover. That's what american """culture""" is.
I hope spices end up erasing you
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We have plenty of spices in America, but project harder, worldoid. All of you are getting wrecked in your tyrannical shithole countries with no freedoms. You are here, on an American-created site almost entirely about American things communicating in American slang in American English posting American memes and the humiliation drives you insane. lol How will you save face now? You are an irrelevant peasant with no rights and no future lol
>fucking normanfags get the fuck off my island
>god fucking damnn!!!!!!
>Beef Wellington is french
Why are you lying?
>it's considered top food in bongland
>AKSHUALLY it's pate
This isn't considered "top" food - it's good, old-fashioned comfort food.
It's not pate, the meat is cured and mixed with fat, and shrinks when cooking.
Get your head out of your arse and stop pretending you understand our culinary culture.
>posting an obese Latina will surely help my case
The germans bombed the knowledge of cooking out of them
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>lauren bobert
>an "obese latina"
Ah, you must be displaying the global intellect responsible for your shithole country's success relative to the US. Is there food rationing again in your irrelevant shithole country that you're terrified to name?
Meat pies are fun to make only when you want to larp as a peasant. Pies are for sweets. Meat pies always bland and boring and often times dry. I'll take a stew over a meat pie literally any day. Like I would never go to a restaurant and order a meat pie.

I don't understand why the brits are so proud of it. Every European country had meat pies, they were mostly used as a way to preserve meat.
>short black haired brown eyed girl that acts like a whore
Nothing about her is white
It doesn’t. Actual traditional english cuisine has been erased by post WW2 modernity, which is that you think off when you think of “British food”.
Even if that were true (it isnt') she's displayed more upward mobility then you could ever hope to experience in your tyrannical, stifling, backwards, god-forsaken, irrelevant country. All Americans have that same freedom. You don't.

How can you live with yourself knowing such a creature went from managing a McDonalds to being part of a legislative body that makes decisions impacting your piss-ant who-cares conquered patch of Muslim resettlement territory? And you have NO SAY in it whatsoever. You mad?
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OP ain’t know ‘bout Welsh Rarebit
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I'm sorry I insulted your mom or whatever made you have this autistic meltdown.
>they were mostly used as a way to preserve meat
Absolute fucking retard.
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Are you even capable of insulting an American using memes or slang terms that don't positively reference America in some way? It never ceases to amaze me the extent to which we have so thoroughly colonized your minds and imaginations. Americans must be like strange demigods to you... ones that you can never stop seething over.
Why is this called Wellington then ? It was a french dish with a french name (maybe "boeuf en croûte", "boeuf à la française" or something ). But in spite of french due to Napoleonic wars, they renamed it after their greatest general. It's also a french grammar ( with the adjective put AFTER the name) , proving it is not naturaly british
France have lot of of similare food, like "tenderloin en croûte" wich is the exact same principle. But it's basic cuisine and is not as much recognized, while beef Wellington became a pinnacle in Great Britain.
So yeah, beef Wellington is basically french food that was "liberty fried" . Cope harder bong, because this is no lie and you can't disprove it. hnpyd
Struggling with the captcha there, mate?
>"It's not a pâté"
>Give the precise definition of what he word "pâté" mean in french.
Yeah, try again.
And by top food, i mean the only food considered edible by foreigner so bongs always bring it when talking about their food.
Their is nothing valuable to understand about your culinary culture but this, I understand very well since it's not specifically your
What the fuck am I looking at ?
Rarebit welsh is gross and american tier. Opinion discarded.
Where's the lard based crust on pate?
Where's the gelatin in pate?
At what point did you dice the meat in a pate?

Be definition pate is forcemeat and needs the meat to be broken down into soft easily spreadable mush that you then fill with other crap like shallots. A Pork pie has about 7 ingredients and is wholly dependent on good quality meat to build a flavour profile.
>Irish ingredients - beef, milk, cheese, butter, lamb, etc. - tend to be top notch however
That's not to say England or America are better though; former has Mad Cow and the latter has hormones and GMO feed. I still wouldn't trust food in Ireland though.
>Most pork products are at risk of contamination; however, pork gelatine, products containing pork gelatine such as sweets, crisps and snack foods and sauces with pork or ham content are not.
Look at that. Shitty snack foods were safe, but not fresh pork! It was done on purpose, which means there are powerful people deliberately poisoning the food supply. Beef was affected too, and milk.
>Millstream Recycling Ltd. has taken a civil case against Gerard Tierney of Blackrock
The name of the town of Blackrock is surely just a cohen-cidence right?

Oh, and what's this?
>Investigations by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) resulted in Ireland being the first EU state to report the presence of horse meat in beef and make the results public.
At least the country's more proactive than others, I'll give yout that.
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i went to northern england last year and the food was great, admittedly all the food i really enjoyed were all pastry related, whether it be savory or sweet
i think the only i didnt like much was english breakfast, but then again im not a fan of blood pudding or undercooked eggs so maybe i’m biased
fish n chips with some vinegar and mushy peas was great too
t. texan
>left the state for any reason other than killing Arabs in their homeland
You ain’t no Texan.
Welsh rarebit
you've obviously never even had proper Welsh rarebit
There is gelatin in pâté en croûte. There is many different recipe of pâté. Pâté lorrain, for instance, is not grounded meat bit thinly cuted veal and pork meat cooked in fat, spice and grey wine. Some pâté (The Richelieu pâté) have a core made of foie gras.
To go deeper, "pâté" originally designate any meat cooked in a crust, what english call "pie". "pâté" come from "pâte" (pastry) . Now pâté designate the meat specifically and we call it "pâté en croûte" when there is a crust around. But some specific pâté with crust are still called simply "pâté" . Like the previously mentionned "pâté lorrain"

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