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Grilled cheese obviously. PB&J only has the advantage of being faster and cleaner then a grilled cheese.
pbj, easy
love me the ocassional grilled cheese
i could eat grilled cheese with tomato soup 7 days a week and be happy (i’ve done this)

after three days of pb&j with milk i’d be sick of it and desperate for anything else.

case closed.
really not too big on either , but i guess I would be more likely to have a grill cheese than a pbj
for pb&j's, there are only a small variety of breads, peanut butters, and jellies to choose from
for cheese sandwiches, there are many
Both of these sandwiches have bread in them, which contains gluten. Gluten is a carbohydrate that gets converted into soy when digested, and soy makes men more feminine.
keep pb&j, theres plenty of replacements for grilled cheese but theres only so many sweet sandwiches
not if you make them with tortillas
Fool's gold
Tortillas are made with flowers, which are gay.
I'd choose grilled cheese over pbj every time
Grilled cheese can be dipped in creamy soups which makes it better
both are good with bacon but only one is good with bananas so I choose that one.
Seems like it needs some ham to make some make some pb&j with ham and grilled cheese on rye.
It seems like we'll need some some slave girls to make us these things.
>Get rid of grilled cheese
>Just make quesadillas instead

no form of cheese between any form of sandwich material could ever be used again if you choose the pb&j. there are loopholes in this choice.

i normally dont do pbj and do toast with crunchy peanutbutter and bananas and honey on it. if i can do that instead of jelly ill take that otherwise some girled cheese.
Pb&j. Peanut butter on toast is great but grilled cheese is something I have often
This is a sloppa board. Not a forum for geopolitical bs.
grilled cheese all the way
that anon in the thread is either trolling or just retarded; either way I'm not going to reply to his post to show him how Assad I am over his statement and give him the satisfaction of a successful bait so there
I pick grilled pb&j
Grilled cheese gotta go.
I love 'em both, but fuck, PBJ is just way better.
Nigga that's cheating. Fuck grilled cheese, I'll just throw ham or a burger or some shit on it and make a melt instead.
PB&J gotta go. I'll keep the grilled cheese. Grilled cheese with cheddar and smoked paprika and/or onion powder or caramelized grilled onions is amazing. Maybe even add a really thin slice of tomato. Grill it with butter in a skillet. Finish with a light smear of mayo on each side, grilling for a few seconds more each side. Wah lah.
PB&J gotta go, without hesitation, never ate it so cannot even compare
I'd rather have a grilled peanut butter and cheese tha either.
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>get rid of PB&J
>get to keep the superior PB&Honey
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I keep both of them.
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>Both of these sandwiches have bread in them, which contains gluten. Gluten is a carbohydrate that gets converted into soy when digested, and soy makes men more feminine.
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Need to add bacon to the grilled cheese.
What if they had tuna salad on them, then they would be tuna salad pb&j and or tuna salad grilled cheese. Would you be so eager to throw them away?
This too OP, a couple slices of bacon never hurt anyone on their tuna salad sandwich.
We call it a tuna melt here in the states.
>men more feminine
that's what your mom said last night when I was pounding her ass.
god I wish getting feminized was as easy as /pol/chuds claim it is
>tfw will never have cute perky hrt femboy tits simply by eating carbs
then you can have neither. you can have mayonnaise on a rice cake.
The real sad thing is this fake covid shit a front for vaxxing closed down a lot of local joints that would make ham & cheese on whatever for breakfast. It's not the first time for government lies and I suspect that it wont be the last.
>as /pol/chuds claim it is
Twitter troons are the ones trying to convince people that one year on hrt will make you look like Christina Hendricks
nice AI post
dafuq bro.. take off the tinfoil hat for a minute and pick a sandwich. jeez. not every thread needs to be crazytown.
Piss off, anything that a fag such as you disagrees with is AI? None of this is AI you stupid sack of shit.
go to /pol/ to talk about this malarkey. this is a sandwich thread on a food board. not the place for that shit.
OK without crazytown, how about a simple BLT with a side of fries?
take it to another board. nobody here cares.
Dude, get your shit straight. Nobody here cares about a simple BLT with a side of fries? Please get your head out of the gutter. It might be difficult for you but try.
You seem a bit slow in the head (common on /ckl/, especially those who happen to be anti-vaxxers), so I'll spell it out for you:
Sometimes, people label post as AI not because they legitimacy believe the post as AI-generated, but because it is such blatant re-heated rhetoric of the lowest quality it might as well be. You see, the post was actually calling you a moron.
I hope that helps the next time you get called out!
no shit sherlock, every computer program is labelled as AI these days, it's the media darling you stupid moron.
that's a melt, not grilled cheese
So you say that if it's the same thing with ham or roast beast then it's a melt, but if it's just some cheese melted on some bread then it's a grilled cheese?
ya Reddit said so
are you retarded? look at the post that's a reply to.
cheese with jelly and bacon
Grilled Cheese
Tuna Sandwich

Fuck Marry Kill; GO!
keeping grilled cheese. I don't like jelly.
grilled cheese with peanut butter.
agreed and also have done
sweet mutt slop vs salty mutt slop
pb&j + milk is my go to if I don't want to exert much effort, and don't want anything warm or heavy
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keep pb&j every single time. a nice crunchy peanut butter and something like fig jam or strawberry/rhubarb, you just cant beat it

fuck grilled cheese
>great once in a while but easy to get tired of
marry pb&j
>always has my back as a solid choice
kill tuna
>love you tuna but one has to go
Grilled cheese because remember she's literally has opioids that makes you addicted to it after ingesting. It's not hard to see why everybody will choose cheese. The question is stupid though because neither are healthy.
Every time I have grilled cheese, I think to myself "fuck yeah, I'm having grilled cheese" each time I have PB&J I think "meh, it's just pb&j, not even as good as either on it's own."
>Gluten is a carbohydrate
Gluten is a protein.

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