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Ok let's settle this once and for all. Ramen or Pho ?
I pity the pho
For me it’s spaghetti
ramen, it has been a stable which withstood the test of time, pho was a trend for like 9 months, all it did was make people think about how they'd rather be eating ramen
Spaghetti and Sunday Gravy.
K'tieu. It's basically pork pho.

Ramen wins in terms of versatility. You have the basic soup types like miso, shio, and my personal favorite tonkotsu. Most pho places just have the one broth, which is good, but doesn't really have the depth compared to something like tonkotsu.

The toppings go either way. Ramen's standard soft-boiled egg and slabs of chashu are good, but it entirely depends on what kind of pho you make/order. Basic chicken can fuck off, but if you get the "super bowl" or combo that has different cuts of meat, it is better than ramen's toppings.

My favorites are the tendon and tripe. Those two have interesting textures that differ from regular steak cuts or the meatball.

It makes me wonder why a lot of pho places don't add an egg.
Try k'tieu.
Pork kidney, shredded squid, crumble cooked pork mince, shrimp, pork liver, sliced pork belly and boiled quail eggs are all common toppings as well and it's served with sawtooth herb/culantro, rice lady herb, chilli, lime and beansprouts. What's not to love?
Love tonkotsu ramen. I prefer bo kho or bun bo hue over pho.
Ramen easily. If I'm at a place with pho then I'm actually ordering pork vermicelli; it's all the good stuff without a bunch of useless salty greasy broth
Which is the tomato one with the carrots and fatty beef? I used to have a lonely Vietnamese landlady who insisted on cooking for me from time to time and hang out with her and she used to make this tomato-based beef noodle soup that was the absolute tits. Miss her. She was great and the room I was renting from her was cheap.
She really liked watching cheesy TV together. She was like the grandma I never had cuz my actual grandma is a creature made of an unholy combination of spite and figs.
I prefer pho, I can eat it daily, ramen is too rich
>noodle soup
Misspoke. No noodles. Just soup. We ate it with baguette
Also Vietnamese meatball pho is the best takeout pho, more bang for your buck and you don't have to deal with raw meat sitting out for 15+ minutes
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That's bo kho. I love that stuff. The place that I go to doesn't refer to it as bo kho and only has it on their special menu. Also if anyone is in Seattle check out Lotus Pond on Aurora Ave. I love that place.
Yeah, that's the stuff. Good as hell. I want that to be a potato chip flavour
Pho because I feel like I can eat more of it.
...for fucks sake...just because you saw a similar thread like this doesn't mean you should recycle it you fuckin communist jew kike...
>1/20 for me replying
Ramen by far. They're both good but it's hardly a competition.
Pho by a huge margin.
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I choose the white man's noodle soup
fellow Thai chad. I grew up on that shit, when I was Thailand I would eat 3 bowls a day and my aunt always makes it at every family gathering and I can go through like 5 bowls of it
That would be a really good flavor. Lays beef potato chips from Taiwan might be close to what you're looking for. They don't have the root veggie flavor obviously but the beef flavor is good. Vietnamese people seriously need to branch out their junk food selection.
I'm not Thai and neither is k'tieu. It's Cambodian and I'm from Italy lmao
I really like that pink Thai soup, yen ta fo. Also, tom khlong and gaeng Nor Mai (though that one's Lao).
>beef potato chips from Taiwan
I'll keep an eye out, thanks.
>Vietnamese people seriously need to branch out their junk food selection
I love those pandan jelly things with the lotus paste in the middle. I call them kue because idk the Vietnamese name and they're similar to but better than kue. I don't think they have many salty snacks other than the most underrated beef jerky on earth. Srsly, any time I go get beef jerky from the Vietnamese snacks shop (literally all they sell are snacks and drinks), I'm the only non-Viet buying jerky. Every. Single. Time I think it's near they they cut it with scissors.
>I think it's near they they
I think it's NEAT THAT they
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Here's a picture of what they look like. I'm not sure what the Asian grocery selections are like in Italy but any shop geared towards Chinese customers should carry the Taiwanese chips. There's a lot of good Thai chip flavors out there too. I've never heard of those jelly sweets but those sound good. Salty lemonade (chanh muoi) is my go to sweet Vietnamese treat. I feel obligated to visit Vietnam one day. My granddad was a draft dodger who fucked around and that's why my mom was brought into this world.
Don't get me wrong i love pho, but ramen just hits the spot more
>Asian grocery selections are like in Italy
Pretty much identical to the US, which I know first hand because I live in America now. : )
I've seen the salty lemonade offered but never tried it. I had salty plum soda before, though. Tried it on a lark and it was not at all what I was expecting.
>I've never heard of those jelly sweets but those sound good
I'm not sure what they're made of. Kue is made of tapioca starch but the Vietnamese one has a very different texture so I don't think that's what they use. If you ever see a green and yellow layered sweet that's the stuff I'm talking about.
America has better Asian markets than Italy, quit fronting.
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Bun bo Hue is a delicious Vietnamese dish with rice noodles, beef, broth, along with pork knuckles, crab sausage, and other toppings. The noodles have a perfect texture from a blend of rice flour and tapioca starch, while the beef comes in cuts like brisket or tenderloin.

The heart of bun bo Hue noodles lies in their broth, meticulously crafted by simmering beef bones to attain a delectably rich and sweet flavor. To elevate the fragrance, a touch of shrimp paste and lemongrass is incorporated into the bun bo Hue broth.

Bun bo Hue noodles lure you in with their tantalizing aroma, presenting a symphony of vibrant hues derived from cashew oil, beef, pork, herbs, and bean sprouts. This delightful fusion of spicy, sweet, and savory flavors truly captivates the hearts of diners.
Outside of Hmart, they're literally the exact same thing.
The biggest difference is that I actually see Asians do regular shopping at our markets, too, and only go to the Asian ones for specialty shit while in America, I seldom see any Asians at Safeway buying meat or vegetables and I don't know why. Going back to my Vietnamese landlady from >>20623503, I turned her on to friarielli (broccoli raab) and she started buying and cooking then herself. It was nice to introduce a new food to someone and have them really enjoy it.
>became gluten intolerant
>Ramen and most east Asian food is now basically out of my grasp unless I make it home with gf ingredients

My choice was basically made for me because pho is nearly always gf, but, Stockholm syndrome or not, I think I would've taken the phopill eventually anyway. Pho:
>Has a lighter, more refreshing broth
>Has fresher and more vibrant topings/additions
>Ultimately I tend to feel better after a bowl of pho than a bowl of ramen
>Its cheaper and easier to get (good) pho near me these days compared to an equivalently good ramen
Spaghetti. Squint-eyed, Pearl Harbor bombing, dog eating, rice paddy farming, tunnel dwelling spaghetti is cringe ya dingus.
Pho and it’s not particularly close, the bright fresh flavors and light spiced broth of pho are way more appealing to me but it’s all just personal preference
>Outside of Hmart, they're literally the exact same thing.
Lol not true at all. All of our big cities have Chinatowns where the Asians go to get their weird dried bats and shit. And our small cities and towns have H-Mart and similar markets. Europe simply can’t compete with the availability of Asian goods available to the American people at all times.
Chicken fuckin' soup and ban all the bingbong bullshit once and for all.
>not true at all
yes true at all
there are chinatowns all over europe
There are no H-Marts in Europe.
Not him but Italy's entire population of Chinese people is roughly equivalent to just NYC's.

There are 2 in the UK.
You said Europe, and you said all over
The UK is not in Europe, and 2 isn't even all over the UK
>You said Europe
No I didn't, you're replying to my first post ITT.
>The UK is not in Europe
Turkey plz.
You are not very smart.
>population of Chinese people is roughly equivalent to just NYC
And? Doesn't mean I can't get X, Y and Z at an ASIAN (not Chinese specifically, necessarily) supermarket.
>You are not very smart.
You are correct I misread this and thought you were saying there were H-Marts all over Italy or some shit
Look I woke up at six today after breaking a rib I'm a little all over, I hope you understand
And I'm just saying that I think he has a point when he says that stuff is just more widely available here. If you want to get away from the Chinese then OC, California has the largest population of Vietnamese outside of Vietnam. There's also a weird mix of Creole/Vietnamese that used to live in Louisiana but migrated heavily to Texas after the hurricanes got particularly bad. The US also has the largest Korean population outside of Korea, and this holds true for several different peoples.

I don't doubt that Yurop has plenty of cool Asian stuff but the US is pretty much impossible to beat or even match for having access to everything from everywhere.
for me it's bun bo hue.
>the US is pretty much impossible to beat or even match for having access to everything from everywhere.
Except, going back to the Chinese specifically, the majority of Chinese in Italy are, weirdly, wenzhounese (like, 90%) and mandarin speakers (9%) so we have very different Chinese food and culture compared to the cantonese-dominated Chinese food scene of the United States. Furthermore, it's difficult to say how many Asians there are in Italy, exactly, since we don't take race on the census. Basically, the statistics only count foreign born people and that's it. Children of mixed Asian/Italian parentage are just counted as Italian and not Asian.
>it's difficult to say how many Asians there are in Italy
So those percentages at the beginning of your post are bullshit or what?
Those are obviously the percentages of the foreign-born numbers because, again, the statistics only count foreign born people and that's it. Do work on your comprehension skills, Samantha.
>Those are obviously the percentages of the foreign-born numbers
Yes I understand that, and what I asked is where exactly they're coming from if your civil registries only care about country of origin and not race, ethnicity or native language.
Trips but France has a big Chinese/Indochinese population for reasons
The food is odd, I don't know why, maybe it's francophiled, maybe it's time capsuled
>or native language
Where did anyone say that, Sarah?
Bruh, Italy has about 40 regional languages native to the peninsula, many of which are not even dialects or relatives to Italian (Resian in the Northeast, Griko in the Southeast, Albanian in the southern mountains, German in the northern mountains) and many dialects or regional languages that are descended of dead it dying branches or italic languages making them not mutually intelligible with Italian (Piemontese, Napoletano*, Sardegnan Catalan, valdostano French) or are so thoroughly pidgined that they're just they're own thing (Sicilian). Of course we take language into account.
>* is hypothesised to be descended of Oscan, a cousin to Latin, rather than Latin itself like Italian is
>the language spoken in Wenzhou
>a group of Chinese language dialects that are natively spoken across most of northern and southwestern China.
>Cantonese is the traditional prestige variety of Yue Chinese, a Sinitic branch of the Sino-Tibetan languages
Every Chinese cultural identity that you mentioned was identified IN YOUR OWN WORDS by a language, family of languages or dialect. If all the papers say is "this guy is from China" then where are you getting this other info?

>Bruh, Italy has about 40 regional languages native to the peninsula
Cool but we're talking about Asian immigrants.
Are you the same guy that the other guy had to call dumb? Because if each person on either side of a dumb internet argument has to tell you to sit down and shut up then you need to re-evaluate what you're doing with your time.
>Cool but we're talking about Asian immigrants.
And as I said (and I'll repeat it slowly because you clearly need it): our census. Does not. Ask. About. Race.
I know this is a difficult concept for an anglo since you people are obsessed with race, but we don't care that much.
National origin, yes. Languages spoken, yes. Race, not so much.
I am from Italy. I speak Italian. I speak English. I speak German. I speak French. I speak Malay. I speak Neapolitan. I speak Italian and American Sign Languages. I "speak" Gesturo. And I say as much.
In America, all I get asked on forms is "are you white, black*, Asian, Hispanic of any race, native or other." Generally not any language question.
So when someone is asked in our census what languages they speak and they answer any of the Chinese languages, you can take the number of wenzhounese speakers and divide it by the total number of Chinese language speakers and you get that there are a lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot more wenzhounese speakers in Italy than any other variety (or, indeed, all those varieties combined), 90%.
Why is this such a difficult concept for you to understand?
>* my missus is black and she told me that when she was filling out forms in the US, she didn't know what to tick because the box said "African American" and she's neither of those things
>Every Chinese cultural identity that you mentioned was identified IN YOUR OWN WORDS by a language, family of languages or dialect. If all the papers say is "this guy is from China" then where are you getting this other info
You are not very smart, Selena.
>chink import vs chink wannabe
Eat pasta like a normal human bean. Truly japanese food (sashimi and sushi) is okay though.
>our census. Does not. Ask. About. Race.
Yes. You keep saying that over and over again when I'm asking where you're getting the data that you do have.
>Truly japanese food (sashimi and sushi)
originated in Laos and arrived in Japan through trade with Mekong Delta civilisations. Yes, even nori is from Laos (kaipen). That long Japanese tobacco pipe, kiseru? Also from the Mekong River Delta, weirdly.
>So when someone is /asked in our census what languages they speak/
You are not very intelligent, Ines.
For me, it's the Yaka Mein.
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I'm asking you to back up your stats, that's not unusual or uncalled for but whatever. My response to you hours ago should've just been that irrespective of Cantonese domination we likely have small cultural enclaves across like 5 cities that amount to everyone from A, B, C group in the entirety of Italy.
>I'm asking you to back up your stats
no you didn't, debra
You can stop pretending that you were speaking in good faith at any point.
>"the census"
OK I'll play.
The census says you're wrong and the numbers you posted before were bunk.
no it doesn't
the census says you're gay
Pacific ocean people are also ok. Just avoid the chinks stuff
raymond. fuh is kinda meh.
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According to the census 101% of people are.
yo mama so fat, she 101% of people
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Then she's ur mom 2.
Wonton and beef tendons noodle
why do people eat these with chopsticks despite not being asian or being in an asian country?
So you can pick out the bits you want to eat
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Ramen but only once in a while so I don't get sick of it
I can't stand all the greens they put in pho they are too strong. Always pick them out
Pho (the dat biet special one with tripe etc)
then equal place second is Bun Bo Hue / Bo Kho
That's not how pho is pronounced :(
Ramen is way better it’s really not even close
good ramen > good pho
mediocre pho > mediocre ramen
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Who else ever eat meatballs with pasta soup?

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