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What do you consider a "balanced breakfast"?
cigarette and a cup of coffee seems the most well-balanced to me
Two eggs
Piece of toast
Bit of milk
I had some left over chicken wings, handful of cherries, and a cup of this quinoa salad I make in bulk once a week.
intermittent fasting and not having anything until after 18
Yer toast be needing cheese laddie
Great job answering 0% of the question
Cigarette and cold water.
Cornflakes, Vodka and Beer
Absolutely DEGENERATE.
Cornflakes are disgusting.
If you correctly ignore the jewish food pyramid you'll end up with butter in your coffee/tea and some kind of lean protein. It ends up allowing you to skip lunch which saves money, time, and helps you lose weight long term.
Anything that doesn't fall off the table!
I usually make a small pot of soup. I add kimchi, tofu, any vegetable I have in my fridge, fish stock powder, and doenjang. I eat it with a small bowl of rice. Sometimes I steam vegetables on the side or throw some fish in the air fryer. If I have natto or canned tuna I'll eat that sometimes.

Whole thing takes 20 mins max. It's been a game changer for me and I feel like I have more energy than I did when I was eating breakfast sandwiches and cereal. Pretty cheap too.
I could've shown you all of mine buildings everywhere. I could've explained the world for all I need is chair.
2 eggs with a shot of tabasco, 3 strips of bacon, toast, and a cup of coffee, black with sugar.
energy drink and a ritalin
>cereal AND toast
are you from the 50s? do you have a cigarette and read the paper too?
is this so outlandish? this is literally my weekend breakfast. I'll throw in an extra egg and a glass of orange juice too
Pancakes/oatmeal too if I have feel like it
Some protein and some complex carbs, fat recommended as well.

This is why some hearty bread or potatoes + Eggs is the ultimate breakfast.
muesli + greek yogurt is the ideal breakfast but I usually have only coffee for a few hours first
do people really eat sugar cereal, toast, and orange juice for breakfast?
I don't like sugary cereal so I typically go for muesli with yogurt or milk with walnuts and whatever fruit I have. Banana, strawberries, blueberry. Maybe a boiled egg on the side.
Skip breakfast have a large lunch
For breakfast I have:

50g steel cut oats
250ml whole milk
50g peanut butter
200g frozen fruit (any kind)

Either leave the milk and oats in a container overnight or if you're in a rush nuke on full power in microwave for 3 minutes. Add peanut butter and stir until mixed and top with fruit. Delicious and healthy.
12 oz ribeye, 3 egg omlette with mozz and some salsa, fried onions, grilled brussels sprouts, quart of milk (1 cup ovaltine), a string cheese, half cup of pepitas, 6oz vodka, 3 slices of crispbread with 3 tbs butter, 4 mulberry pecan oatmeal cookies.

that was breakfast today. think ill try more fruit tomorrow
>Somehow eating cereal AND super sugary fruits AND toast AND super sugary juice is healthy for you
>Eating ONLY the cereal is BAD for you

> 3 hardboiled eggs
> 1.5 cups of kefir
> handful of vitamin supplements

i am still trying to lose weight, even after dieting for over 5 years
love steel cut oats with a bit of milk with peanut butter and banana, coffee, this is the best breakfast i can eat regularly
Most days I just make a PB&J. My ideal is an omelet, but it's just that much more work when I'm trying to get to work on time.
I have zero breakfast. Perfectly balanced.
Beat me to it.
running the next day off of an OMAD dinner 4 hours before sleep has MULTIPLE benefits.
it's just so typical movie dad breakfast
>movie dad
What are you, 12 or something? Silly cunt
if you aren't old enough to slowly see yourself become your dad yet... don't worry, you'll get there too
Meat, caffeine, and other.
You haven't eaten anything since turning 18?!
By not having breakfast. I honestly don't even feel hungry until lunchtime. I have no clue how people can wake up and eat food in less than an hour after waking up.
Even when I am doing labouring work I don't feel that hungry, I mostly want something refreshing to hydrate me, eating food actually reduces my productivity. Every co-worker thinks I'm weird for not eating and my boss kicks me off the job site telling me to basically fuck off and buy something from the shops.
Japanese breakfast. Small bowl of white rice, natto, piece of salmon, miso soup, pickled veggies.
I wake up and my wife is "using" me like a pommel horse and rocking Mr. Happy. She maintains her balance skillfully. I love our balanced breakfasts combined with a cigarette and coffee.
For thr average person who overeats anyways, yeah skipping breakfast isn't too big of a deal. But on a normal or cutting diet, you definitely feel when you're glycogen depleted and need some food. This feeling more severe when doing exercise
So you fap while smoking and drinking a coffee, got it.
What if you need to gain weight?
You dont
Butter idiots are somethin else
Enjoy your clogged arteries while us EVOOchads keep winning
this but replace the cigarette with another cup of coffee
>47 responses
>Only one includes potatoes
How is this even possible?
what if I'm not a ketoschizo?
Because potatoes are a dinner food, anon.
Potatoes are fit for every meal.
me too
>90% carbs
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Forgot the vodka
this nigga makes soup for breakfast, lmfao
black coffee and tadalafil
American breakfast cereal is actually pretty good for you because they add so many vitamins to it that it's basically like eating a bowl of multivitamins.

It's funny to think that most people don't realize half the shit they eat has to be fortified so that it doesn't kill them. Even sandwiches would be devoid of micronutrients if the bread wasn't fortified.
vitamins are mostly a meme
country fried steak with sausage gravy
2 eggs sunny side up
2-4 hash brown patties
4-5 strips of bacon
2 sausages
2 pieces of well buttered rye toast
1 grapefruit
1 pot of black coffee
i feel like there should be some sort of vegetable too but i cant think of any that are appropriate for breakfast
real shame because the fiber would make the following bowel movement much smoother
and of course it goes without saying there should be ample black pepper and tabasco available for the eggs and hash browns
I don't think they're trying to be anything anon. I think they're korean
for people who eat 2000 calories a day yes but they're really important for people eating less
Breakfast cereal is peak sloppa.
Toast or Oatmeal
Red Bull
Still better than bacon and eggs in terms of avoiding premature death, sorry ketobro
>lean protein
ironic. butter doesn't clog arteries. though seed oils are bad, olive oil is bad too.
keto is shit. carnivore, however...is the way.
Bit of carbs, bit of protein, and some whole grains.
Have you considered adding apple and cinnamon to your oats?
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Nowadays, I just have a cigarette and a can of beer to enjoy during my morning piss, but my ideal breakfast is just mostly protein with some carbs.
Red meats and potatoes are the way to go, like steak, eggs, and hash browns.
My go-to order at Waffle House is double hash browns all the way(with all the fixings, gravy, chili, veggies, cheese, all that jazz) with a heavy splash of hot sauce.
Really hits the spot and helps soak up all the alcohol I've drank prior.
Can't stand sweets for breakfast though. Pancakes, waffles, etc can fuck right off.
Breakfast stouts are king, I highly recommend Founder's
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Use your words
Zoom zoom.
Based Calvin & Hobbes Chad, I miss reading the paper back in the day.
The most sugary cereals I've ever gotten into were honey comb & apple jacks.
My favorite was half n half kix & honey comb.
There was this time though in my late teens when I ate 3 bowls of cinnamon toast crunch with fireball instead of milk. Fucking delicious, now that I think about it, I want to do it again.
Based pvt. Johnson straight out of Hanoi Hilton
>Hmm, our bowl of sugary carbohydrates aren't all that good for you... I know, let's say they're "part" of a healthy breakfast!
>What's a healthy breakfast look like anyways?
>Uh... fried bread with sugary fruit juice I guess
Once upon a time a balanced breakfast meant eggs, toast, beans, pork, that sort of thing so you had actual nutrition to start your day.
And what did those nutritious brekkies produce? Masterbation. That’s why we had to invent cereal to stop everyone from feeling horny and fapping all the time
Exactly! Eat your branflakes so you never even consider flirting with the devil by touching your willie.
Sleep with your arms ABOVE the blanket, not underneath.
A bbc for breakfast lunch and dinner. I'm going to vote trump btw.
classic 2 x 2. 2 eggs 2 bacon. If you're ina good mood maybe something sweet like a pancake, French toast, or waffle.
On my days off I usually make myself 2 slices of bacon, 2 eggs, 3 pancakes, a hash brown, and a protein shake before the gym
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Looks amazing
>mickey mouse cafe
that will be $35, sir!
potatos o brien. 5 sausages or 5 bacon strips. eggs over hard. tabasco.
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none of this shit except the glass of milk. the claim that grains belong in the human body at all is just revolting propaganda
I feel like I’m the only 21 year old left who still likes these little comics
I eat two eggs and a tablespoon of cum
I don't know, but cereal is a part of it
5 sausages/6 strips of bacon
2-3 small potatoes hashed and browned
3-4 eggs scrambled and cooked French
2 cans of soda
Possible some chips afterwards
6'3" 190 380 bench btw don't @ me
>soda for breakfast
You need to fucking grow up.
Huh? Those kinds of comics were made before I was even born. Boomers still enjoy them today, so I don’t understand how it’s immature. Are you a jaded 30 something who believes people can’t enjoy things and that life after 18 is about working for sheckelberg, taxes, and politics?
Not him but I feel the same about grown adults who watch cape shit and Chinese cartoons.
I'm not going to insult your intelligence by telling you that "balanced breakfast" is just a marketing tactic pushed by Kellogg's and General Mills to make mothers feel less bad about feeding their children 2 cups of sugar for breakfast.
1 protein shake after a vigorous exercise
Why even post
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Something like this.
Yoghurt drink 500ml and 40g brioche with jelly and butter. Good for shits.
I'm not going to insult your intelligence by explaining why I posted.
pot of chili,
pot of coffee.
I am regular, Damnit!

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