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It’s summertime and that means caprese

the holy trinity
Fuck off you hipster piece of shit
Worst attempt at caprese I have ever seen
>t. first attempt at caprese i've seen
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Epic fail. Stick to your own bullshit culture. You are not Italian.
That's exceptionally turgid looking
Hey it's the salad from that one Japanese comic!
How so?
Where's the balsamic to drown out the disgusting flavor of tomato?
did you recently re-acquire your vision?
you need to buy real tomatos dude, not the watery, super huge kind

i just learned all the balsamic in the store is fake and theres only like 2 real balsamic vinegar brands. i keep forgetting to try it
Y-you're saying you never tried balsamic?
>You don't like the flavor? You need to make it stronger!
Why are tomatofags always like this?
Do I even need to ask if you're retarded?
Who wants that much cheese, though?
I want my lactose intolerant wife to have this much cheese
No you don't. When you are really lactose intolerant the cramping, sharp pains, feverish bullshit, dizziness, etc make you feel like you're dying. You don't want that for your wife. You're just a horny little brapfag who bought into the meme
t. the most lactose intolerant person on the four channel dot organization website
please be a girl
There's almost no lactose in cheese.
>Traditional food dish
>only about 200 years old
You’re the only one that brought up its traditional
Also 200 years is kind of a long time anyway
I don't have this problem because Costco doesn't sell bunk balsamic (nor bunk olive oil)
all my basil has little holes from slugs :(
200 years is a small timeframe euros love to brag how their countries span back thousands of years but funnily enough all their beliefs/traditions they hold today only came about 200 years ago.
>I am a real italiano cuz i spread out the stuff
tough shit who cares
Add some good meat and call it Calabrese or something

Not that there is anything wrong with inventing strawmen in your head but Italy is less than 200 years old...
Looks fine. Don't know what everyone is freaking out about.
everyone is freaking out precisely because it looks good, welcome to /ck/
fat man's salad
Keep in mind for am*ricans the definition of salad is boiled chicken meat/eggs/ham/potatoes with a shit ton of mayo
Replace the tomatoes with ketchup to massively improve this
that's bad but it was always funny to me that caprese is considered "light" and a "salad" when it's a large amount of fatass cheese often covered in oil and served with bread. Just cause there's tomato in it doesn't mean it's light and it stretches the definition of a salad.
well you aren't mean to eat a very small portion of it
OP's pic could serve 2 or 3 people
This is a fat persons salad
>You are not Italian.
Thank god. I'm glad I'm white instead.
>only the true-a Italiana can-a put-a tomato wit-a mozzarella! Momamia!!

don't you have a nursing home to die in? or a Muslim to whore your daughter out to?
All the dishes in this thread look lonely. like they need some crusty italian bread or grissini.
... that's crusty buttery italian garlic bread
Aside from being assembled and plated solely for a photo, under better lighting, and totally unseasoned, I'm not sure how this is supposed to be different
Now that you mention it, it does look like it's from Martha Stewart zone and could use a bit of salt & pepper and maybe a squirt of lime juice,
You're going to say all that, in a world where Salad Olivier exists? Let alone Coronation Chicken? The same world where America invented the Cobb and the Caesar?
This is just and excuse to eat a pound of cheese at once
What's it like to be this fucking stupid?
supermarket tomatoes and heirloom tomatoes don't even have the same flavor
When you are lactose intolerant it means you are a brownoid so you deserve it
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Keep buying into the memes and studies, kid
No he's right but some fresh cheeses are packed with the whey which has lactose
Most people who are lactose intolerant can have lactose in small to trace amounts as long as there's something else in their stomach
There's almost no lactose in cream so people who are lactose intolerant can usually substitute cream and water for milk
ma statti zitto madonna santissima
Those are pushing the established conventions of a salad. Nobody is arguing they are healthy either
>uncooked mozarella with slices of a raw American fruit, some leaves and olive grease


Shut up, Giuseppe. Americans do everything "Italian" better than you guys.
is this the famous ratatouille?
Teach me more about the intolerance I've had longer than you've been alive... Fucking idiot
Nope. Now post yours
>It’s summertime
what does that have to do with caprese.
so I think one of the worst things about this board is the non-stop DO AMERICANS REALLY retardation, but as an American there is nothing, NOTHING more cringe about America than the fucking Italians who almost invariably base their fucking identity on being "Italian." real life grown ass men, completely unironically making it a point to remind anybody within earshot that they're "italian," i.e. their great great grandmother moved from there to New York and married a Puerto Rican or something. they actually use all these butchered Italian terms with complete seriousness, and go on and on about well, see, I'M Italian so I fucken blah blah blah. actual adult men do that shit, not joking. and they make all this shitty food like a goddamn meatball sub and honest to god do these dumbass Italian mannerisms and talk about the MOTHALAND, I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING. it's unreal. and there's seriously, still not joking, probably more than one of these mouth breathers reading this and thinking, "gee I knows, I hates when a gabbagool like that mouths off, see my FAWTHA came from Italy and that pisses off us REAL ITALIANOOOOOOOOS."
it's mind blowing.
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what being a rootless mutt does to a mofo
isnt this just pizza without the bread?
This mutt bullshit again
You know we maintain ridiculous family records so that we can preserve our heritages, right? Most white Americans have a stronger ethnic background than most Euros
desu it's all a cope and either over or undercompensation instead of genuine continuarion of heritage, often with "adaptations" which means processed shit, corn syrup, pesticides and antibiotics infused meats, artificial texture and taste boosters and preservatives. Fuck that shit I'd rather eat real bread than fake lobster.
It's light and refreshing, and this is when people start harvesting their tomatoes and basil from their gardens.
I like to make it into a sandwich with homemade sourdough and a roasted garlic spread, really kicks it up a notch
Yeah, I usually spend a little more to get the good stuff
One of my favorite anecdotes was that Count Dankula came to the US and hung out with some Scottish-Americans and ended learning all-new things (to him) about Scottish history because it's suppressed in the UK and American Scots have long memories
truth is migrants are delusional and all true history is eaither your nation being an oppressor or oppressed and both are shit and nobody should be proud and everyone should be ashamed.
No bruschetta?
Based lmao fuck italy
OP's looks better.
Do leafs really...?
Looks fucking tasty
they're based from time to time
The shashliq skewer is missing.

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