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Is there anything better than an asian buffet? Seriously, think about it. Im getting all the delicious food i can eat, dessert included, for the price of a normal meal at most restaurants? Doesn't even make sense.

The average peasant just 200 years ago would think we are living in a utopia if he saw chinese buffets.
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If by "Asian" you mean "Americanized Chinese", then yes.
I wish I was there. I went to the only one in town last night and there was an acoustic act there. 360 noped on the spot. I don't want to hear anything buy ambient noise at a buffet. Fucking uncouth pieces of shit
Sure, no one wants the actual real stuff besides foodweebs. Westernized asian food is the ideal stuff
They count on people filling up on rice and soup. They would all go out of business is every buffet customer had my appetite. For reference I'm 6'3 and weigh 257 as of this morning.
I like the ones that do the create your own mongolian bbq but yes, I agree. I make a point to try the pizza first, that's usually a sign that it's properly americanized
>he told us his measurements
My tiny little rural town has two. It takes almost 40 minutes to drive into a little three traffic light strip of shops and we have two and it's ALWAYS well stocked. The price went up to 8.95 for weekday lunch but there is plenty of raw fish on the rolls and tons of shrimp and beef in the buffet.

I truly am blessed.
>tiny little rural town
>40 minutes to drive
Pick one
It takes me 40 minutes to get to the nearest main street strip where there are restaurants.
They're not bad and only if not public access. There have been too many weird stories especially in news about weirdos and hobos when they have access to public buffets, none of those news stories are ever good.
I really don't mind a buffet, they can be pretty cool but only when there's a server dishing stuff out instead of some niglets licking everything and sticking their filthy fingers all over. That shit is vile and disgusting.
Dont take this the wrong way, but it must suck to live in worry and fear about those things. So what? Ok it sucks, but your body will be fine. Your body should be able to make do with imperfect or contaminated food. Hair falls into food, so does sweat, blood, urine, flies, bugs etc.

It's all still pretty much fine. Not trying to be a dick but... try to get over it.
It's not fear anon, it's reality. Perhaps you choose to avoid the news? Avoid reality at your own peril, it's truly not fear.
>one homeless guy fisted the fish tray at a chinese buffet in san fransisco in 2017
>therefore i must live in fear for the rest of my life
When they start putting literal poison in food let me know. Dumb kids licking soy sauce bottles or wiping groin sweat on handles doesn't concern me. I've never become sick from something like that.
I really shouldn't have used the word fear, but I wouldn't let such small shit throw me off the really nice experience of eating at a buffet.
There was a hobo not just one in NYC that was pissing into cups then dumping it into some salad bar dishes at some Korean place. This is documented stuff on police records, there's no reason to make it up. See, not fear, more like reality of weirdos.
Like that tylenol stuff? Wasn't that sourced to Chicago or something like that?
Urine is sterile. But yeah, that is an extreme case which is why you brought it up. If there was such a large amount of contaminated stuff in it like a literal piece of shit it would most likely be "off" or noticeable.

Look, you be you. I just feel bad that a few extreme examples of bad actors is gonna turn you off to a great eating tradition/experience.
Sterile for you, you go drink hobo piss.
I bet you'll like it too, why not also have "migrants" live in your home?
So you have zero buffets in your town and have to drive through other towns to get to them. Making you a liar. Begone
>Is there anything better than an asian buffet?
There are actual tiers to asian buffets!

Low tier asian buffet just has tiny ass single bar with salads, some soups, maybe some hot items like S&S chicken and Tsos, and that's it. Maybe some tinned pudding for desert if you are lucky.

Mid tier has multiple bars, and this is where deserts get better - usually an ice cream machine, some cakes, etc. Seafood is still limited to shrimp and some cheap fish. May have cali roll crap to trick customers into thinking they are "high end".

High tier busts out REAL sushi and seafood. Crab legs might even be a thing. Usually a noodle stir fry bar attached. Deserts can include a chocolate fountain, may have other fancy shit too.
Did they take out the coconut shrimp from chinese buffets? I remember that shit was always empty cause everyone was fighting over it.
I want to go to a buffet for my birthday, but the ones near me turned into shit because they hired illegal Mexicans who don't clean the place and cut corners on the quality.
Yes -- les grands buffets in narbonne, france. The new yorker even did an article on it a while ago


Hate going to a buffet with friends or family cause they're done after eating 2 or 3 plates and want to leave after one hour. I should go alone get my full time's worth.
god i love those little red chicken bits on a stick that you think are pork but are definetly not.
you need a crab rangoon on that plate
Or maybe he just lives way out in the sticks, 40 mins from the nearest town center. Dont know why you assumed he drives thru other towns. I'm guessing you are euro and dont understand how spread out rural areas can be, miles of nothing
No, dumb asshole, I live in Florida. In the middle of no where. The "towns" between here and the next actual town are endless. That's the way America is. You don't drive 40mins in the same small town. Kys. Apparently next
>You don't drive 40mins in the same small town.
Dear god you are stupid..i'm saying he may live 40 mins FROM the nearest town. So even though he's not within the official town limits, it's still "his town" because its the one he's closest to. Christ
Florida is the seventh most densely populated state. You're a retard that doesn't understand how much distance there is between towns in other states.
Nope, that's not his town. He lives in a different town than the buffet and that's that

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