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File: mydinner.png (1.96 MB, 1268x935)
1.96 MB
1.96 MB PNG
vwa la! my american-diner styled dinner! thoughts?
lol.. nice fork
is that fried chicken on a pita with watercress and ketchup? As long as you like it I guess..
Looks odd but great. Now stick that fork in your bum.
As an American I can verify that I eat this for dinner twice a week.
I recognize watercress, a gherkin, and a piece of bread on the side of the plate. All the other food is a mystery.
You unironically have to double the portions desu.
as an american i ate this every meal for every meal i have eaten in my entire life. you're just missing the literocola
Looks nothing like what you'd find in a diner.
Are you a five year old baby?
Gugu gaga congratulations!
>checked and OOF!!a
Amerilard here..
Needs more "ROCK-FLAG-and-EAGLE!!!",
picture of a Pick-up truck or an SUV, and at least one gun.
Here: I'll start:
This too...
File: usadinner.png (1.29 MB, 1024x755)
1.29 MB
1.29 MB PNG
>Here: I'll start:
Have I missed anything?
File: BIG ASS FRIES.gif (2.24 MB, 480x258)
2.24 MB
2.24 MB GIF
Now THAT"S Dinner.
I'm going to get an extra order of BIGASS FRIES too.

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