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do people really like pork? it is so inferior to beef.
you can like things while admitting its not better than everything else
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I prefer pork to beef. Beef is heavy and hard to digest, pork is cleaner in taste and more satisfying. If you had me choose between a tomahawk ribeye steak or a center cut pork chop, I would choose the latter every time.
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All these dumbshit threads are the same person.
We are under attack by a super advanced troll.
>noooo you are not allowed to talk about food on /ck/
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Hot dog.
You just haven't had pork fried rice from a Chink joint yet. That stuff rocks early in the morning.
You've never even tried pork, Mehmet.
That dog looks lonely and sad, it needs some bbq beans, kraut, and cheese on to make it proper and proud!
Take the Mangalitsa pill anons
+extra ketchup
Yup, that and some mustard.
being retarded and overly simplistic/wrong is /ck/ culture thoever.
Im 100% indo-evropean invader. dont ever (you) at me
Beans & cold slaw on a hot dog? Gtfo of my BBQ, you skank. We do grilled onions and hot brown mustard in this house.
I didn't like pork chops that much until I started putting steak sauce on them. It's just as good as steak.
Big Mac
Pork is like the middle man between beef and chicken. It's fat has a ton of flavor, its cheaper than beef, and there is a lot of similarities between the two in preparation.

The problem with beef is more people are informed on beef quality compared to pork quality. OP be doing some dumb shit where he compares bargain bin pork to A5 wagyu and comes out claiming beef is better, instead of the mystery beef at the store where pork would win, hands down.

Pound for pound, I eat WAY more pork than I do beef. Because I do ham on my sandwiches, not roast beef, or steak. Ham is just better. Meanwhile, I only do burgers and steak on the rare, when in the mood or there is an event to fill time for.
Yuk! If anyone fed that to a stray squirrel or cat then it would be reported and called into the ASPCA for animal cruelty.
no it wouldnt
You might be the one stomping on kittens and puppies. You suspicious weirdo.
no I dont do that
its just a shitty burger
not if you are autistic
The more that you deny it the more suspicious you are
im autistic and i do that
i cant prove that ive never done something
Just come clean and admit your evil deeds.
You'll feel better that way when you take the 13 steps to the noose.
>do people really like pork? it is so inferior to beef.
Wouldn't you say it's as different from beef as chicken? Why compare them, really? Are you new to eating?
okay, I used to lie to my parents about brushing my teeth a lot and now i have dental work that they are paying for and thats pretty bad i guess
i also stole some liquor from them growing up
how many hail marys do i get
I wanted to get some pork fried rice from a local joint but it's closed for the weekend. :-(
'about tree fiddy hail Marys, if you start now then you might get over them by Sunday.
It's cheap and I love the taste of pork fat
Not a fan of lean pork
>Beef is heavy and hard to digest
I get constipated eating beef
lean pork is a travesty. love me some pork belly kakuni
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I'd rather eat this than any pork.
I think there's no greater mark of low intelligence than making apples to oranges comparisons. I've noticed it in many of a more base intellect. They physically can't comprehend that you don't need to make a choice, let alone that whole concept of their imagined need to make a choice is wholly unnecessary at most times.
Average beef is better than average pork, the best pork is better than the best beef, and shitty pork is better than shitty beef.
i've no skill with pork besides my meatballs, which is shitty pork being better than shitty beef
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you mean it's a great mark of high basedness
Hell yeah.
Bacon, sam gyeop sal, baby back ribs, tonkotsu ramen. Love those.
>would rather eat a log of meat
sounds about right for you
>it is so inferior to beef.
It's also a lot cheaper.
or your mom
behead all zoomers
>take woman out for first date
>order her the pork
>if she objects or changes it, she's probably a feminist or Jew
>eat meal
>go to bathroom
>climb out window
>leave her with the tab
>block number
You can't do that with beef.
pork is fine, but the best things about it are the fats or the sauces that come with it; the meat itself is very bland. the average supermarket steak will be far superior to the average supermarket chop.
It is my favourite meat.
i find it hard to eat pork after watching deadwood. those mfers will eat anything.
I don't really like beef very much
It's okay.
I strongly prefer pork and absolutely detest smoked beef, beef ribs and any steak with seasoning other than salt and pepper and, perhaps, a pan sauce. That Montreal shit can fuck a duck
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I like both. Just finished making some pork chops with a mustard tarragon pan sauce. Sauce is a little runny and the chops are a little overdone, but a shitload of meat is a shitload of meat, right?
pork is satanic
pigs can easily get possessed
that's why jews and muslims banned it
Xians just didn't get it
pork is extremely unhealthy. just saying
Not me
Vegetable oil and cheap pork
If it's raised in the US it gets the worst diet and it's fed the trash
Spanish prosciutto will never beat waygu. Ever.
>a shitload of meat is a shitload of meat, right?
sensible, there's this ridiculous quote in my head but i might have come up with it
>well, it sucks, but at least there's a lot of it
or something somebody might have said about booze, or a non-sequitur from some comic strip
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the price is also inferior

usually 99 cents per pound at my local discount grocer

steak/beef is often 3 to 4 times as expensive

also you have to be 18 to post here
Pork ribs are great.
Pork chops can be good if they're seasoned correctly or you added some stuffing or mashed potatoes.
Yeh pork is worst out of the big 3, bacon and ribs are the only real standout performances from the swine flesh.
Pulled pork > pulled brisket and always will be.
Yeah. I'm going to have my pork shoulder and pasta again today. I just cook the noodle in the rendered pork fat/stew( I add several vegetables and onion type stuff in the pot) and the noodles taste perfectly fatty and creamy. Expensive Italian places get the same taste from fucking butter and cream, lmao.
Isn't that why a ton of pigs ran off a cliff? They were going to get changed into demons. I don't have bible verse on the top of my head but there was something about that.
Idiot Italian joints charge like $200 per plate for that not including tips or gratuaty.
You forgot to look up her skirt and sniff her panties.
nice hot dog
OP is a fucking faggot.
Beef is actually pretty shit. Apart from the best cuts cooked simply it's not good. Pork and Lamb has so much more Taste and diversity. Beef in most recipes is wasted. If it was the cheapest meat no one would care about it.
>do people really like pork? it is so inferior to beef.
I do like pork, also pork is cheaper than steak.
Gratuaty? En whot? Bod survice? Smully, gruosy Atolaon pueplu?
this is an english board
It's not our fault you buy shitty pork, or don't know how to cook.
And? Just because it is inferior doesnt mean it isnt good
Tell that to >>20652461's gratuaty.
No. Fuck off.
yes, pork can be absolutely amazing.
it's also by far the best meat for ham and sausages.
italians are all gay
Much tastier meat.
fresh pork skin is entirely different from beef
i like pork, and it's extremely cheap
there are so many different ways to eat pork. I guess beef has tartare, and hamburgers are better than pork burgers but that's about it. I do like a steak dinner once in a while but there are so many more ways to eat pork

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