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Get fucked I'll eat my sushi however I want
Just order sashimi
>Get kicked out of restaurant
well I'm a picky eater. I don't like fish, so I just eat the rice. deal with it, sushislave
I can't even imagine giving a fuck about what the "chef" thinks
>im gonna pay 250$ for a personally prepared sushi meal and then completely fuck it up just because i can
people like this are always insufferable and egotistic
have you tried just getting sashimi
>pay for food
>eat it how you want
When no one is looking I do this in the buffet. That or put the rice in between the booth and wall.
When no one is looking I the azn child sitting by herself playing games on her tablet at buffets.
>>>20646931 >>20646973 >>20646997 >>20647046
what if we made the rice a patty and put the sashimi in the middle of 2 rices
too much rice
I always separate the sushi ingredients so I can eat them separately in the proportions I want. What's wrong with doing this?
The whole child?
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Me too
>you don't put ginger on the fish
Just the lower half unless her top is beginning to bud.
>yo, this dude's sushi got TOPPED
I insulted a sushi chef in Tokyo when I asked for more wasabi. The look he gave me was like I’d shat on his mother’s grave and he just gave me more ginger instead.
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Me three
That's basically what maki rolls are.
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Imagine having the pallet of a toddler. Grow up.
Then why not order inari sushi (fermented tofu skin) or tamago (egg omelette sushi)
You will die of a macronutrient deficiency and nobody will be confused as to why.
Nobody posted the webm yet? c'monnnn
Why don't you just order rice? Seems expensive to order sushi and throw the fish away
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good news, there are egg omelette sushi on the childrens menu
a coca-cola bottle
Buy a sushi bowl with avocado and cream cheese then retard
What would a toddler do with a pallet? Logistics?
If you look like a pleb/act rude at a good sushi place they'll just give you the shit cuts they would never serve to real sushi appreciators.
The chef at my local sushi restaurant has only been doing it for 8 years so it'll be another 2 before tamago is on the menu unfortunately
Imagine having the main part of the sushi looks like gang-greene has gotten to it, but the rest looks delicious. People are going to want to taste the parts separately.
they're really weird about that shit in Japan, especially at the high end sushi places. like they don't give a shit about customer service, you're gonna eat the sushi or watever the fuck they serve you the way they want you to or you'll get yelled at.
i went to one place where they served me the deep fried head and tail of a prawn i just saw alive like 5 minutes ago. i had no interest in eating that shit but the mean sushi chef yelled at me so i did. it was fishy and crunchy and it sucked.
>deep fried fish was fishy and crunchy
what were you expecting?
i didn't expect the shell to retain that much of shrimp flavor. it was like eating a brine soaked piece of cheap plastic. cannot recommend avoiding it enough.
maybe people just expect these high end expensive Japanese places know what they are doing, even if they don't
The chef spent TEN YEARS perfecting that deep fried prawn. Have some RESPECT.
I entered this thread specifically to see this clip. Thank you for not letting us down.
Those little fellas are awesome
>you will eat the sea bug
>>im gonna pay 250$ for a personally prepared sushi meal
Yeah, right bro. Japs will NEVER yell at tourists as they would lose face doing so. At the most, they will politely ask you to leave. You'll have to do Johnny Somali stuff to even get them to frown at you. Nice fiction.
I had an unfortunate incident where I went to a Michelin star restaurant in Tokyo while sick, which killed my appetite. Couldn't cancel since we booked in advance. We were seated at a bar in front of the chef, and I must've really looked like I was struggling because the chef pulled up Google translate on his phone and showed me a message saying "please do not feel the need to eat if you are full". It was nice of him but I felt real bad about it since the food was so good. Serves as a counterexample to the sentiment that all these chefs are uptight.
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whenceforth cometh this
Looks like modern streamslop but could be anything.
I looked it up it's a Showtime show called "Billions" which is notable for having a non-binary character, depicting BDSM, and being loosely based on some Indian in New York. Overall it sounds like an instant classic for goyim worldwide to enjoy.
I carry my own bottle of ketchup into sushi shops because often they don't have any on the tables.
the muh etiquette meme is fucktarded but why the hell would you order sushi only to deconstruct it? you could just order sashimi if you wanted the fish and rice on the side. waste of your own money imo
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>Koppelman, Levien, Sorkin
Oh, huh. Very curious events happen in that scene as well. Anyway, turns out it's season 2, episode 2.
I intentionally seek out high end sushi restaurants to have a dining experience where I disregard all notions of "proper sushi etiquette" right yon front of the nip who made the food for me as a critique of capitalism and Palestine.
>cold food
I hate it when the crew wants sushi, it should be a lunch option not dinner
no you don't lmao imagine being such a bitch
I intentionally go to sushi buffets so I can crossplay Hanekawa.
I repeatedly christen the man in this gif as "Sheldon /ck/ooper" and it is just not taking off
why are you like this
Just order Fugu, so the chef can isekai you to your favorite manga.
I've never met a picky eater who was intelligent.
Looks like the real sheldon /ck/ooper was you, autist.
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Me four.
the chef can eat his food however he wants, and so will I. I'll put fuckin barbecue sauce and mayonnaise on there if people keep complaining
Can they really kick you out of a restaurant for eating sushi the wrong way?
As long as there's no wasabi involved I'll eat any sushi as it's served. Wasabi fucking sucks and ruins everything. Same with pickles.
i thought it was considered bad manners to dip the rice into soy sauce? how are you supposed to do it then?
The election tourists must be here if they can't tell this is bait. And not even good bait.
why WOULD you separate it that's like buying a burger and eating the toppings. ketolardism?
there's 8 people on this board, how would it take off exactly?
Well then stop trying to make "Sheldon /ck/ooper" happen. It's not going to happen.
kill yourself
retard bait post
you do you, anon
You can try on /tv/
>greatest insult to a sushi chef
What if you just call him a fag?
You don’t get to bring friends
I'll take a bread roll in my pocket and make a fucking sammich if I want, maybe a couple of packets of diablo sauce to give that bad boy a little zing. Fuck that bitch.
>mini beef wellington sushi
Interesting UK Asian fusion

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