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Are there any quick, low effort lunches that are super cheap to buy on a regular basis other than just cold sandwiches? And don't say canned food, I am not going back to Chef Boyardee. Recipe sites just keep giving me either cheesy shit (I am lactose intolerant to the extreme) or some really convoluted shit that takes more than 5 minutes to make.
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>I am lactose intolerant to the extreme
I'm not a nigger. I'm Vietnamese and a bunch of white Euro races like German, Swedish and so on. But I'm guessing the Vietnamese part is what fucked me over in terms of the lactose intolerance since Asians have no Lactase Persistence.
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Shut up and answer the question
Eat $1 cans of sardines with hot sauce and a side of apple sauce and string cheese.
I am going to fucking kill you.
me patiently waiting for an answer aswell
fan of sardines here, can confirm this shit is the bomb. Though, I'm genetically polish as fuck and I drink milk every day, so I'll skip on my string cheese.
become a ketotard.
What does that even mean?
He means follow the keto diet.

Honestly just figure out a way to make lean ground beef palatable or eggs or something else. Sardines werent that bad of an option.
If you cut carbs from your diet you can switch to very simple lunches like boiled/pickled eggs or beef jerky.

Keto is controversial though so do some research first and expect everyone to call you a "ketotard" because they still believe in the jewish food pyramid for good health.
Make big batch of beans in a pressure cooker and eat that for lunch every day for the rest of your life
I've never seen a ketolard that isn't bald, fat, and without oily red skin.
I don't like Sardines. And eggs takes too long for me to bother for a quick lunch since I only eat them scrambled.
>lean ground beef
A pound of ground beef costs like 6 dollars out here, at that point it'd be cheaper to buy black forest ham every few days at a cheaper price (less frequent and just cheaper per pound) and just keep eating sandwiches forever.

I hate beans, other than green beans, so no.
I always spend the extra money to buy sardines canned in Poland.
>No cans
>No eggs besides scrambled
>No ground beef
>No beans
Honestly, you should just starve at that point.
5 minutes is too fast for cooking so your options are extremely limited.

make pasta dishes. they take no more than 15 minutes and they are extremely flexible.
I use ground beef for full blown dinners and shit, not lunches. The rest of that is your subjective opinion.

....ugh yeah I guess I could look up pasta recipes I can use as leftovers for lunches I suppose. Just make pasta way more often and keep leftovers for lunches, and just do that + sandwiches.
Holy fuck haha i had no idea beef was that much there.
Maybe fish? If you're too strapped for time to make eggs, I think you're fucked, get something packaged or MREs or.. something. Fried spam? I have no idea
Try greek yogurt with nuts. It's the go-to for high school girls trying to get chad to date them.
>And eggs takes too long for me to bother for a quick lunch since I only eat them scrambled.
you can make scrambled eggs in like 2 minutes retard. I concur with the other anon, you deserve to starve. I was going to.give you a serious answer but after reading a couple replies you just sound like a lazy, entitled piece of shit so I'm not gonna bother. just shove some goyslop down your gullet
with pasta you can experiment with different shapes and different sauces if you get bored. i like it better than rice and the pasta water is like gold for other dishes.
Oh right, fish fucking exists. I genuinely forget about breaded fish fillets and shit cause of how rarely I feel like eating fish. Just throw that shit in the oven and continue doing other stuff in the meantime.

Imagine being a mentally ill faggot who spends longer than 5-10 minutes on a lunch.

>greek yogurt
Never had it before, is that shit dairy free?
I should probably learn how to make home made Tuna Tetrazzini so I can be arsed to reheat it unlike the Tuna Helper shit.
Even lactose intolerant people can eat it without many problems. It's basically a gimped version of an ice cream cone except without the fuckton of sugar.
I'll look into it later then, thanks.
>farts a lot
Sit on my face plz sexy hapa
paimon you're such a fat fuck
cup ramen
if your work has a coffee maker with a hot water dispenser, just fill it up until the noodles are barely covered, wait a few minutes, then fill up the rest of the way with cold water to get it to eating temp, and you're done
you can just get the cheapest stuff you can find, the trick to not getting tired of eating it every day is alternating between every flavor available, even ones you don't prefer
if you eat good ramen but only one flavor you'll get sick of it in a week, if you eat multiple mediocre flavors in rotation you'll never get sick of it
>farts a lot
If I don't take lactaid with anything I eat with dairy in it I end up violently shitting for half a day at this point. You don't want that.

Leave the Emergency Onahole alone, she needs it to retain her shortstack figure.
Just make a big pot of meat sauce, ration it and freeze.
Boil the pasta for a few minutes and unfreeze the sauce in the microwave.
Very low effort.
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I'm more lactose intolerant than OP and I'm whiter than you. Let's fucking do this
But then he'd end up low intelligence like you.
I’m brown and I don’t have any trouble drinking milk, or anything else.
The only food that causes me ‘problems’ sometimes is beans, which causes me a lot of gas.
>Potato Soup
Buy some red skin potatoes, or any other thin skinned potato. Don't use Russets.
Wash, cube, then toss in a stockpot.
Add cold water until covered.
Bring to a boil and cook until they break apart easily with a fork.
Add chicken powder according to the amount of water you used, sauteed onions or leeks, and then immersion blend the whole thing until as smooth as you feel like.
Thin it out if need be, and finish with salt and pepper.

>Good additions
Fresh Parsley
Crumbled Bacon

Once finished, portion and freeze. I make like 16 portions at once, minimum, and then just have one in the fridge at all times. A single serving will defrost in the fridge over night, so just pull one every time you consume one. Does require freezer space though.

You can do the same thing with chicken noodle soup, though it's somewhat higher effort.
>Purchase rotisserie chicken(s), herbs de Provence, carrot, large onion, and a couple stalks of celery.
>If chicken is raw, cook. Otherwise buy right before close when they are marked down
>If lazy also purchase frozen diced mirepoix
>Shred chicken breast by hand, reserving everything but the meat for stock
>Toss carcass, skin, connective tissues, juices, etc. in stockpot. Roughly chunk 1 carrot, one onion, and two stalks of celery per chicken. Toss in a little sachet of herbs de Provence. Cover with water, then simmer for a couple hours.
>Strain, return stock to pot, discard solids.
>Either dice some vegetables or use frozen mirepoix mix, then saute until onions are translucent.
>Add shredded chicken from before, and let it all simmer together for half an hour. Salt as needed
>Portion and freeze

When you want to eat it, put a portion in a pot, then toss in a handful of those tiny soup noodles like you'd get from boxed Lipton soup, and then bring to a boil for three minutes.

Grocery stores usually sell fried chicken strips that have been cooled somewhere around the deli section, chop these up and throw them into a salad (I like spinach and arugula) with some of those fried onion thingies they sell near the croutons and maybe some cherry tomatos and sliced onions. Drizzle some balsamic vinaigrette when its time to eat it, pretty good healthy and easy lunch and not that expensive.
Roasted (or instant mashed for the super easy) potatoes with turkey is pretty good and quick, I just get a cooked turkey breast and slice it off. And rice, chicken, frozen veg, and teriyaki sauce is always good.
Honestly just dont eat lunch
I enjoy Genshin Impact and love ZZZ so far.

And answering your question, ramen noodles and TV dinners should fit what you're looking for. If you want to actually make food, just cook up some rice or noodles and mix in some cooked meat (whatever is on sale) and some seasonings and/or sauce. You could also make some stew or chili in a big pot and eat it for a few days at a time.
Fuck stay away from my face then
You get a giant kitchen hod with ventilator, a cast iron Griddle for grilling and voilla you can grill anytime you want.
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Quart of orange juice with protein powder mixed in and a carrot
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>cheesy shit (I am lactose intolerant to the extreme)
Cheese has almost no lactose. If you have problems after eating cheese you might have a dairy protein sensitivity/allergy.
Good post, thank you, anon
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Bulk cup ramen with cheap tuna thrown in as filler is probably as good as it gets. With the right spices it can taste a lot better than you might expect.
>Vinamilk didn't like that.
Here are the only low effort lunches I know:
1. Salads. Chop shit and toss together with dressing. Easy to make, easy to pre-make (just don't add dressing until ready to eat), and there are plenty of varieties/combos to keep it fresh.

Formula is easy: greens + veg + protein, optional: add nuts, croutons and dressings. Skip cheese since you can't hack it.

2. Charcuterie, aka lunchables for adults, these are easy to make (often made FOR you), and you can just skip the cheese and replace it with veg. Basically sliced cured meats, crackers, some dipping veg, add some sauce if you want, and yeah you will miss the cheese, but get over it.

3. Freeze dried meals. Just put hot water in them, stir, and wait. Meal done.

4. There are some canned stews that are actually good. Most are shit though. I recommend using the weekend to make a good stew/curry and then just nuking the jar of leftovers and adding some microwave rice to it. Takes up time on the weekend, but is very fast for lunch/dinner during the week.

5. Pasta salads are pretty easy to make and shove in the fridge, even have kits for them. Then you just have to pull it out and eat. The kits need some protein added to it, and the veg content needs punched up, but other than that, they are usually quite tasty.

6. Beans. Eat your ass some beans from a can.
I add minced garlic, peanut butter, and sriracha to mine. I could eat that shit all day every day and be happy, if not healthy.
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Im also struggling to figure out easy lunches for work
Ive been grilling 5 pieces of chicken breast each week and making shitty sandwiches with them
I might start making ramen with the water drained and adding the chicken to that instead
Im autistic about not using the work microwave so I just have everything cold
Maybe chicken on salads would be good too

Paimon is cute
consider hot soup in a thermos
cold lunches are sad
Fried rice is 100% bang for the buck winner. Soy, garlic, rice wine, sesame oil, marinade with whatever meat is on sale, air dry your rice after cooking, two eggs, fucken let her rip, maybe add hoisin sauce watered down a bit
Try chicken hearts panfried in soy sauce and white pepper -- you know, the kind of powdery white pepper they put in congee? that's it, super simple, takes around 5 minutes if you cover the pan.
When you are cooking dinner just cook enough for a.serving for lunch the next day.
ever heard of west african pastoralists?

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