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Great for eggs. DO NOT listen to the guy that says they are the worst for eggs. He is an egglet that failed out of Eggland university.
With some types of cooking, repeatable results are everything. Sous vide provides a way to cook something with controlled, predictable results, so you can follow a recipe without having to make any adjustments or taking any guesses. You have the exact temperature, in a sealed environment, for an exact period of time. And, when you're experimenting with your own recipes, you have reliable points of reference.

In some ways, it really is an amazing way of cooking, and one that benefits tremendously from a community that understands and supports it, similar to how baking also thrives on a large community that has grown comparable to scientific or medical fields. And, just how the best bakeries do their best to eliminate any variables, ranging from calibrating their oven's temperature heating cycles to controlling the humidity, sous vide really reduces things down while precisely controlling everything.
microplastics bro
Not with eggs, bitch.
it's fine. the best use for it is vegetables.
Wrong. It is eggs.
Tranny moment
For an apartment dweller it's the optimal way to do pulled pork. If you have a proper yard a smoker will be better though.
Nice projection, kid.
Yeah I undercook mine then I flip them and they're usually cooked fine at that point, having consistent eggs sounds good
The only issue is the prep, and I'm cooking in plastic or whatever. It a good point about consistently. It's not much so I'll buy one.
really good for meat, especially making tough cuts tender without over cooking them.

sous vide brisket steak for 18 hours and it will be as tender as new york strip.
>cooking your food in fucking plastic

No. No it is not good. Fuck this stupid meme machine.
Total meme. Now hurry up and commit sous vide cide
>Is sous vide actually good or just a meme?
It's a time-saving shortcut, and nothing more lofty than that.
It was invented by restaurants to have food prepared nearly completely before customers walk in. They have steamer drawers for grilled chicken breasts and "fresh" breads too.
They think "Steak is done", just needs a quick glaze and sear and served.
I can't be arsed to do it at home but it's opened up a whole market for prepared (non-frozen) meats.
Sous vide is literally the worst way to cook eggs
Egg whites set at a higher temp than egg yolks
If you sous vide eggs you're either overcooking the yolks or undercooking the whites
Egglet. You know nothing, get BTFO in every sous vide thread, cry like a big baby, then come back to the next sous vide thread.

>>20649086 I called it. Look, king egglet.
I have been cooking sous vide since before Kenji uploaded his sex tape to YouTube
You are the egglet, trips notwithstanding (they can't all be winners)
Cook the yolks at optimal temp then drop in boiling water for 30-60 seconds to set the whites, dipshit

Sous vide is just another method. The people who sous vide everything are dumb nerds who can’t actually cook and think they found a cheat code to make themselves good at cooking. It gives you a distinct texture that may be preferable sometimes. Sous vide chicken breast tastes different than chicken breast cooked in a pan or oven. Same deal with beef, pork, etc. typically a bit more moist, a bit softer, etc. sometimes that’s desirable but it’s not objectively better, sometimes you want the meat to have a bit more bite to it, to have a bit more flavor from the pan/grill, etc. people whine about the microplastics thing but I bet 99% of them buy their meat at a grocery store where it was packed in plastic anyway. Plastics in our food are inescapable at this point. If it really bothers you use glass canning jars and cook the meat in some kind of sauce. Or get a steam oven that can do bagless sous vide lmao
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>pressure cooker wouldn't work
>crock pot wouldn't work
>a literal fucking regular pot on the stove wouldn't work

>nah bro you HAVE TO BUY this 400 dollar machine and cook your food in plastic bags LISTEN to me bro, I know what I'm talking about
An off brand sous vide stick is like $40 on aliexpress, it’s not 2015 anymore
Then why bother with sous vide I can poach an egg just fine without it
Sous vide is for meat, either bulk steaks for parties or long and low cooks like a smoker with tough cuts
I've sous vided everything it's really just a novelty unless you're using it like a smoker
Friends sous vide a brisket and finished it on the smoker. It came out a little tough. It was their first attempt. Not sure if they tried again
I've been cooking sous vide since before you were born, and you are simply clueless. A true egglet will never have to brain power or skill to ever recognize true egg mastery. That's you btw, egglet.
is it a meme? Im a huge meat enthusiast and am always looking for other methods. I cant imagine anything else Id use it for....but I eat steak 4 times a week.
serious replies only. I didnt know they were that cheap.

fyi my perfect steak is hard seared and rare
You can pasteurize the meat, makes it even more tender, still rare. Perfectly cooked. Throw on the hard sear. Fucking amazing.
Ever had the absolute best chicken breast of your life? I mean, I thought I hated chicken breast before sous vide. Now.... phew... I love it.
I think this is something I need to try....thanks anon. I was thinking so basic.
It's not great for steaks, you're better off with a reverse sear
You can use it to do like 12 steaks at a time so for parties it's handy
Use it for things like pork butt carnitas and perfect brisket, all the slow cook meats
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No problem. I understand when anons talk about the microplastics >>20649155
You can get silicon bags. But I've been experimenting with glass jars. It takes an extra 20 minutes to get up to temp so you have to be patient.
How do (you) get the perfect reverse sear? I'm just a big fan of steak.
Sorry for splitting my posts. I mean, you need to let the broth and jar get to temp before putting in the meat in order to be somewhat food safe. No one does this. Uncharted territory. But hasn't killed me yet.
Ive been eating more pork than ever lately. Although Im gross and like those cheap pork steak cuts with a heavy sear. Its got the white meat of the pig and the red vascular meat. Also some fat marble.I love it. I need to bulk cook more often though thanks for the tips....also I do a lot of parties and the mass steaks sound good.
scorching hot cast iron with butter, I mean like hot cuz I dont wanna cook internal temp. But you gotta baby the hell out of it. You cannot walk away.
and it smokes up where ever you do it
I thought reverse sear was oven and grill. But when I don't feel like waiting that's EXACTLY what I do.
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Pork chops in particular come out perfectly moist. All I need now is a countertop oven that can air fry at 600F for the perfect sear without smoking the whole house up like with cast iron/carbon steel. Blow torch is a bit better on smoke but also more tedious.
I dont care for the grill. Ive never had a single grill in my life that was on true temp. I like it for parties, the social thing...but for real shit Im an oven.The difference between overcooked meat to proper meat bothers me too much. I cant stand toughness, especially when I know I coulda stopped it. and the temp to overcook pork is sooo close.
If you can, salt your steaks between 1.1 and 1.3 percent by weight (more lean less salt, more fat more salt) and put them on a rack in the fridge overnight
This gets the outside nice and dry, but it will work well even if you don't have the time (this still takes a little over 4 hours)
I like strip at 1.25 percent salt by weight, that should give you a baseline
If you're using MSG go around .9 percent salt .5 percent MSG or 1 percent salt .4 percent MSG
After salting them, put them on a rack on a sheet pan in the oven, then heat it to 127-131F and turn off the oven.
When 1.5 hours passes, flip them over, get the oven back up to 127-131F, and turn it off.
Take it out and press towels into it to wick off any remaining moisture, if any, then sear using whatever method you like
God damn I just added a blowtorch to my shopping list. Thank you very much.
Use more fat
Don't use butter unless it's clarified (ghee)
Cover the pan edge-to-edge with an 1/8th inch of fat and it won't smoke
Poached egg won’t have the same yolk texture, won’t be as repeatable, can’t make a carton at time, you are retarded

It’s different. I think it’s better for chicken than beef personally. The hardware has come down in price so far that it’s something I think everyone should have though. Back in like 2010 when I was using a homemade one and the alternative was a decommissioned poly science that was used in a lab? Or in like 2014 when what that anon posted was factual an it actually was $400 to get one? Then nah
the fact it has a french name gives away its a shit technique
>sous vide
>au bain marie
high effort low reward shit
tryhard shit
stole shit from the asians
>en papillote
high effort low reward tryhard shit
Yeah they're fun creme brulee at home, touching up a roast, melting cheese
Make sure you have a fire extinguisher, too
Haha, last time I was at a friends house I used a combo of the grill and oven. It bothers me too!
Hey, thank you for taking the time to provide your advice! I've had a few drinks so I can't enact it right now. I'll make a thread in the future.
If you don't have a scale, a rule of thumb is enough coarse salt that sticks to it all over, and anything that falls off on its own was probably too much anyway
Very drunk anon here, If you buy a cheap hardware store torch, just know that you'll have to have a set up to point the torch upright on the meat. If you tilt you could spray fuel on the meat. They adulterate propane with odors to detect leaks. You want to taste the meat not the heat. Especially if you are making thin slices of pork with caramelized skin. Wah-luigi
Lol thats funny, I mean dont get me wrong I got the priciest grill out there with auto temp but still its a gimmick if you want control. Control is cooking imo.
Major skill issue
Thank you, I didnt think of this.
Oh, I missed a step
1.5 hours, flip, then 2.5 hours on the other side, 4 hours in the oven total
This works because even though technically it's in the "danger zone" between the salt and the time it will pasteurize the steak fine, break down some of the connective tissue, do all the sous-vide stuff, but dry out the steak
Dry steak means better crust, you don't get that sous vide
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Thank you friend.
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Just don't get one of those rinky dink """culinary""" torches. Get at least a torch head that accepts either butane (left) or propane (right) canisters. The TS8000 (propane on right) knockoffs appear to be around $26 on amazon which is a decent deal. The cheaper butane heads (white on left) have ceramic in the tip that will break over time due to heat stress.
>time-saving shortcut
it also allows for consistency, repeatability with guaranteed identical results, it makes it impossible to overcook food which again adds to consistency and reduces waste, it saves active cooking time since you don't need to attend to it and check it while your food is being cooked

>fyi my perfect steak is hard seared and rare
then sous vide has nothing to offer you in the steaks department. I like my steak medium rare - medium and sous vide works great for me. I can cook my steak in sous vide to my chosen temperature, I can then rest it and sear it on high heat barbecue and serve.

I have a Bernzo8k knockoff but I still need to find a cartridge that fits the thread
>a cartridge that fits the thread
if you bought a benzo knockoff that doesn't fit standard propane/MAPP tanks then you should have just returned it as defective. Unless you don't live in north america and use different gas tanks?
I'm from the EU and I'm not versed in the different threads/cartridges. I took a look in my local hobby market that does not have a wide selection in this area and did not find what I was looking for
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>I'm from the EU
Maybe an adapter like this?
Seems like you guys use isobutane canisters mostly. If you have a camping store nearby maybe check that first.
per my notes I need UNEF 20T/P (aka CGA-600) threaded cartridge, or an adapter from this standard to whatever is most common around here. I just have not pushed myself to get it yet
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Any cooking method that allows you to enjoy fresh seafood prepared in an airplane bathroom is pretty damn based in my book.
Sous vide steaks are the best way to eat them IMO. All those flavors and juices staying right on the meat, no moisture evaporates, the vacuum effect pulls all the flavors deep into the entire cut, and the slow cook gently renders the intramuscular fat into that nice butter. The only problem is that it takes some skill to get the sear right when it's done cooking. I've gotten that part wrong more times than I've gotten it right. Flame thrower gets it right every time but it also makes the crust taste like flame thrower.
It’s great for vegetables, confit, shrimp, eggs, and a ton of other stuff. That said, while it is super easy, especially when cooking for a crowd, steaks will be slightly worse than when they’re reverse seared, because the surface doesn’t dry out.
It's for meat
what a fat contemptible piece of shit. I hope some guy got a blowjob in that bathroom and the girl spit a lot of jizz in the sink before he cooked those shrimp
Dude, my sous vide machine was like $60 a decade ago, they are just glorified pumps with a heating element attached that is regulated by a temperature controller. Amazon still has em for $49. There are even kits with the silicon bags for those with sticks up their ass about microplastics.
You gotta smoke first then sous vide. The smoke adds the flavor, and then it is trapped in it's own juices for the rest where it comes up to temp. Stupid good, but does feel like cheating when you own a smoker.

Texture from the cook depends on the temp you set it to.
Sous vide is great for picture perfect steaks, but honestly if you know how to grill sous vide just flat out takes too long compared to a proper grill session. BUT, sous vide saved my ass when I had thin T-bones to use up that were kinda shit, I was able to pop them into the machine for 4 hours to tenderize them. Made them edible and actually tender.
This bad boy is what I use with a Searzall attached to it. Spreads the heat out a bit and helps guide the meat.
This feels illegal, while probably not actually being illegal.
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overpriced meme when all it does is diffuse the heat and slow things down. the knockoffs are going for ~$20 and I still don't want to buy it.
This guy is so fucking based. I didn’t think he could top his hotel room fried chicken but he did. The world is his kitchen. We should all strive to be this guy
Good for precision. As for texture you can just sear it when it's done lol
those work great. get good.
>get good
>retard that needed to buy a $100 attachment to the torch attachment to get an even sear
I think it's a meme. It produces pretty good results with steak, but you can produce the same results with pan frying. It's a more even texture, where frying creates a gradient, but it's not worth the time and expense imo.

I tried using it more practically for meal prep, cooking chicken breasts. I found the chicken to have a strong ammonia odour after cooking; I don't know if it was the chicken or the cheap bags I used though. The texture was weird. You can get better results with marinating/poaching the chicken if you want to keep it soft.

And with the bags and the vacuum sealer, it's too much wank. I never tried it with eggs though, but I already gave it away.
zero evidence of this
You want a pfizer peer review double blind multimilion dollar study ? You are boiling food in plastic bag and you think it's safe and effective. I bet you're jabbed.
it's fake dipshit
>boiling plastic
yeah dude go for it
Idc how perfect it is I don't wanna boil my food in a plastic bag
If you actually try to learn you can cook an amazing juicy chicken breast in a fucking pan, wanna know how I know? Because I cook the kind of chicken that would make you cream your micro plastic ridden panties
Superb for balancing heavy red meat steaks, everything is pretty so-so.
Professional sports leagues test for doping by checking for microplastics in your blood, cause if you've recently had an IV, the bag will leech plastic into the fluid you're injecting. And that's a plastic bag at room temperature, heating it up will only increase the leeching.
Just use a silicone bag, tards
>silicone is a plastic!
It is not. Just like resin isn't a plastic and rubber isn't a plastic.
if you look up how to cook a perfect steak you will never see this shit as the first option. so yes I think it is a meme. steak should be fried in butter with herbs, salt and pepper, on a pan of some sort.

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