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Bought it since I heard the brand and couldn't find my tequila. It wasn't as sweet as I thought it was going to be.

t. nicest 4chin user
It tastes like vodka with rum flavor added to it, I don't know why people like this shit
>I am on record y'know, very famously as having released a kraken.
The bottle is neat but yeah it's bad rum.
Yeah i'm gonna give it to one of my relatives who likes collecting neat bottles so is not all a waste.
i liked it the when i first bought a bottle of it
that wore off rather quickly tho
I remember I had a phase where I would a bring a bottle of that to parties, it was fun at the time
I had the same experience. It's initially fine, but you very quickly get sick of it to the point of outright disgust.
This started appearing in bottle shops around the same time kids who watched Pirates of the Caribbean became of drinking age.
my brother drank too much of it and threw up :(
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picrel is basically concentrated kraken
Hopefully he didn't die, a friend of my brother a US Marine, full Colonel got drunk, threw up on his vomit and died.
that's unlucky shit
"Made in Austria"
That looks like serious bottom shelf stuff.
That's odd, my friend on Discord just told me yesterday that his brother loves this stuff.
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based and lizard pilled
The Clash beat the shit out of that faggot everytime.
>friend on discord
that's more creepy than even I can shake a barge pole at
Eh, not really. I talk to my friend group from high school on there because it's free. It's the only channel I belong to on the app.
It's not cheap. In fact it's ultra high proof makes it hard to find
the only people who like this shit are people who mix it with sodas. that said, rum is trash except when used to make sweets
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ok but they aint eat more chicken any man ever seen
i was just on the bus and this girl was trying to make this older guy say that its more objectionable for a 19 year old to date a 25 year old than a 15 year old when they were talking about "discord questions" being important to a relationship
its really not just a meme
It's like 10€ here. So yes, it absolutely is vile bottom shelf shit. That said, it's also meant for baking and such.
What does rum even taste like? It's the only liquor I've never tried.
Dark rum is different from light rum. I'm ok with light rum, but it's good with tropical flavours. Unlike the other people in this thread, I like dark rum a lot. It's spiced, sort of caramel taste. Lot of flavour it in. I really don't know why people are giving it shit.
slightly sweet and pleasant
if you're used to sugar you'll find it bitter

I have basic bitch taste and only drink bacardi to get drunk and spend as little as possible

I should really buy a more expensive bottle cause I really like rum
>Bought it since I heard the brand and couldn't find my tequila. It wasn't as sweet as I thought it was going to be.
There are only 2 name brands of rum that are distilled on the island the sugarcane grows on. The main criticism of Kraken is that it is a phony like almost all of the rest, artificially flavored imported rum spirits and then adulterated. Haters gonna hate. But how does it taste? It's formulaic spiced rum which is what you wanted, esp the black version. Enjoy what you like. Rum n coke is easy drinking!

I'd probably seek out Flor de Cana, personally. I like their smoothness and that they have no additives. If you want to leave the spiced rum arena for regular aged rums, it can be hard to find the good imports for most people in the US without travel. Anything 12yr is what I put into my christmas eggnog punchbowl as well as my pina colada blender, esp appleton or mount gay If you see Barbancourt, it's one of my faves. Specific brands are hard to buy, so just read the wine enthusiast rating points on the tag for what you see.
It's because of whiskey drinkers who want the rums to mimic whiskeys.
Lemon Hart Blackpool is basically a good version of Kraken
>Marine so nothing of value was lost
I can't enjoy rum since I assume most of them are basically sugar liqueurs. I'll stick to the grain stuff.
>my tequila
What is your tequila?
Depends on region and barrels. Fiji rum is actually more like whiskey because they use former whiskey barrels. So check the back to see if they use normal oak barrels or use former barrels from other liquors. They will all be lightly sweet due to sugarcane being the source, and will have a caramel/brown sugar type taste, with additional notes varying on brand.

Light rums don't have much flavor and usually have flavor additives thrown in, like coconut.

They would like rum from Fiji then, tastes like whiskey but is a rum. It's probably the worst rum I have in my collection.
Another victim of the beast. The kraken lives.
>They would like rum from Fiji then
Diplomatico is another one that's often compared to whiskey. It's so dry that it sucks the moisture out of your mouth
my ex used to drink this shit like water, it made her such a whore
i kinda miss her
she overdosed and died in a dennys bathroom back in 2013
It's basic. Ppl use it for baking if you want rum flavor.
t. Austrian
>But how does it taste? It's formulaic spiced rum which is what you wanted, esp the black version. Enjoy what you like. Rum n coke is easy drinking!
I thought the taste was more of a chemical kind than a sweet. In fact, when I seared my hot dogs with it (there was no other alcohol around) I enjoyed the smell that it gave off more than the actual flavor. I did find that it complimented the rc cola that I added it in too. I'll seek out your suggestions though since I like to try new things.
I wanted to try Monte Alban because I kept seeing it in the stores and the one day I go to buy it it's not there.
Sorry for your loss Anon
Mmmmm reddit liquor.
>reddit liquor.

my friend would buy this everytime and I was confused why. you're right I think it's just a meme liqour like Tito's. if you're drinking just to get wasted then just buy bottom shelf vodka and mix it with some low calorie thing.

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