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I am on a veg keto diet. I don't have milk products also except ghee. what are my options?
fat retard
eat like a normal person
No I am not fat. I weigh 75 kg.
Mary's Test Kitchen is vegan mostly keto. Look into it. She made these really good looking keto buns before.
I am normal .
so go eat some pasta
too many carbs.
eat like a normal person
When will this faggotry hate for carbs ever end?
I am normal
normal people can eat pasta
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hate is good. We have been having too much carbs for last 100 years, specially sugar
I am normal and I can't eat pasta because it contains too much carbs .
its a normal amount of carbs for a normal person
That plot is retarded and so are you. People mostly ate carbs since 10000 years ago until the 1950s.
normal amount in 2024 yes.
but 100 years ago it would be abnormal to have such a high amount of carbs. (pasta and sugar combined I mean, not pasta alone). I also dont modern pasta which is refined form of old one.(or less fibers )
youre not very smart
plot is about sugar not carbs
also you can't compare wheat now to a thousand year old. it's totally different .
To build on >>20650937's shitty post, you're not dumb to limit your carb consumption but you must keep in mind that most of the world eat carbs in rather high amounts and have few, if any, adverse reactions or long-term health issues stemming from it. And I'd like to understand what in the hell you meant by
>I also dont modern pasta which is refined form of old one.(or less fibers )
If what you're getting at is that whole grain was more common for pasta back in the day, eh, yes and no. People have been sifting wheat for ages and while some whole grain got through, it's nowhere near the amounts you're thinking (unless we're talking about cakes and pastries, which were traditionally only commonly available to the very wealthy due to needing the purest white flour for best results).
Then again, it should start from the 1950s because that's when the food industry really picked up and people started to drink sugar stuff and eat in excess

This is a good point, but I could tell you the same for meat and fish
you're not being honest about your weight
we all know you're a neurotic fat retard
actually I was being modest when I said I am not fat. I have a hot athletic body which girls can't take eyes off when I take off my shirt
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by pasta I meant wheat.
>veg keto diet
Why would you do this to yourself? It's just going to make it more difficult to stick to. Where are you getting your protein from?
>wheat is different
Have you seen what wild bananas look like? That's just what agriculture does.
whey isolate flavorless. it's been 2 months.
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yes that's what I meant. look at fucking corn. mass production is literally killing us.
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Are you buying expensive organic vegetables? Non-organic stuff is SOAKED with pesticides which is why vegan diets turn into suicide missions for most people.

I guess my only other advice would be to eat more plant protein than you think you need since it's lower in certain amino acids compared to animal protein.
I forgot to mention, I have 30 gms of whey isolate flavorless protein almost everyday. I have the same type veggies as before but double the amount. no carrots,potatoes and other high carb vegetable.
I avoid soy products not for memes, just because it affects testosterone level.
I will streamline my diet for pesticide, it's not on cards right now.
How is it killing us?
It carpet bombs our bodies with carbs.
anon, can you please admit that you are obese?
Modern food isn't natural, especially the fruit. We literally genetically engineered them to be as close to candy as possible to increase profit. Nobody wants to eat a watermelon that tastes like lettuce.

Anway carbs raise insulin and insuling is a fat storage hormone. So what do you think happens when insulin levels are high?
thank you anon
indeed, you were a fat retard all along
Glycemic index doesn't mean jack squat. Despite that seemingly high number, the glycemic load is something like 2 or 3 because watermelon, as its name implies, is full of fucking water. Use better pictures, retard
almond milk coconut milk
This thread convinced me that KETOniggers deserve ridicule for using troll tactics alone.
>not fat
i weigh 50kg
That's how much I weigh if I include my weighted boots. I can't be weighed otherwise since I keep wafting off the scale with every breeze. #veganproblems
im not vegan or keto so nothing weird happens to me
vegan keto bra, what do you sub for bread, and wraps?
carb poisoned fags really should stop speaking on best diet, keto.
>veg keto
You're going to die.
i think he meant "fat, retard"
You are not on a keto diet. Neither are 95% of peopIe who cIaim to be. ReaI keto diets require shit Iike chugging fuII fat cream at every meaI and eating IiteraIIy zero vegetabIes. They're compIeteIy unsustainabIe to keep up when you're not doing it for some severe medicaI condition. If you want to Iose weight just eat normaIIy but count your caIories to eat Iess. If you want to feeI better cut out processed garbage and make everything at home from scratch. If you think there's an ingredient that is making you sick/infIamed (the main reason most peopIe feeI better on fake keto), do eIimination diets untiI you figure out what it is.
It's more complicated counting calories because not all calories are created equal. The thing that LITERALLY causes hunger is protein deficiency. Our bodies consume around 100 grams of protein each day just to keep us alive.

This is why steak and/or egg diets work so well for weight loss.
Protein does keep you fuIIer, and this is something that counting your caIories wiII force you to Iearn. Counting caIories makes you more aware that you can eat more food and manage not to feeI hungry even on a deficit as Iong as you chose the right foods. Eating one sugary, buttery pastry wiII feeI Iike a Iot Iess food than a haIf dozen eggs, and not fiII you up as effectiveIy, even if they are the same amount of caIories. This does not mean that you have to autisticaIIy stick to some highIy restrictive diet, you just have to not be an idiot and be more thoughtfuI with what you eat overaII. AIso, most vegetabIes have very few caIories but wiII take up space in your stomach or occupy you if you've become a habit eater, thus they are essentiaI for counting caIories or Iosing weight. Just because they have IittIe protein does not mean they can't serve other purposes.
I don't know, they're usualy soaked with pesticides unless they're organic. I'm starting to suspect that vegetables might be scams.
That is retarded.
hmmmmm. I have 2 spoons of coconut, olive, ghee (each). and one spoon black seed oil everyday.
I do have low carb veggies though.
75kg isn't fat unless you're like a 160cm turbomanlet
Look dude, first of all, animals aren't what they used to be either. They are way fattier, loaded with growth hormones are fed ridiculous diets of corn and soybeans. Second of all, you can eat carbs and not have "high insulin levels". Normal people eat carbs and are fine. Theres no reason to do keto at all. It honestly sounds like you are obese and bought into some grifters taglines, you are demonizing fruit. That's just nuts.
>The thing that LITERALLY causes hunger is protein deficiency.
Oh look its this guy making crap up again
>Our bodies consume around 100 grams of protein each day just to keep us alive.
Yeah objectively untrue. An adult human male needs less than 60g of protein a day at baseline.
the fact that you're literally not allowed to eat carrots on the keto diet should tell you it's unhealthy. just do whole food plant based diet. "carbs" don't matter
carrots are for women and fags?
are you women anon? show us your tits femanon.
"normal people" haven't seen those. all I see is zombies.
Nothing you just said in response to that well thought out and useful post makes any sense in any way.
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fruits are not what thay used to be. ancient fruits always had high fiber content. due to modern farming practises for high yield it has changed. fruits are nothing but candies now. little better of course.
Its like you didnt even read the post
GI index is everything. if you have high carb but low GI index, you will live a healthier life than 99.99 % of people.
You have no proof for this because you just made it up
do research on the GI index for your own good.
I accept your concession
>still no source
This must take the cake as the most restrictive diet of all time, good job
you look stupid now
YouTube as a source
Just drink canola oil.
I drink/eat olive oil, coconut oil, ghee and black seed oil 2 spoon each of everything everyday.
Post your poops OP
They are surprisingly normal. (bcoz of high fibrous foods I eat I guess) I just pooped today. I'll do it tomorrow.
You are not very smart. I usually leave it at that but this needs saying: you literally just agreed with >>20651338 but you're too stupid to understand that and think that you're somehow contradicting him, likely because you don't even know what glycemic index nor glycemic load actually are nor what they actually measure.
So I repeat, more slowly this time because you're so dumb: you. are not.
very. smart.
>per serving

absolutely useless picture
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I don't eat vegetables because I am not a liberal vegan DEI hire who hates america and traditional western values. Eat meat you gay tranny America is a Christian nation and We we're meant to be carnivores
It seems like the intended thing to do in farming
I get it.
why do keto tards always have to say per serving or a cup or each spoon.
just tell me how many net carbs per 100 gm.
fucking retards.
>why do keto tards always have to say per serving or a cup or each spoon
I would guess it's because they tend to be American and that's inexplicably how Americans measure things. It's goddamn maddening. This isn't an anti America post. I love you guys. You're awesome. But I live in the US as a yurpian and I have to maintain a diet low on vitamin k or I'll die. Doctors here tell me to eat no more than a half serving of this or one serving of that or a quarter serving of the other to keep my vitamin k in check but fail to say what the fuck a serving is. When I asked, I was told "about a half cup of spinach is a serving."
>Is it a half cup of cooked spinach? Raw spinach? Loose spinach? Packed spinach? Is the spinach whole or chopped before putting it into the half cup, loose, packed, raw or cooked?
"I... don't know."
If this isn't part of the reason the healthcare system here ranks so low, I would be surprised.
When you look in a mirror you focus on
what you look like instead of who you are.
No man would ever pride himself,
especially over flesh procured in a
horrifyingly retarded way.
hmmmm NO.
I look HOT when I look into the mirror.
pride is homosexuality
Holy cringe
Quintessentially based..that's why I'm voting for big daddy Joe in the next election! We gotta make America do that funny thing again.
lmao vegans are retarded
I am not vegan though. I just don't have type A1 milk. but I have ghee of course of both A1 and A2.
What the fuck do you think the Mesoamericans were eating? They domesticated it. They artificially selected for ages until corn got there. All domesticated crops AND animals are artificially selected.
>YouTube video from a woman trying to sell her bullshit eating disorder diet
I'm sorry, but it's terminal.
>veg keto
seek fucking help
>A bunch of fruit mixed in
What did they mean by this?
it's probably some marketing tactic that has seeped into everyday life.

>this burger is low calorie! only 150 kcal. per serving!
>* serving size is 1/4 of a burger
yes. I am asking for help here for more recipes of veg keto.
These hardline anti-GMO tards haven't thought that far. Arguing with them is Iike arguing with flat-earthers.
>Non-organic stuff is SOAKED with pesticides
Organic produce tends to use more pesticides overall.
Because that's how they measure in America
just eat some eggs nigga. you can cook eggs a million different ways
> eggs
kek, anti biotics and growth hormones. no one should touch that shit.
cross breeding and GMO are two different things you twats. GMO Just started in 2000.
What do you eat

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