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what kind of sick humor is this?
I hope they're just making fun of all the shitty food tiktoks that drench everything in sauce, cheese and whatever else. Still don't see how pickles would actually be good with that food
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i hate the AIntichrist
This shit actually made me dizzy lmap
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If it wasn't for the corn husk and dropping it in a bag of salsa would unironically eat.
Anybody tried one of these? Can you get it without the crepe?
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It’s nashville hot chicken fries and it’s great with pickles. A small chain by me called Fry The Coop has them, they call them messy fries. Delicious.
Holy shit that’s brilliant
>was annoyed at first
>audibly keked by the end
The kind that thrives on reddit dot com
Can I make money doing this?
You can't eat corn husk..
With enough fury, you can devour the iron heart of a planet.
Sometimes I wish I did drugs so I could watch shit like this and trip balls
only if you really love it
I showed this to my dad and he got so pissed off
man made horrors BEYOND comprehension
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Ai is satanic.
It could not be more obvious that this shit is evil. People need to trust their gut more. AI developers are summoning the demon
Getting a REAL "Modern Times" feel from this one.
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Real pigs are FAR MORE dignified than this.
How far we've fallen as a species.
This is a fetish. People are somehow fapping to this I’m like 99% sure that’s what this is
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The FREAK Prince of Bel AI
we are now at the point where humanity is just going to slide fully into eldritch Madness
This is the last funny thing SNL ever did
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I'd get her prego, if you catch my meaning
You'd have VERY stupid children who were constantly vying for your attention.
Imagine being such a fucking loser that everything revolves around reddit lol
I honestly cannot believe americans are THIS stupid
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I KNOW, Right? They can't even get the language settings on the titles right.
Imagine being so stupid, you believe that was an American
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It's BAIT faggot...Lurk MOAR
Nah, I've proven my point
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pop a coin in the slot, press the button and off she goes
Daily reminder: eggposters rule /ck/.
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If ONLY it were that simple.
>Wow! Look at her GO
>She has the Magic Fingers™ upgrade too!
woman cooks food in chip foil bag and seasoned the water too:
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complicated delivery system:
Americans are exceptionally stupid
Pretty girl
>absolutely boring and dumb as bricks
Average looking girl
>actually has some interesting hobbies and a personality

Its a law right
>You'd have VERY stupid children who were constantly vying for your attention.
My fatherly instincts want nothing less! I want many, many DUMB children who are dependent on me.
Besides a DUMB naive wife could be pretty cute
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I don't like the "white women can't cook meme". The problem goes a lot deeper than that. Basically all women born in the 80-90's and after grew up on frozen food and absent parents. My wife is mexican born in 1989 and all she does is just heat up random food items and eat them by themselves. She calls it "grazing" and whenever i cook and try to manage the kitchen she gets mad because i want all of the dishes to get completed at the same time so we can eat it as a holistic meal. She just doesn't give a fuck and will eat them by themselves.
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still better than this
then your kids will work in McDonald's for minimum wage until the day they die. But since you settle for dumb I guess that was your gameplan anyway.
why did he circumcize the hot dogs?
The King
There's a whole feudal system of eggbros.
They're jewish hot dogs.
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I'd take a slice of her pie. Blonde,sloppy, and hot.
Based tard
Its only sexy when women do it.
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Still good, didn't touch the ground.
Goddamn Americans are gross
Looks shithouse
Probably decent, the cheese had no time to melt though, playboy should have thrown it on top of the egg after flipping it
>the cheese had no time to melt though, playboy should have thrown it on top of the egg after flipping it
It should melt pretty quickly once it's folded. But if it's paneer cheese then it won't really melt at all, just warm up.
NGL he hade me in the first half
reminds me of the webm of the naked guy recording himself running up and down a trough of feed pigs, fucking them in the ass.
I'm not gonna defend to abomination, but salt water boils faster
This was uncomfortable to watch. Unnerving.
How does he eggxit the vehicle?
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>Let me just post something weird/quirky on the internet so I can get tons of views because I'm an attention and ad revenue whore
Literally everything online now
Fucking kek
Hearty kek. Thank you Anon.
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video made after someone posted this and people kept joking about forcing a girl to eat a bowl of eggs like a maniac
>video made after someone posted this
wait, really? i thought it was a JAV... it has that kinda quality to it lmao.
You’re getting there AI chan. One day
You have to eat all the eggs
I found this half-naked girl passed out on the sidewalk once. I decided to bring her to my place and when she woke up I made her breakfast. She was visibly scared and kept asking me questions but I just told her that we'd start talking once she ate the eggs.
>let me just clean my grill with your food real quick
I hate women
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so that's an actual woman?
probably both of these are true
lost hard
i miss the anti egg king posts. amazing how the webm has outlived the haters
I've probably sat on that seat
(Yes, I am brown)
you don’t have to tell me what happened but you do have to eat this
the snot rocket really does it for me
It means you get the good scraps in your meal.
then explain the ocean you flatearther chud
If you add salt to the water you are boiling eggs with, the water will boil at higher temps and therefore will boil the eggs faster.
>living in a cluttered shithole
That got me
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Mama mia
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Anyone got the one where the restaurant makes food in a toilet?
who raped you?
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For what purpose?
store brought pasta sauce: $$

store brought meatballs: $$

store brought pre-grated parmasan cheese with wood pulp: $

plates: 0

making billy beta clean up that huge mess you left in his kitchen: Priceless!
I'm asian and my parents are asian boomers -- way worse than white boomers. I got to grow up in a nice neighbourhood in a beautiful house, but it's like a museum where I'll get in trouble for touching anything so I didn't get to cook till I finally left home -- which was difficult due to high rent prices. In our social circle it was common for white and asian women to leave work when they are pregnant, but go back as soon as the youngest kids are in grade school or junior high -- my mother never did. First she blame me the firstborn for her giving up her work life and her fun life, then she blames the tax structure for not going back to work, except the women whose husband makes a lot of money usually volunteer regularly, go to church every week -- my mother though, stayed home always to micromanage me and my brother and me because she does not get along with other adults.

My mother intentionally created a situation where I would be helpless and incompetent, thank goodness I got away from that witch. Now I cook most of my food from scratch. I learned it from youtube videos, old cookbooks at the library, and online recipes, image macros from this forum.
The kind of customers who go for these kind of meme dining experience deserves to be taken hostage by a mad Gordon Ramsay expy, covered in chocolate sauce and marshmallow, and then incinerated.
If you are pretty you don't need make-up, if your food is tasty you don't need gimmick presentation
Do americans really?
This lady is German.
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I am an enormous fat ass. Much fatter than her. I cannot imagine eating something like this. Why not just get some McDonald's or something? I don't get it.
Nigger behavior
No, he’s just trying to save a few pennies, probably out of spite.
I wonder how much those guys are getting paid.
>Much fatter than her

Damn bro are you serious
Should have started with a pekking duck with sauce and dumpling skin. I would so order this in a restaurant -- too troublesome to make this at home.
how does he poo in the loo?
good riddance
>the little bit of drool when she spits the food out
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Do you reckon he was also that clumsy trying to shove his cock inside those young boys?
Japanese cut of Black Snake Moan
ay ese, it's a sous vide in the dorito bag
I hope his dad sees this and kicks his ass
They get all the post shift whippets they want.
>get 2x boiling pots of water thrown on you
>get tazed
>quesadilla ruined
rough day
So glad they can marry now
>cyberpunk 2077 unpatched
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otherwise this is why I don’t like gay marriage.

Somehow lgbtqias373628+-/) faggots complain about being mentally ill, then flip on a dime saying the can’t be responsible for their mental illness
what mental illness is this?
I was told, which doesn't make it true, that it's a pedo in a low-sec prison getting some justice thrown in his face.
Why are mexicans so obsessed with this style of slop?
Seed oil has damaged humanity in such a short period of time.
I looked up the news story and that's exactly what it is. Although I don't know if it happened because the guy is a pedo, it just says they had problems. The guy initially being attacked is a gang leader who was charged with child rape. The guy attacking him killed his ex-girlfriend's husband. And yes it's taking place in a prison, that's why officers showed up so quickly.
top kek wtf? also how did the cops get there immediately?
You guys should make a subreddit where you talk about all your favorite street vendors who use eggs.
>ai slop
If you're going to throw boiling water in someone's face you should add some sugar to it.
Makes it stick.
Is this a prison?
the heat of the pasta cooks the bottled sauce.
It's a prison in Finland.
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I'm too high for this shit.
I will never not be fascinated and disgusted by how hard Jack tries to jam food down his corn hole.
Imagine being a grown man and simping for reddit
They took their sweet fuckin time.
Not enough eggs
What the actual fuck
Based gentleman
>Finnish prison looks more comfortable and clean than my house
Is it really that unusual to cook food on a range?
I have those old coils on my gas range, and I usually just cook hamburgers on the coils. I can't afford pots and pans.
This is what prisons are like in yt countries?
rip vine 5ever in our hearts
two absolute donkeybrained niggers replied to this post
>This is what prisons are like in yt countries?
ur knot welkum hear
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Bangladesh is an immeasurably larger shithole than India and I'm tired of being told by eternally online INDIAN redditor tier faggots that the living standards are better in bangladesh. What kind of meme reality are these people living in? If bangladesh is better why do we get thousands of them border hopping to india every single day?
Every single online video of bangladesh I see looks like some kind of absolute dystopian post apocalyptic shithole. Its so much more dirtier and filthier than india, there is so much more trash.
Oh but say anything bad about Bangladesh and a bunch of people swarm you and tell you how intelligent Bengali people are because they eat the fish head and apparently no one else on this planet does that. Well then why are your cities so dirty? Why can't you have run a single business of worth in the world? Why are bangla people stereotyped as lazy, dumb fucks who will sit around and argue about inconsequential stuff all day long instead of working?

Face it, you are not as smart as you think. If you were, you wouldn't take pride in your Africa tier poverty and be more entrepreneurial instead
How did he go from having an okay movie and TV career to being known mostly for being a huge cuckold and having shitty kids? How do you fall that far?
I know these are 100% done as rage bait for fuck-off creatively bankrupt social media pages, but these people should be put to death for the good of the species.
holy shit I love gronkenstroofel
Is that Andrew Anglin?
You should put Subway Surfers gameplay and a family guy clip in the other corners of the video
Hello newfag
Man, why is anime meat so expensive recently?
Billy ate that shit up.
In one sitting.
That one was great. Imagine doing all of this and testing it so many times just to make a short TikTok video. At least he put effort into this. Nice work.
No wonder he went bald from eating this.
Jack doesn't have much time left, unfortunately :'(
Yet, India lost a war to them. I guess pajeets are even worse.
Man I really, really hope this isnt a sex thing.
Made my day
there are plenty of dumb guy/girl jobs that pay well. Gardener, plumber, welder, backup dancer, roadie. Being dumb isn't the problem. Living in a place with no jobs, and mental illness, and being lazy are keeping most people from holding/jobs
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Absolutely disgusting
I don't see any kids in the video.
I see nothing wrong with this
>Looks and acts like milk
Show me the end product, show me the baked goods made with that crap instead of dairy
unfathomably based
What would your gf say if she found you desi egg webm folder? Mine has yet to find out. I only have 7 vids though.
>Show me the end product
closed. went out of business

Not for long unfortunately. They are getting culturally enriched too.
This makes me really sad :(
blud really be telling people how to make prison napalm

We must stop AI at all costs. This shit is evil.
AI slop is actually a window to Hell.
This is demons cooking with the souls of the damned.
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I keep thinking this yet somehow he still persists, like a bad smell.
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i'd eat it
cute and funny
>boil everything together. make sure to get some of that hot water out on the dish when you serve it so it's nice and watery
>all of that effort and the final product looks like diarrhea
>The guy attacking him killed his ex-girlfriend's husband
why on earth would they house those two together if they're already this involved
no clue why they serve it like that if they expect you to pour it over ice immediately. the design is pointless and some customers are going to spill
>looks and acts like milk
cool, let's make clarified butter out of it!
I'm assuming the person filming tried to order an iced latte, but the coffee place is too hipster to allow such a thing, so they ordered a latte and a cup of ice.
I thought that might've sounded confusing. The guy killed his own ex-girlfriend's husband, not the other guy's.
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>handheld everything but the salt
these people must be supernatural demons
Wallace and Gromit's World of Slop
you'd get more flavor licking the bark on a tree than you would eating that.
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Go BACK SummerFag.
Kek. It got stupid then got funnier each time.
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>finnish low-sec prisons are substantially much nicer than my own fucking house lmao kill me
what gets me about indians is that they always try to go super fast and show off, but all they do is smear that shit everywhere and look retarded
It's a cultural thing from what I understand. They're all focused on extremely shallow posturing so they can feel better than the other billion pajeets. So being fast=being talented even if the work they do fast is shit. In their mind they completed the task even if the result is terrible. And they will never admit that what they did was trash. They behave the same way with food and work like coding. That food is probably average at best. I had Indian programmers exclude over 60% of the crash test data point because they excluded everything that gave an error and they were super proud they delivered the code on schedule and refused to admit that the code didn't do what it was supposed to do. Because you could run it without errors.
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I was waiting for her to pull something out of her ass :(
holy jej. I think this is the first webm in years I've saved from one of these threads

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