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I have never ordered food to my home, and my social anxiety makes it impossible to order takeout food, or go to restaurants. Also I don't like talking on a phone, I ordered pizza like once maybe
I cook everything myself
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well it looks like you can cook decent enough, except for the bucket of mayo, but you're a sperg so you get some leniency. At least you're not eating exclusively mac n cheese and nuggies, right?
What mayo brah
this is sour cream btw not mayo lol
I’m exactly the same way except I figured out you can select “contactless” delivery on Uber eats and the delivery person just drops the food off in front of your door. Now I am able to get delivery once or twice a month without ever interacting with a human. If there’s ever a problem and the delivery person calls my phone, I just ignore it and if the food doesn’t arrive I get a refund. I’m not trying to be a troll or mean but your cooking likes horrible and I wouldn’t eat it. Why haven’t you gotten better at cooking if you cook all your own food? You should really try to learn how to cook meat so it isn’t burnt and dried out. Also figure out how to season and dress your food. It looks like a bland hell. Watch some of the good foodtubers like Chef John and Kenjicuck to learn cooking techniques if you don’t have anyone IRL to show you what you’re doing wrong.
I never understood what it means to be able to cook. My dishes are pretty simple. Zoomers can't put potatoes in the oven? And slice some veggies
I don't like seasoning much. Im autistic and barely even use salt. I never use sugar, I don't think I even have sugar at my house. You get used to it, like you can get used to sugarless coffee
What exactly do you think would happen if you ate at a sit down restaurant? You can call for pizza to be delivered and leave cash out for the driver.
OP is better off cooking for themselves. Food made by others really is slop most of the time, and it is better to make your own food.
I get that. I also hate sugar, and use as little salt as possible, and resisted seasoning my cooking until a friend who went to culinary school and is an excellent cook showed me how to season and flavor food. It opened my eyes and cured a lot of my pickiness and food autism.
I'm guessing it is a cope for being too disabled to get a driver's license and afford a car. He probably just cooks with whatever ingredients the local food bank and his family provides to him.
Based. Simple home cooking is not just cheaper it's 10x better for you. But you should at least try to max out your cooking skill. It's not too hard to beat restaurant food if you try, most of the time even with simple recipes. Don't avoid seasoning, salt, fat or anything else, enjoying food is a good thing.
>muh anxiety
stop eating plants and slurping bean juice (poisons), increase the meat and especially the fat and maybe your anxiety will go away
what in the ikea fuck are you drinking?
that soup or pasta or whatever looks ridiculous
>I have never ordered food to my home
Nor I.
>social anxiety makes it impossible to order takeout food, or go to restaurants
I don't like ordering food over the phone or by app but I don't mind ordering in person, we just do it so rarely because there's always always always food in the house. The missus never orders delivery, either, but she does use apps sometimes for pick up.
>I cook everything myself
Either me or the wife.
I cooked dinner tonight (mushroom cheesesteaks, boiled sweetcorn, tomato salad) and she cooked lunch (keema or whatever with chopped spinach in it with rice, roti and cucumber sauce).
None of this looks like food.

the first 2 look like burned garbage.
Are you the farmer guy whose wife makes you eat her homemade roti with fucking everything?
>what in the ikea fuck are you drinking?
First one is pork, I'm afraid of undercooking it, so it almost always comes out a bit overcooked. Second image is chicken liver, same thing.
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>First one is pork, I'm afraid of undercooking it
if pork is no longer pink it is not under cooked. also modern factory farmed pork can be cooked to medium rare.

what you have there is burned garbage.
Second img isn't even burned. That's liver and the blood will always get burned on a pan
If you're eating chicken liver, you can't be that autistic. This feels like a learned condition.
this is why i come to this site. to be reminded that im not really fucked up at all
>I have never ordered food to my home, and my social anxiety makes it impossible to order takeout food
You know they do contactless delivery now, right? They just leave at your door and shoot you a text that it's arrived.
Post your meals brah
chicken liver is just garbage.
Looks pretty good, is that tea or juice?

Are you alright with grocery stores or do you order ingredients online?
I do grocery shopping, but I use self-checkout always.
That's beetroot soup btw. It works like a tasty beverage too. But I made it today, so I can leave it overnight, as it gains flavor, then I'll eat the rest of the soup with dumplings tomorrow
>my social anxiety makes it impossible to order takeout food, or go to restaurants
fucking retard, youll never learn with that defeatist attitude
shut the fuck up cunt.
everything he posted looks good, simple, and easy to make.
It Iooks decent, though I wouId recommend crisping up those potatoes a IittIe more. Consider experimenting with more cuisines, it seems a bit one note.
>social anxiety
I think reddit dot com might be a better website for you
I went to a Mexican restaurant by myself the other day and it was based.

>sit down
>waitress comes by and I get a whole tray of chips and salsa to myself
>order food and drink at the same time
>takes me literally 10-15 minutes and I’m out the door
>waitress is a milf Mexican lady and she calls me mijo which means son in beanerspeak
>food was amazing
>cost me less than going to McDonald’s
>social anxiety
Get over it. Go cold turkey. Force yourself to meet other people. I was like you until I turned 16 when I realized I will die a virgin if I didn't do anything. So I volunteered to be the class rep and joined an outdoors club. I lead expeditions into the wilds and took on leadership positions. It was hard work and painful but slowly I gained confidence and skills. It took me 3 years to do it. So can you.
it looks like garbage. get good.

>cost me less than going to McDonald’s
Right? 2 people can eat for the price of one steak at a steak house.
dirt soup
I have never seen such a sad and boring set of food in my life everything is either over/under cooked, bland and boring yet dowsed with cum.

those foods are a mirror of your messed up head.
>I ordered pizza like once maybe
oh please, tell us how that went
Drop 20mg valium before you go to the restaraunt
If your anxiety is so bad, how do you buy the food that you cook? Also, current delivery services can all be interacted with online without ever talking to a human, and you can use a text box to instruct the delivery driver to leave the shit at your door and fuck off.
Depending on where the zoomers rent their living spaces, they probably do not have an oven.
absolute beast of an anon, I kneel
food looks great guy
scond, except the macaroni soup, that shits hella sus
Get some char on your onions before you cook the liver - pre cook the onions, get a little bit of blackening, reserve, cook the liver and add the onions back.
Get some char on the bacon, add more egg and black pepper.
All solid meals, not restaurant standards but thats not what you want each night at home.
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Just get another small bowl for cucumbers, tkae all the water out of it with salt, then add the sour cream and black pepper.
>farmer guy whose wife makes you eat her homemade roti with fucking everything?
Ha. I'm half of that. The farmer guy is a different poster. I've talked to him, too. But yes, we eat a lot of roti of various kinds. Our kitchen is pretty much nothing but jars of different types of flours.
And she doesn't make us eat it. We like it. I like the fact that we're eating fresh bread pretty much daily and on days it's not fresh, she makes what's basically fried rice but with cut up stale roti. Some dude here described some Mexican dish that sounds very similar but I forgot the name since I'm not very familiar with Mexican food
Yeah, I never got the who afraid to go out to eat alone thing. In the 90s, I had to start taking the bus and train to school. The train left me off smack dab in the middle of Chinatown where we lived to catch the bus to school and vice versa. After school one day, I was hungry and went into a Vietnamese restaurant (that Chinatown is weirdly mostly Vietnamese people, despite it still being called Chinatown and having one of those that's the PRC donated to it) to try food. Alone. At 14 years old. The menu was completely in Vietnamese without any descriptions in any other language so I just pointed at something and crossed my fingers.
I got spring rolls, broken rice, sauteed beef and some leaf broccoli and it all cost me $5 and it was untaxed for some reason. I paid $6 and went on my home from there. I've loved Vietnamese food ever since.
I can't really go get anything alone anymore since I've got a lady in my life and we have a kid, but she likes trying new things, too.
Oh, the second time I went there and did that, they brought me a deep fried pigeon. Not every visit is a lucky one
>one of those that's the PRC donated
One of those ARCHES that the PRC donated.
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I am here.
>I've got a lady in my life and we have a kid
I sincerely hope you are married. Your child deserves a stable, traditional family.
Wouldn’t it be better if barely-functional people like you were systematically removed from humanity? All you do is take up space and consume resources
>Alone. At 14 years old.
this is a cool story but it's funny to me your writing as if this is a big deal
is this a weird thing in the USA?
i used to fly alone at this age, and go out and do whatever by myself
post your cooking then faggot
This, I also was flying at 14 solo (albeit with a steward assigned to drop me off to my relatives for legal reasons).
Do American kids not go solo anywhere anymore? I thought fucking around in the forest and driving to cool places etc is what they do there due to movies
You are smart. I am a delivery driver and overtime I realized that other drivers are nasty and disgusting. Roaches in the car, eating your food, gross people. Don't order delivery, and I don't order either.
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just write a script anon
why do you choose to live in fear when you can change yourself and be unchained
I never order delivery. I just checked it out these "restaurants" are ridiculous. Minimum orders 20 25 30 euros. Dishes are like 18euros for some rice and a couple bites of chicken. I recall seeing the 15 euros off on your first 3 orders coupons, I guess those must be required to order delivery then just create a new account. Nobody in their right mind would buy this.
I guess so. I'm foreign to the US and didn't mention it in the story because it didn't seem relevant.
Americans seem to find any activity done alone difficult. I think this might be why so many are overweight; they can't find someone to work out with them so they just... don't work out. Meanwhile, I just got in from a run. Alone. At 5.30 in the morning (started at 4.45).
>i used to fly alone at this age
Similar! In the summer earlier that year, just before my 14th birthday, my parents and I flew to Germany because there's no direct flight from where we lived in America at the time to Switzerland. When we got to Frankfurt, my parents looked into renting a car to drive down to Zürich. We already discussed that I would stay a few days in Frankfurt and visit with my cousins in the area then take the train down on my own where my parents would pick me up from the station. Despite some language difficulties (I never learned proper German since I didn't go to school in Switzerland beyond early education so I only spoke Swiss German), I was able to buy my ticket and catch my train, no problems.
And, actually, that train journey was the catalyst for my dad refusing to drive me to school anymore and the reason I had to take the subway and bus to school starting that following year which brings me back to the Chinatown/Vietnamese food thing.
>I thought fucking around in the forest and driving to cool places etc is what they do there due to movies
Yeah, I used to do that stuff. The only aspect of teenage life in American media that's inaccurate is the depiction of the "jocks" and popular kids as jerks. In my experience, popular kids were popular because people liked them IE they weren't jerks. I never understood where the trope of popular=asshole came from.
You know you can select "leave at my door" in your delivery instructions for doordash or uber eats right? I get food delivered several times a month and never even see the person who delivers it.
>food on the ground
Absolutely disgusting.
He's not talking about the regular american experience, he's talking about being anxiety riddled and what he did to counteract that.

That said, I have relatives in the states and I notice their kids take a long time to become independent, and I think it's the suburbs. The kids were 15 or so and they still had trouble picking something from a menu and ordering it, there would be a lot of whispering to mom and dad and having them place the order, things like that. They had trouble making any choices. And then the oldest got a car, started driving the others around and now they're never at the house, but they're still always going around at least in pairs. Maybe being unable to do anything in their neighborhood by themselves, always needing an adult to drive them everywhere, and the adults always doing things for them instead encouraging them to be slow and awkward but do things anyway, doesn't let them develop the social skills needed until they're much older, seems like sometimes they just don't develop them at all.
I don't have mental issues of this kind. Still, it's easy to make dishes of my own idea, the kind of stuff you won't find in any recipe books. I'm all about using as many healthy ingredients as possible, but at the same time make the preparation short. So, one hour gives me a dish lasting 4-5 days. Apparently, adding fresh garlic, onion and lots of different spices also helps the food stay fresh for longer.
Plus, the stuff you make yourself is suited right to your taste. I've made durum whole wheat pasta with my special, rich and thick (but not greasy) sauce and this way I have convinced many women that whole grains don't have to taste "off" compared to white flour products. Only thing I don't add is my favorite hot sauce + chili, since women tend to have rather childish palate.

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