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choose up to 3 and a beverage
for me its
>hash browns
>black coffee (beer also acceptable)
Corned beef hash, black olives and cottage pie. Russian imperial stout for a drink
damn you got me rethinking my OP now
>grilled chicken
>Michigan salad w/ cranberry vinaigrette
>strawberry malt
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Properly cooked lobster, crab and shrimp makes me so full but I really can't stop. I love the sea bugs
Beans with chorizo that I make with tortilla chips
Guacamole that I make, also with tortilla chips

I wish I was good at making pizza.
diet coke
I drink like 2-3 litres of diet coke everyday on average
I always put them on glass of ices and wait for it to melt a little bit to dilute it
then chug big glass of water afterward
Condensed milk.
Crème de marrons.
Mustard covered baked rabbit.
Carbonated source water.

I never get enough of either
>fried shrimp
>tortilla chip + homemade salsa
>flame grilled lamb steak
If not limited by price or work to make, I could probably eat those three until I threw up. I don't think I could do the same with anything from a store.
i think you shouldve chosen water that would help a lot
I legit cannot stop if I eat mangoes
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biscuits and gravy
buttered slices of toast
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just 2 questions:
why not country fried steak with sausage gravy?
what kind of bread toasted how dark?
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I just love the flavor and texture of biscuits. Buttery, flaky, soft and pillowy. I like country fried steak but it's not even in the same realm as biscuits and gravy for me.

I'm a variety guy so I change my toaster setting every time I make toast. I like sourdough lighter and rye darker though. Ideally the outside is crunchy and the inside is still soft and moist.

I also love dumplings so maybe I'm just addicted to flour and bread.
>I like sourdough lighter and rye darker
immensely based
> Ideally the outside is crunchy and the inside is still soft and moist.
mashed potatos
>My custom homemade bean dip
>tacos/burritos (I consider these a combo together)
those really stand out as food if I could just keep eating i'd just keep eating.
crawfish etoufee and unsweetened iced tea
add some nice crusty white bread too
fried chicken breast
Rotisserie chicken
Pekin duck
Irish coffee
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>Crab Rangoon
>Pork Egg Rolls
>Singapore Mei Fun
>Iced Tea

I'm going to my favorite Chinese buffet tomorrow for this. Thanks for reminding me!
dumplings / bao
>Having sex with women unironically
Jalapeno poppers
Spicy nuggets
Hamburger helper
Diet root beer

no I'm not a fatass I just like trash foods
Negitoro gunkan
Hot and Sour soup from my favorite Chinese place (it's trash at most restaurants though)
Good dry salami

I wish I could but unfortunately it's impossible so I just have to settle for chasing cosplayers instead
>Casually consumes 1000+ calories in sweets in 20 seconds
Ricotta cheesecake. If I ever make one I eat a piece before and after my next meals, and also snack on it throughout the day.
Fatsu? on MY /ck/?!
Fried california rolls
>Cheese curds
>Pad thai
>Whisky and coke made with Evan Williams
Takoyaki pizza
Rice burger stuffed with seafood
Vegetables lightly flavored with miso
Matcha latte
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its more likely than you think
Absolutely loathe weebs
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Sushi is really the only one. I only eat it at buffets because eating a reasonable amount of it is not even an option for me.
and what would you like to drink with that?
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my grandpappies cornbread
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Joghurt drink, french soft cheese and mett.

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