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>at street festival
>food vendor barbecuing pork ribs
>under grill there is a cooked rack of ribs that fell on the ground (concrete road)
>ask guy and he doesn’t care if i take it, so i do
>eat the entire thing with my bare hands on the walk home

I wasn’t necessarily hungry, but I wasn’t necessarily full. I biked for about an hour earlier, and had eaten an almond and banana bagel sandwich for breakfast, tuna sandwich for lunch, and had just eaten a small slice of greek pizza.

Do I have a problem?
5’9 155lbs male btw
>Do I have a problem?
yeah youre a short fat retard eating out of other people's trash for no particular reason
Fuck you nigger, I’m not fat
but you are a short retarded little piggie boy gobbling up all the leftovers, arent you anon? arent you piggie?
is this your fetish
Based and racoonpilled
Yes. Squeal for me, piggie boy
shaming retards on 4chan is all of our fetish I thought
Yes anon you are indeed a fat boy, and will be recognized as a squealing hog until you post a picture of your body to argue otherwise.
If it didn't fall in literal dogshit then why the fuck not. it's better to eat floor ribs than to just throw food away.
Now kiss
George was right and so are you OP.
>he doesnt know shit that happens on the road
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ok fine here is my body. yes im kind of fat but now you must also post body
who’s george
Nice try, but I don't see a /ck/ timestamp OR your dick. Why is that?
it’s in a public bathroom so no paper, and i dont want to show you my dick >:(
do you think that the physique in the image is impressive enough for someone to lie about?
not at all
if it doesn't taste any different and you won't notice any health effects whatsoever, there is no reason not to eat it
squeamish faggots can keep crying about "eww it touched the floor" and "it looks and smells completely fine but EWW it's been in the fridge for two weeks :^(" and throwing their own money in the trash, you just keep living life to the fullest op
>at street festival
Your first mistake
the question is, was there a second mistake?
For a fatty it would be lol
Yes, eating floor ribs duh
>you bait on 4chan HARD while chad eats floor ribs
Where are your grilled ribs, bitch ass nigga?
not in the street, lol
How many guys have you sucked? That body looks mega gay ngl
Sorry that you're gonna have to go through twinkdeath soon
uhh, based?
>Do I have a problem?
>5’9 155lbs male btw
seems like you answered your own question
You’ve been looking at a lot of gay dude’s bodies I take it? I appreciate that you think I’m a twink though, I used to be full Griffith mode and I’m trying to get back to that.
5’9 155 is fat unless you’re muscular which you’re not. You should be least 10 pounds lighter.
post body
Why? Grindr is free, you know.

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