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Why are they so good? They are just flour, sugar, and butter.
you're comparing them to cookies made without butter. Simple as.
that's the answer
finding cookies made with just flour butter and sugar is very difficult nowadays. Theyre not the norm.
They are so good, happy to find them available in the supermarket.
You can buy these at Aldi. But yes seed oil cookies are crap. Butter cookies are the way to go.
They are very easy to make. It's the same recipe as Scotch shortbread.
Only four ingredients. Flour butter sugar salt.
Scotch shortbread is good too!
I remember a lady that was a client that brought chocolate chip cookies made with butter to the office. I ate 5 or 6 of those. The colleagues at the time did not approve of me eating them and praising her as it would encourage her to make more cookies (they thought it was "bad"). I thought they were great and hope she still makes those cookies despite those former colleagues.
>Why are they so good? They are just flour, sugar, and butter.
You answered your own question.
They're not anything special. It's just decades of propaganda using blue round metal tins have made you believe it.
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I want some now
This Anon is a horrible human bean but he’s righty about the butter factor.
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I did always like Danish cookies, but if you want to up your game and cause an upset next Christmas show up with pickerel.
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>up your game
you must be joking
If youve never had high quality cookies before.
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we're not talking about high quality cookies anon, we're talking about mass-produced tinned cookies and I suggested a very similar mass-produced cookie brand that is slightly better
So was i. Even chessmen, which does have better ingredients, just taste worse than cookies from europe. Just regular ones from the supermarket.
oh good lord
Its the truth.
I'm in Canada and I can't find Royal Dansk's butter cookies from Denmark anymore...Rexall even had something from Denmark but it was an imitation company with vegetable oil!
My Christmas present for everyone are Walkers All Butter Shortbread.
You know fuck all. What a totally stupid piece of shit. You're a fucking joke.
Are you fucking joking? You've never had a decent cookie if you think these are better. Do you have shares in the company or something?
Oh I know anon, I know.
Allz I'm saying is they're better than those overcooked crumbly Roil Dansk things
You've never even left your state. I can tell.
Anon pls, I've lived in 3 states in the USA and I'm a citizen of two countries.

I'm not saying Pepperidge Farm is boutique cookies ALLZ I'm saying is they're better than those dry Danish things that have the texture of sand
Yeah of course. We both know exactly. Thanks for the heads up. I really need advice from someone like you.
I wasn't giving any advice
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>dry Danish things that have the texture of sand
The sand texture isn't the bad part, it is the lack of real butter.

When I was a kid, a family member brought back some Brittany cookies that was butter cookies with a small amount of corn meal in them, and they were very good.

Pictured, St Michel cookies, was sold at Costco in a metal tin for about 4 mo where I repurchased them a few times til they disappeared.
> if you want to up your game and cause an upset next Christmas show up with pickerel.
"up your game". Arrogant dickhead. Fuck you. You're the worst kind of person
>I've lived in 3 states in the USA
california, texas, and new mexico
>and I'm a citizen of two countries
Usa and mehico
Wew pepperidge farm Karen? The thinking woman's cookie. Classy
how many fucking posts is this one miserable motherfucker going to make
yeah could only be one person Karen
Overpriced and tastes bland
I can't see anything particularly bad about these here, except that they don't use butter. And additional flavor which a good real cookie doesn't need.
Still, not too bad.
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>Made J Alt Kenzi Alt Lopez Alt's brown butter chocolate chip cookies
>They're fucking outstanding

Hate it when that happens
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I prefer canola to butter for health reasons such as it being low in saturated fats and high in unsaturated fats, which can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. It also tastes a bit better and the cookies don't get hard and spoil as quickly.
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I got you bro
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I don't think it's outlandish to take small steps or use modern technology to try and live a longer, healthier life especially if heart disease runs in your family.

Canola also has vitamins E and K and contains a bunch of good fatty acids, including omega 3 and 6. I've done my research. It's also better priced which is a win/win.

It's kinda like why the hell are some retards still using 3000+ old cast iron tech in their cookware when we have much superior modern materials.
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I got you bro
This is not accurate, polyunsaturated fats are known to be inflammatory and generally cause poor well being.
This. Butter is GOAT.
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god i love butter
>I don't think it's outlandish to take small steps or use modern technology to try and live a longer, healthier life especially if heart disease runs in your family.
>It's kinda like why the hell are some retards still using 3000+ old cast iron tech in their cookware
What if they're anemic
Refined sugar and starches can increase cholesterol levels by promoting inflammation, at which point the body uses cholesterol to try and repair itself. The butter is probably the healthiest part of an average cookie.
>words = bad
The internet is no place for the illiterate.
>I can't see anything particularly bad about these here, except that they don't use butter.
I can't see anything bad... except for the biggest possible red flag. Begone HFCS golem.
I believe this no problem

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