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I generally avoid regular soda these days because it gives me bad breath.
Just drink sweet tea with bourbon like a grown man. I haven't drank soda since middle school.
>I generally avoid regular soda these days because it gives me bad breath.
no you give yo bad breath.
I just don't like the taste of corn syrup or the crash effect I get from heavily sweetened caffeinated beverages.
I only drink caffeine free diet soda now, and usually only a couple per week
brush your fuckin teeth dude
Aspertine is worse long term than just sugar
Causes inflammation of the intestine, which caused cell damage, which leads to disease
Every SINGLE TIME I drink soda it gives me cavities.

The eternal debate. I really don't care if I'll die for a disease for drinking zero dr pepper, we'll all die for something.
But regular sugar does that too...
Yeah, but not to the same extent as artificial sweeteners (for the same amount)
Only thing wrong with sugarless soda is that it causes tooth erosion just like normal soda. You'll regret it eventually.
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Sure, soda is bad for me, but more importantly there are just way more enjoyable things to drink out there.
If I made a half a gallon of lemonade with a cup of sugar people would still say it's unhealthy.
Imagine thinking industrial byproducts and listed neurotoxins are healthier than sugar because corporate "science" says so. LOL@you
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what about diet cherry coke with bourbon? mmmm tasty
Or itll give me acid blood like a xenomorph
>le chad wojak
>has the wrong opinion every time
What is it about this meme character that attracts absolute retards to use it to state their incorrect opinions?
i thought artificial sweeteners are used in a fraction of the quantity to sugar because they're a lot sweeter? so isn't that kind of a false comparison, because nobody is consuming equal amounts of aspartame to sugar
The only soda I drink is Coke. Its probably one of my favorite drinks. Diet Coke and Coke Zero are garbage however.
Any of you niggas ever consider drinking fucking water?
I honestly have to wonder if regular Pepsi would taste better if I added a packet of Splenda to it.
I will need to try this.
This also raises the question of "why haven't they tried making sodas with a blend of sugar (or HFCS) and sucralose?
Same poster.
I also wonder if some sodas would taste better without caffeine, due to the bitter taste that it introduces.
water all the way.
>water all the way.
A bottle of water with a packet of splenda tastes a lot like a soda, except without the carbonation.
That's likely because you suck so much cock.
>blend of sugar (or HFCS) and sucralose
those do exist, they're usually found in the health food and organic aisle near the CUMbucha
olipop is one example, but that uses stevia and sugar. the discontinued coke life also uses sugar and stevia, it tastes terrible.
Anon, it appeals to fools who mistake arrogance for profound insight.
No? The effects dont scale to amount used.
>No? The effects dont scale to amount used.
Yes they do, along with litteralt every other thing ingested. Fucking seed oil fags are hilarious.

>Imagine thinking industrial byproducts and listed neurotoxins
Retard delusion
>healthier than sugar because corporate "science" says so. LOL@you
They are "healthier" because they provide the same flavoring for 99% lower calories, making one less likely to overconsume calories and get fat. 90% of health issues in thr west stem from fat fucks.
>Yes they do, along with litteralt every other thing ingested. Fucking seed oil fags are hilarious.
No, they dont. I'm not sure why you brought up seed oils. You seem upset
I generally avoid it because I'm an adult
>No, they dont. I'm not sure why you brought up seed oils. You seem upset
You don't think any medicine or vitamin or poison or anything has varying effects on the amount taken? Man you're just retarded.

The anti-sweetner and muh seed oil group is almost complete circle. I liked the phrase seed oil fag more than sweetener fag but I guess they both could work.
Sounds like you don't understand why zero calorie sweeteners are zero calorie. It's because your body doesn't digest it, so its passes straight through your intestine. Sugar doesn't do this.
>You don't think any medicine or vitamin or poison or anything has varying effects on the amount taken?
I didnt say that. I spointed out that the negative effects dont scale to the amount used to the point that they have to be equal in amount. Your comment implied it was ddisingenuous to say aspartame is harmful like sugar because the amount used is so small. The small amount is what causes the harm, you dont need to use a tablespoon of aspartame in your coffee (the same amount as you would sugar) for it to be harmful. Someone doesnt become harmless because you use a tiny amount of itm
Not true
So brush your teeth and floss?
it just is ok??
>spointed out that the negative effects dont scale to the amount used to the point that they have to be equal in amount
Don't know what this retard babble means, but yes retard negative effects DO scale to the amount
>Your comment implied it was ddisingenuous to say aspartame is harmful like sugar because the amount used is so small
Yes this is true. Something can be harmless at low amounts and potentially maybe harmful if ingested in the kilos. This confuses you?
>The small amount is what causes the harm, you dont need to use a tablespoon of aspartame in your coffee (the same amount as you would sugar) for it to be harmful
Yeah the weird volume and mass combo of the imperial system can confuse retards. The masses of 1 table spoon of sugar and aspartame are going to be DRAMATICALLY different.
>Someone doesnt become harmless because you use a tiny amount of itm
Yes it does retard. Say this phrase out loud and maybe you'll see how stupid you sound. Lmao I love this site
Man who knows what the government is putting in that shit
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It's fucked full with sugar, I'm not drinking useless calories.
Get well soon
Store brand diet ginger ale is unironically better tasting than the regular stuff
I believe it, my gut's a little fucked and I drank diet drinks frequently for years. Quit them six months ago but probably too late to matter
>Get well soon

>empty seethe response only signaling his butthurt and ineptitude
Pathetic. It sure wasn't the seed oils that made you retarded.
>drinking corn syrup
really shouldn't drink soda at all, diet or regular. That said, I do enjoy having a soda sometimes when I'm eating pizza or when I'm at Costco and get the hotdog and soda for $1.50
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I bet you have tonsil stones, I would get them regularly when drinking regular Cokes and other sorts of beverages and would basically disappear whenever I stay away from such drinks it was terrible bad breath at times sometimes like a sewer or even fishy and other times like rotten eggs

Typically, the smell is sulfuric, like rotten eggs. Bad taste in mouth: You may experience a metallic taste in the back of the throat due to tonsil stones. Difficulty or pain when swallowing: When tonsil stones form, they can be accompanied by inflammation.
>lets consume poison because it has less calories and therefor healthy.
Im happy to accept on.e of us is delusional
Yes, but that doesn't help against erosion because it's caused directly by the acid, not by bacteria. If you brush your teeth right away after drinking soda the enamel is already softened by acid and brushing (which normally won't harm enamel) will add to the damage, so you should wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth. Same applies if you vomit and get stomach acid all over your mouth btw. The only other thing you can do to minimize harm is rinsing with water right away after drinking soda. But if soda is your main everyday drink your teeth WILL eventually look like this and be sensitive as fuck.
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Stop drinking soda.
Does kombucha pose the same risks as soda? I enjoy it but it's also a carbonated sweet beverage so Im worried
diet soda is probably fine but it tastes like absolute ass. Water is definitely fine and tastes neutral. Easy choice
With sugar? Bad
Isn't bad in itself
Look at the list of ingredients. If it has citric acid, malic acid, phosphoric acid, bad
Even if something is generally bad for you it's probably fine in moderation (don't drink it every day)
>But if soda is your main everyday drink your teeth WILL eventually look like this and be sensitive as fuck.
It stops being a problem after you have almost a dozen crowns.
True, at that point you have bigger problems, but I'm optimistic and hope that you have some natural enamel left to protect

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