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Tips on how to make Gyros / Shawarma / Döner at home? Bonus point if it doesn’t fall apart immediately.
Marinade the meat, compress it, grill it.... That's really it, it's very easy, that's why it came into being.
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i made some yesterday. had only one piece of chicken so couldn't stack-compress-cut so i cut the chicken in small 3mm wide bits before marinating it for 24hrs and frying in a pan with a bit of olive oil. made the pita bread in the same pan afterwards. it was very good
for chicken, marinate and cook in oven on top rack right under the broiler
if using ground meat mix the meat and spices thoroughly til it's sticky like sausage meat and and make it into meatloaf. once cooked take thin slices and heat them up in a frying pan
Make souvlaki instead.
>Tips on how to make Gyros
Blend pork and lamb in food processor, pulse in minced onion, garlic and parsley. add favorite greek seasonings, I like marjoram, and make it into meatloaf, bind with bread crumbs and egg. Form in pan, or shape. Bake. Refrigerate, slice when cold, and crisp up on griddle. this can also be formed on a skewer, aka keftah

> Shawarma
one meat only, such as chicken, beef or lamb. Chunk it, thread it on a skewer, marinate in herb mix and greek yogurt, pat dry, grill over charcoal
trader joe's pre-cooked gyro slices
trader joe's marinated shawarma chicken thighs

I'm eating the shawarma today. what do you guys put inside?

so far I copy middle eats (the foodtuber) and I put sliced pickles, garlic sauce, and I use sriracha for a chili sauce. plus red onion
Lemon juice
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Make the processed version
can someone explain to me what the hell gyro sandwich meat is? I never had one before.

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