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How can people enjoy this crap? It's like chewing on birthday candle shavings.
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It could be worse it could be granny candys, the kind of thngs found in some room and try to take one out and the whole jar comes out.
That looks horrible like they're all stuck together.

You're comparing the taste and texture of something with candy stuck together in a jar.... how does this make sense?
Clearly you haven't experienced granny candies that have been sitting around for who knows how many years.
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This is about the nastiest that I can think of, these peppermint things.
Because they taste good. I prefer throwing snowcaps on top of my ice cream
Consider a padded cell, electroshock and some therapy before you shoot up a school.
Why don't you like sprinkles or snowcaps?
Because I'm not a homosexual, that's left for you.
That's not an answer. Why don't you like sprinkles and snowcaps?
yeah why don't you like sprinkles or snowcaps? we're ganging up on you and so you have to answer
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The terminal seppocel fears the fairy-bread chad
for your information I happen to enjoy eating candles
I don't eat candles but I like the waxy texture of sprinkles
i cant eat icecream without jimmies
fpwp. they're called sprinkles you fruitbowl
answer the question buddy boy
I think it's just the appearance of it. you look at it and imagine it's sweet. we eat with our eyes.

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