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File: ChickenMargherita.jpg (2.65 MB, 4080x3072)
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I went ahead and ordered the least cost effective item at olive garden based on calories per dollar.
that's nice
Certified sloppa
you didnt say how much it was
$19.99 for 650 calories.
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>$20 for microwaved slop
You disgust me. People like you need to be put into camps, starved and right before they die tortured mercilessly to death.
Did you enjoy it?

Isn’t eating at Olive Garden punishment enough?
That doesn't look quite right, it looks like cat puke.
Do people actually care about that? Bring a poorfag must be hell on earth, lol. Can't even imagine worrying about the cost efficiency of a meal or having to eat at Olive Garden... Get your life in order, son.
In terms of slop it was not as good as the chicken and shrimp carbonara but it is probably the most food adjacent thing at olive garden overall.
That Iooks Iike shit.
it looks bad but that's the reality of these places. Maybe 1/20 will have a cook who cares/knows what he is doing.
the few times I've gotten chicken at olive garden it was appaling. eggplant parm was really good though
>healthy option menu item that costs the same as regular entrees but 600 calories
holy shit I hate that meme
also american restaurants making "healthy" items taste bad on purpose like bland chicken breast, sour vinaigrette on everything
mmm, hospital food
>chicken and broccoli with the random shit from the panty and vinegar
The normie really is fooled by the most basic shit
I personally do not see how it would be physically possible to make this at home. Oh well. Just have to suffer through inflated out to eat prices I guess.

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