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Corn in its ultimate form.
A bit too dry for my taste.
Then get elotes off the cob, lots of stalls mix it with some base sauce like mayo.
It's less laborious and tastier to just cook corn as normal and then dip it.
Why are you weighing your corn? Is it time for its checkup?
corn is not food
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for me, it's esquites
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Agreed, OP.
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The only thing better than elote is elote pizza.
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Those look good, Mexi-anon. I usually don't eat corn here because it's so fucking chemically tampered with,(yours too,) but I gotta admit; You fucking Aztec savages fucking KNOW your corn.
t. I love MaSaTeCa
I WOULD ravage that...
Where's the RAEPIST? I'll bet he'd bite.
what is it? a dildo?
Agreed. Ditch the cob and it becomes 100 percent delicious, no fuss.
I'm white, I'm just from South Texas lol. I got a huge ass frozen bag of cobs from walmart so I'm sure they're all fucked up. Nothing a little tajin and valentina can't fix I'm sure.
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it makes passable cattle feed in a pinch
NGL..I went from Red label to black label in a year, and eventually just got sick of it.
just TOO vinegary for me.
I was buying BIG bottles too.
Still, loves me some well prepared Corm.
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NTA..but back atcha.
not as much a thing here on /ck/ tho--
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Country girls make do
Elotes is the culinary proof that Mexicans are lazy
>Ey homes
>Let me throw some random shit on some corn on the cob for you, ese
>Naah, it's Mexican cuisine, homey!
>That'll be 12 dollars, pinche gringo
Who is the lazy one? The one making it or the one paying $12 for something they could make in 5 minutes at home?
that sounds like a hustle to me
>carb on carb
If you want a crunch toast the bread more or add bacon
I'll shove my carb up your carb, bitch
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If your elotes don’t look like this then get out of my sight
This is what peak elotes look like
checked but your opinion is still incorrect. elote or plain, eating corn on the cob is OBJECTIVELY more fun than off
because dipshits on this website have become chronically unable to actually say what the fuck it is they're posting about:

>Elotes: corn on the cob, charred on the grill, covered in a mayo sauce and topped with chili powder, cheese and lime.
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That's EXACTLY the pic I was thinking of too.
It says “Elotes” directly in the title. Are you illiterate or something?
elotes stands means you live in a bad area where I'm from

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