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The garbage disposal can have a small tangerine, as a treat.
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I always throw leftover citrus into the garbage disposal. It makes the kitchen smell nice.
why is your garbage disposal so small
probably some gay modern safety feature
>not large enough for an adult to clear anything that fell in
>just large enough for juniors hand though
get in there slugger
Feed it a dozen egg shells.
Put a bunch of baking soda and borax in there, to clean it alongside dish detergent.
Basedest 'ference of all based
Wait that's the wrong one. Where's the one that says treat? Is it a diabetes one? Need to tag my fucking images
OP here and I'm not even sure. I can't remember if it's a 4chan meme or some shit I got from Instagram which I sadly scroll through.
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This would appear to be the origin but I think I've seen a funny one somewhere on 4cuck
>throws all their garbage down the sink
Do Americans really?
No, just things that deserve to be punished

Most things still go in the garbage can.
its probably nicer that having to scoop out cold pasta and whatever fell into the drain grate
Are these reaIIy common in American homes? I've seen them in tv and such but I assumed they weren't common outside of maybe commerciaI buiIdings. I've never seen one here in AustraIia.
any new home or any house with renovated kitches since 2012 have them now where i live
i dont use mine, i compost, and rarely even have left overs for that
I've had one in every home I've lived in since I was born in 1993 and I am lower middle class
Where in the US do you each Iive? WouId you say it varies significantIy state by state?
they are standard

don't use it ever in an apartment because they will use the absolute shittiest lowes disposal imaginable and it will break and they will keep your deposit

I heard in washington (state) you have to put all unwanted foodstuffs down the disposal, putting it in the trash is verboten. could be a tall tale though
Ohio, Maryland, Arizona, and California. Doesn't seem regional in my experience.
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I dont need a treat you fucking mong, that citrus is just more work I gotta do.

You want to do something nice for me?

Run some nice hot soapy water down my gullet while I spin as fast as I can,

Thats what really gets my motor running
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But really, that rubber splash guard will stretch to accomodate almost the entire hole.
>Ready to settle down

ALSO: On topic: I like to feed mine a couple cups of ice from time to time. Lemons are nice too.
Kinda unrelated, but when I was a kid I had to get inside picrel to clean it on the inside from time to time since I was small enough to fit through the hole. Thank God I no longer have to
That's what the sewer is for, bud. I bet you hate freedom
>I was small enough to fit through the hole
how tiny were you as a child? are you some kind of elf creature
He's either lying about the container, or was referring to a different kind of water/septic cistern
I just went and measured one of my IBCs, and the top hole is just less than 6" in diameter.
NOW they make the 250 gallon versions with up to a 25" top hole, but theat's only been in the last few years.
It wasn't particularly hard to get inside. The hole is twenty three centimeters in diameter
I measured it and it's nine inches in diameter. I was also underweight so that helped probably
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thanks for this wonderful thread op
What about cheeseburger?
If you do it incorrectly, Jay Inslee will personally come to your house at night and rape you.

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I live in a trailer and we have one, now if anybody else in my fucking house ever ran the goddamned thing instead of letting food/utensils pile up in there I'd be closer to happiness.
Hot take: when you put organic material down the drain, some of it gets caught on imperfections, bends, etc and can build up enough to clog a pipe. Sometimes you can't even pour enough drain cleaner down there because it dries and solidifies, has fats, and just generally fucks up your drain lines. I highly recommend putting as little non-water stuff in your drains as possible.
Ever try dumping some of that pothead pipe cleaner stuff down your drains? I think it's called iso alcohol.
Rentchads win again
>I live in a trailer
>my fucking house
Man I've just seen so many plumbers and homeowners where they have to cut a drain pipe in a kitchen island and its full of black rotting organic material after several attempts of draino and snaking of the line. Its usually a homeowner that admits they dump e v e r y t h i n g down the drain trying to admonish they were using egg shells and citrus because of some old wives tale saying that was good for it. But the 2" drains before the 4" main line just were never really intended to have food going through them.

Same thing for hair, diapers, paper towels, wet wipes, tampons, etc. That shit just isn't good for drains. Now, that being said I too have put shit down the drains for years, decades even without issue. That doesn't make it "good" for the pipes or correct. Use cleaners, not organic material as treats for drains.
I know your Smelly, slimey, PAIN, Brother.
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A better tool for this was invented 20+ years ago
Was your dad Chris Watts?
ice cubes also help cleaning the blades and shit
I think you dont understand how the other one works. It hole the bottle still as well as twist the cap
Yeah..I have 2.
We're talking about Oversocialized FAGGOTS here though..you have to unnerstann...
Get two of these then. Anyone who can't open the thing with that much leverage then you should kys themselves.
Incorrect. You have to refer to it as your home. You don't have a house, broke ass
the thing you posted is not the same as what you're describing you creepy little elf
I have a hand that can do that.
>You have to refer to it as your home
I'll do as I please and you can suck my dick.
Sucking can commence in 3... 2... 1...
>lives in trailer park, has attitude
checks out, maybe you should beat your wife some more so she runs the disposal
>maybe you should beat your wife some more
>your wife
My buddy calls it "percussive maintenance"
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They LOVE it!
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Don't think it varies so much by location as by age of the home. Perhaps location matters a bit in that places with older homes that haven't been renovated in a long time are less likely to have them than newer homes or ones where the kitchen has been renovated in the last 20-30 years.
People with septic tanks typically don't have them so in rural areas they're less common.
Cats can't has cheeseburger.
pardon me, your husband
it drives my wife wild. i hate doing dishes. ill make a soup or something in a pan and eat right out of it, wash my pan and utensils, and not make a mess. this bitch throws a pan, sometimes two, a spoon, two forks, a drinking glass, a bowl, and sometimes two plates in the sink with food on it all and then says "the sink is full wtf man"
i dont even use plates, i use paper towels.
make a sandwich, eat it over the kitchen trash can and drop the towel in the trash
i only make exceptions when i cook dinner for the kids, which is every other night, but even then i eat last
My house has a septic tank and came with a disposal. Stupidest shit I’ve ever seen, previous homeowner was a lazy shithead
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that's very Accomadasting of you, but I is NOT an FAGIT.
Brewed tea leaves are great for the disposal blades, they are just rough enough to sharpen the blades but not hard enough to clog anything. Just brew a few bags then toss them in, you'll notice a huge improvement in how quickly it handles the usual waste.
Good one!
Mine has been broken for a couple of months (i.e. a year and a half) because my wife dropped a plastic fork down in it and instead of pulling the guard off and fishing it out decided to flip the switch and power through it.

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