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Alright, the white bits went into my stir fry. What do I do with the green parts now?
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Add in salads, omelettes, soups, stews.
Use them in stocks.
Dont be a goofball, cut off the weird looking tops and use the rest. Waste not want not.
anon thats the exact opposite of what waste not want not means
>Waste not want not.
I desperately want you to explain what you think that means
If you do not waste, you will not want.
But you're wasting the tops, you daft cunt
sell it to the niggers
came here to say this
Into the stir fry
dip in mayo
>What do I do with the green parts now?
>came here to say this
>sell it to the niggers
I put the green ends of leeks into dumplings.
Dumplings (English, the better ones)

Rough time estimate:
50 minutes

75g self-raising flour (can use plain)
1 tsp baking powder (2 tsp if not using self-raising. DO NOT use bicarbonate of soda)
45ml milk (semi-skimmed recommended)
15g butter (cut into small chunks)
25g beef suet
1 medium egg
25g leek (finely chopped, the green ends are good for this to save waste)

⦁ Mix flour and baking powder well.
⦁ Add the butter, and using fingers blend/crumble it into the flour until it is fully incorporated, this should take about 3 minutes.
⦁ Gently mix in the leeks.
⦁ Then mix in the suet, do this quickly as it will melt from body heat.
⦁ Combine the egg with the milk, then pour into the flour. Using a dinner knife, mix the dumplings until everything incorporates.
⦁ To cook, use a wet spoon (preferably wet from the stock/stew we are making) to scoop a spoonful out and place into the soup/stew, repeat until all is used.
⦁ Bake for 30 minutes. Leave the lid off for crispy dumplings, or on for soft.

[Dumplings float better in stew that has had cornflour added to it]
Huh? I've always just used the green part like the other stuff, I didn't know it was supposed to be a nasty bit?
>What do I do with the green parts now?
Frizzled leeks. Use as garnish.
Braise in chicken stock until tender, then serve with hollandaise. Also nice on toasted english muffins under some eggs. Think eggs florentine but with leeks.
>Huh? I've always just used the green part like the other stuff, I didn't know it was supposed to be a nasty bit?
It is more tough, less tender, that's all.
yeah it's just slightly tougher, if you sautee it or cook it it will basically make no difference. Unless it becomes woody, which they sometimes do. Then I wouldn't recommend it
I only know that guy from the honey nut cheerios commercials they've been running for the last 7 or 8 years. figures that he was originally famous for a cram meme.

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