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What food goes best together?
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Ain't nothing else like a lil sushi n 'chup
is chocolate the most omnigredient? what pairs with other stuff as well as chocolate does?
peanut butter
Eggs and cantaloupe
Scrambeled Eggs and Ketchup
It annoys me that I never got to try grape jelly and peanut butter. Here in Australia I could only ever find grape jam and it's nowhere near the same.
Grape jam and grape jelly are basically indistinguishable. Jelly is just slightly shittier jam.
Steak and angel hair pasta are god tier together
>buy grape jam
>run it through a sieve to remove solids

cinnamon also pairs well with many fruits and desserts
PB&J is overrated. Fight me about it.
Fuck you too, Captcha.
everybody knows pb&j is for school children
Even as a kid, I didn't really like it.
>are basically indistinguishable
You clearly don't know what jelly and jam are
vegemite and toast
Lately, every night when I am up late and feeling like a snack I make a pbj. In a month I might use one jar of each pb and preserves and 2 loaves of bread. Each bite tastes more delicious when I remind myself that I just saved $30 on delivery services. When I finish a loaf of bread, I'm like wow... That's about $300 I just saved. Then I wash it down with chocolate milk and all is right in the world.
Cucumber, mint, and chili peppers, nothing goes harder on a hot day.
Pork and potatoes. A match made in heaven.
Honestly potatoes and any kind of fatty meat, especially if the potatoes are cooked in said fat.
That looks like it could use some bacon slices. Bacon improves just about anything.
Chilli & Cinnamon Rolls
Pizza and brownies at the same time is delicious for me. I'm gonna try more savory / dessert combinations in the future.
Sea bugs and butter
First of all, I'd like to say, peanut butter and HONEY (ESPECIALLY WITH BUTTERED TOAST) is superior to "JELLY" (unless it's proper preserves or jam). Now, pizza and ranch. Gravy and potatoes. Heavy cream and any recipe. Steak and bourbon. Fries and ketchup.
Soup and crackers.

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