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Is this show good? it is representative at all of working in a cooking joint?
>Is this show good?
Haven't seen S2 since I'm a binge watcher. Season 1 is really good.

>it is representative at all of working in a cooking joint?
It's a television show. Of course not.
Makes me want to watch it but hte main guy's a jew. I dunno about that and trying to sexualize white passing jews. However I do find cooking to be interesting and the truly good cooks are like artists. I have heard Matty Matheson developed teh recipes for the show. I am not the biggest fan but at least he's not a jew.(or is he?)
sorry you are an incel /pol/yp pissbaby snowflake that melts down after seeing the ebil minorities
No it's nothing to do with minorities. It's jews. USA has highest amount of jews out of anywhere in the world. I can tolerate jews to a certain extent. Also I am jewish. So it's just a thing of I want to regulate my jewish intake if you know what I mean. So is this show mega-jewish, or just somewhat jewish like most shows is basically what I'm wondering
Agree with the other anon that season 1 is really good. It's not really about cooking in the same way that the office is not really about selling paper.
>is it representative of working in a cooking joint?
No. I used to work in a kitchen, owners run skeleton crews so we never had that many people. [spoiler]Also, when we got too many orders we just paused the tablet, all food delivery apps give that option to the restaurants.[/spoiler]
I've stopped halfway through S2 because every fucking line in the dialogue is either a quip or a gotcha and it's fucking exhausting and unpleasant to watch. Also there's barely any cooking at all
>when you have to cook a sandwich
>FUCK YOU RICHIE!!!!!!!!!!!
>Also I am jewish.
This is probably the first time I've seen someone say they're Jewish on 4chan and not suspect they're lying/posting bait.
Come here. There's a dollar in my oven. Tkd
RegardIess of the actors, IiteraIIy none of the characters are Jewish. The white guys are aII cathoIic itaIians and poIes. AIso you sound insane.
>the main guys a jew
>also he has tattoos
>also it seems like the target audience is leftists
3 reasons why im not and will never watch this show
there would be a lot more Mexicans working in the back
That's literally a line from the show in episode 1. Also, he shoots his gun in the air outside and noone in the background reacts. I pointed this out and everyone in the room (uk) said 'well it's america, they guns going off isn't uncommon' - is this true, or is this leftist propaganda?
>regardless of the actors, none of the characters are African, the English guys are protestants.
Hence why we get browns throughout medieval shows now.
>well it's america, they guns going off isn't uncommon' - is this true, or is this leftist propaganda?
Nope that's felonies for brandishing and reckless discharge so he'd be in jail. and probably unlawful possession since he was a junkie.
Shooting guns outside a range in an urban area is 100% illegal, especially if you're also a felon or in possession of drugs. The extent to which this is reported depends on the area, and there are exceptions like self defense and so on, but it's definitely something law enforcement would react to if encountered or reported.
Chcked dubs. People have a really warped idea about USA; my colleague was saying a trend was going on that black people were being shot for fun and churches being burnt down.
>black people were being shot for fun and churches being burnt down.
They think the modern US is all a cross between the 1920s South and 1990s Norway? God I fucking wish lmao
It's over dramaticized but it gets something right if you simply tone it down.
Running a small restaurant sucks ass and will most likely leave you in debt and fucking miserable, so that's super accurate. The camaraderie between cooks and how it's like a second family is accurate, as well as the darker side like addiction and depression.

I enjoyed the show, enjoyed the real life relation and while there's not a huge focus on cooking, there's a few recipes as well as cooking techniques sprinkled throughout.
But most of the cooking is actors simply pretending to cook, the pastry chef guy is fucking awful, as well as the main black chick, other than that I don't mind any of the other minorities.
I heard he was just Greek, hence the curly hair and big nose. He doesn't look particularly jewish imo.
>mother's name is Eloise Ziegler
then again maybe I'm wrong
this, same with the boys, they both look like woke trash
I tried to watch it but they namedchecked this place and called us all losers so into the trash it went.
Well, they aren't wrong, are they?
I work as a sous in fine dining. My restaurant has a star. We're not all KFC fry cooks here.
Yes (real screenshot from show btw)
>>regardless of the actors, none of the characters are African, the English guys are protestants.
>Hence why we get browns throughout medieval shows now.
What are you taIking about? I didn't even realise Jeremy Allen White was Jewish until I read his wikipedia and neither did you. They Iook Iike Italians and Poles. Being this level of autistic about the fucking actors is retarded.
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>/POL/ /POL/ /POL/
Yeah, sure. He's the snowflake. Not you, though!
show about how shitty it is being a chef and running a restaurant

just don't do it then :)
Why did 2 Warner Bros owned properties (this show and the Barbie Movie) shit on the Snyder Cut (which WB produced)? And why is it tied to the alt right or whatever now?
last name white and you didnt immediately know hes one of them? lmao go ba ck to plebbit
>told fat black nig to prep his station like 10 times
>insane omega rush happens
>more food than you even have
>can barely pay to have the lights on, this is code red
>he comes to you with a fucking donut no one ordered, hasn't preped his station yet
>you yell at him
>You're the bad guy
Only issue with season one. Cammy is kind of a huge faggot in season 3, but dude knows what he's doing in season 1 and everyone except black girl treats him like shit and an idiot and he was 100% justified in telling the black dude to fuck off in the last episode of season 1
Yea and then in the finally big nig just walks back in without saying anything, just shitty looks and for some reason it's Carmy who apologizes.
Then fat fuck gets a free trip to copenhagen.
We did this on Tuesday. Why repeat a thread?
>Carmy did nothing wrong slapping the donut out of Marcus' hand, he told him multiple times to get back to work
>Carm should have fired Sidney after she walks out in the S1 finale, it was dumb and unprofessional
>Richie's character arc was great but he should have been in the restaurant for like 2 months or something, not 5 days
>Tina's backstory was fine but should have been in S1
>Faks were a fun sideshow for Fishes but were the worst aspect of S3
>Sidney was excruciating in S1-2 but actually pretty good in S3, they matured her character a bit
>S2-3 is the cooking version of Human Error from Star Trek Voyager (Carmy tries to be a normie but realises his true purpose is incompatible with it)
>Marcus is overall a good character and the Copenhagen ep is the best of the entire show
>The 'funeral' ep was tedious filler apart from the confrontation with asshole chef
>Ice Chips should have been 2-3 scenes, not an episode
>The scene focused on Carm's face where he's screaming 'hands' and no one is listening was very well done, like a cry for help because he can't cope with what he's started
>using real restaurants was a bad choice
>John Cena really took me out of it, bad choice

Overall I liked the concept of S3 (Carmy trapped because the success of the restaurant depends on him being an autist rather than having a normal life but may also fail as a result of that) but S3 was at least 60% filler where nothing gets resolved
>>Carm should have fired Sidney after she walks out in the S1 finale, it was dumb and unprofessional
That was her quitting, he couId teII her not to bother changing her mind but he couIdn't fire her.
>The 'funeral' ep was tedious filler apart from the confrontation with asshole chef
>Ice Chips should have been 2-3 scenes, not an episode
Agreed. Episodes Iike this are why season 3 took a dive.
>goes beserk when left alone with this thoughts for 5 seconds

Sounds dumb on paper but I actually thought it fit the character very well, he's barely holding it all together
>That was her quitting, he couId teII her not to bother changing her mind but he couIdn't fire her.

Yeah true, well he shouldn't have hired her back and apologised like he did something wrong then

Though in S3 I felt like she was actually helpful and professional rather than a condescending brat
It at Ieast makes sense thematicaIIy why he forgave and apoIogised to the staff. He had to Iearn to stop freaking out and acting Iike his oId boss did in the kitchen, and act more Iike warm "famiIy" towards them, even when the other chefs were acting Iike retards.
Marcus is hands down the worst character and copenhagen was fucking awful, he just mopes around like a jackass and has attitude with everyone while he just walks around fucking shit up like the mixer, the doughnut and just being a sorry fat sack of shit.
I genuinely hate him, he gets everything he could dream for while fucking up everything around him.
Most high end chefs are coke heads, insomniacs and workaholics with poor lives outside of work. Losers, some may say? Idk, maybe you're a cool guy.
I heard he was Jewish some months back when his modeling for Calvine Klein was discussed regularly on /fit/.
I guess cuz he keeps having flashbacks to "muh trauma" days when head-chef Jeff from community bullied him in his old job.
My boss is like this. I work in injection moulding and time is money, and he is constantly condescending, passive aggressive, rude, bolshy but correct and an absolutr work addict. He does 4 hours extra everyday, wakes up in the early hours and jots down ideas for the next day and can never switchoff. I met his son who was an arrogant dumbass with zero work ethic, probably because his absent workaholic father scared it out of him. Eitherway, high stress careers look awful, why do people dedicate their lives to it? I respect Marco for getting out after he won his first Michelin star.
>copenhagen was fucking awful

I can't relate to this opinion at all, I loved that ep. Extremely calm and relaxing, it made me start learning to bake (which it turned out I enjoy a lot as a hobby, though as a job it seems to be hell)

>has attitude with everyone while he just walks around fucking shit up like the mixer, the doughnut and just being a sorry fat sack of shit.

I like that he looks for perfection where the others often don't, e.g. he was the only one on board with Carm's insane list

Though the "take us there, bear" line was pretty corny in S3
(cope)nhagen is boring, I guess some of the baking in the episode is nice but for the most part it's just following future diabetes recipient around being pathetic. And magically by the end of the episode he's better, what was it like a week?
And don't call me racist, Ibrahim is one of my favorite characters.
>have workaholic father
>grow up middle class as a result but scared off high-stress workaholic jobs from seeing him come home exhausted all the time
>be an aimless sack of shit all the way to the end of college as a result
>hit the workforce and realise how hard it is to actually maintain that middle class
>either become your father or become a poor loser

Many such cases (myself included)
A week for learning better baking ideas and techniques is okay

5 days to have a total 180 on your personality in your 40s (Richie) is something else
>Marcus learns his trade in copenhagen
>Carmy permenantly stuck in seethenhagen

Truly this show has many levels
My dad was able to achieve a lower middleclass income in the uk and hated his work and held the mindset that 'it's all bullshit' when he got home, smoked weed and switched off. There are tradeoffs but I'm sure you can achieve it without being a workaholic insomniac.
S3 was Nothing Happens: The Season
>injection moulding
My condolences, I absolutely hated it
>"your gates are too high, recut all of these"
>material compounder and maintenance never around when you need them
>robots going spastic and destroying parts
>loud alarms going off constantly, not sure which ones are your machines
>removing exactly .001 inches of flash from 1000 parts an hour
>constantly having to remove stuck material from poorly greased triple plate moulds
>Is this show good? it is representative at all of working in a cooking joint?
I haven't seen it. It has good ratings, and that's all I know.

If you are looking to get into the life, just remember you will 1) never rest again and 2) have no holidays off with your family as they will be your busiest times. If you get injured on the job, you have no skills to do anything else. Get a degree in something lucrative, save all your money and then do your side gig restaurant idea. This is how to be an owner operator, and have some business sense. You, if smart, will have no peers in the kitchen with you, zero. That fact can be lonely.
I know people meme with the
But season 3 really is actually like that
this shit is in its third season? I thought it came out like 2 weeks ago.
>when he got home, smoked weed and switched off.
That's a shame he self-medicated. My working theory is that untreated ADHD leads to this inability to unwind.

My father always worked a 2nd job, and also taught college in the evenings, and had his own business always on the side, and this was all after working beyond 9 to 5 in the day job. If he had instead sat on his ass when he got home, probably he would have a shit retirement now. He invested well in real estate and lives off intentionally only-seasonal rental income. His day job all that time is a now defunct airline, and that retirement fund is bankrupt for all the employees of 25 years, who now get nothing/nada.
The moral of the story is my grandparents who grew up in the great depression were misers, and always acted like there was never enough to be wasteful and not productive.
This new entitled generation can grow up to be homeless one day, only 1-2 paychecks away from true poverty. It's scary how many people live in the moment.
it is anxiety/stress inducing to watch a lot of the times. Which gets fucking annoying, just make the restaurant do well and some scenes with the customers tasting the food. I really am just rooting for the restaurant, fuck carm.
also whats up with the writers making carm's brother in law such a faggot? that scene after seeing their mom outside the bear was hard to watch.
My little sister is bear-ly legal. Mouthwatering little asshole and vulva.
2x too old.
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>da joos
it's a tv show about working in a kitchen. simple as
Chad IDF BULLdozer vs virgin Pali cucksheds.
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>I can tolerate jews to a certain extent. Also I am jewish.
same. i'm also jewish and love the bear.
>>Richie's character arc was great but he should have been in the restaurant for like 2 months or something, not 5 days
I'm glad they got a handle on Ritchie's character so quickly because he was so genuinely obnoxious early on that I almost stopped watching. No shade on the actor, he's just that good at playing an absolute dickhead
Khazar milkers are real jesus christ
jews are the majority of the ultrarich, commie. stop being a hypocrite
mane, if only
It's the most realistic representation so far but still dramatized. The show gets the Chicago industry right.
correct retard also how many wojacks do you have saved?
i hate those 3 plate molds because they slam so loudly when they open. i like my place though some of our molds are so small you can hold them in your hand
I'm a cook and I thought it was very cathartic to come home, eat a sandwich, drink a soda and watch two episodes of screaming and tension
Whites was better but this hits differently.
what the fuck is with all the added reddit humor on s2 and 3
they turned fak into a complete bumbling retard when he was just sort of quirky before
What kinda moulder/tool maker are you, or are you an operator? We have a few 3-plate tools, one literally has cable ties to the moving-half to pull the plate forward lol
>material grinder and maintenance never around
This. Or the maintenance man is a miserable fuck who groans and moans and dodges you as much as possible.
I am the process engineer of the shop floor, so all machines are technically my machines, but I know the sounds pretty well to know which is mine that I was currently working on, when they go off.
>removing .001 inches of flash from 100 parts an hour
I had this with some tiny little job the other day; literally too little speed and it shorts, 1mm too high and it flashes over, backoff the switch-over and it packs the sprue and sticks etc.
I have been in it ten years now, worked for 2 major medical companies, one was 12 hour nightshift, and now work in a really diverse and well trained role, but fuck me am I so done with it. I have no interest in being a workaholic like my boss, I need a change of career, I am 29/30 so I sitll have time.
it's not just urban, it's any city limit, even a city of 300 people. outside city limits go nuts
I only didn't like that scene was because there is no way his character would be a leddit/4chan internet surfer. It's so out of place. If the fat tatted guy said it, it would make more sense.
The main thing I found annoying was the material getting stuck, I have large hands so getting between the plates to push and scrape out hardened metal compounds was not easy.
I was just a machine/CNC operator, at a company making mostly gun parts. Definitely not something I'm cut out for, going back to warehouse work as it's much simpler and pays better.
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imagine getting wrapped up in slav bot invented race bait arguments over a fucking tv show bcause you're a brain dead moron who can't parse marketing from reality.
not all of us are here all day every day. you can just scroll past the thread you insufferable faggot
Sounds like something a CIVILIAN would say
Getting food orders to your kitchen is literally rape
>Is this show good?
shitty writing and it should've ended after season 1
I didn't notice the maon character being Jewish. I don't think its brought up or referenced ever.
>le heckin' BADASS chef with tattoos and a shitty attitude
why are they like this?
What hardened metal compounds are you scraping out?
How do you know about the injection mould industry, do you also injection mould parts in your place?
If you don't have a personality you just get a bunch of tats and imitate what you think a cool person would act like. Happens a lot. Those are the type of people that will call tattoos "addictive" but have the most basic tats or shitty pop culture referenced that doesn't have any personal meaning to them.
I'm a process technician and yes we do the same shit with the cable ties lol. mostly it's just bolts with long ass standoffs that we use to slam the plates open. they shear off after a while because its high stress and I like to open it farther than i should to pop the sprue out.
also same fucking thing with maintenance. I like my maintenance guy but for fucks sake dude answer the phone when I call you
>all my tattoos mean something man, I 'don't do' meaningless
>this one represents my drumming, this one my is a symbol of my grandmother who helped raise me, this one is an animal that means loyal in ancient sumerian...
You people are just as insufferable. Get what you fucking like, who cares? Some of the funniest, interesting or commited/driven people know have tattoos they got just because it looks nice. Nothing is more cringe than the guy at my work, who just went through a breakup and is getting a load of midlife crisis tats, representing every retarded moment in his life.
Also, what the fuck is a 'personality' in your opinion, is it spending time shitposting tv shows on 4chan?
Yeah I bet you know all about that. Bet you got your tats in prison or the marines too. The personality part is how people just scribble generic shit on their skin so they have something to talk about because their minds are so empty they can't hold a conversation about anything but their own ego. Or grandma apparently.

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