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What's the easiest way to transition from vegetarian to vegan in a household that thrives on eating meat ? My family are already weirded out by the fact I'm vegetarian so I'm wondering how to switch out dairy products while still being on a budget
Shut your wimpy fucking mouth. Bring a real question and post a pic that's OC. Don't come back until you do.
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>I'm thinking of no longer purchasing milk but how can I possibly fit that into my budget?
Just survive on rice and beans. You'll need the extra money to buy life savings supplements.
prolly just kys cuz you're going to die from malnutrition anyways
Where I Iive the store brand soy miIk and oat miIk is cheaper than cows miIk (except for undrinkabIe UHT stuff). AIdi especiaIIy has them cheap. If you can't find them for a Iow price you couId try making your own, my mother used to make oat miIk for us during fasting seasons and it works out pretty cheap if you buy the oats in buIk.
Just swap out regular milk for oat/soy/almond milk at the store
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These cheese slices are pretty good for a grilled cheese, but I don't eat a lot of "fake dairy" stuff anyway
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Okay here's what I made for lunch
It's double the price where I live but I'm moving to Germany in a month so maybe I'll be able to afford proper vegan food then?
Yeah I don't like the fake stuff either. Defeats the purpose in a way. That's why I'm a bit stuck on how to replace milk specifically
Also definitely going to try making my own thank you. Genuinely good advice
remember to buy your B complex supplements that you can't get from plants, and you will die without (because we're omnivores)

Vegetarian is fine, going vegan will literally kill you
mix up some soy sauce and microplastics in a bathtub
drink it and watch as your body slowly rejects its own existence, allowing you to starve yourself to death
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I will soon. Are getting the shots better though? I thought maybe getting injections would make it more fun
I'm fine with this. I thoroughly enjoy being vegetarian as it is, I've never felt better physically
I think the real problem is that the meat people eat these days is extremely low quality, from sick and miserable animals that get injected and fed all kinds of wild shit and never see sunlight. Obviously any meat on such a poor animal would be bad to eat, but people keep eating that garbage and enabling this awful practice because it's cheap
You’re already doing great as a vegetarian, why change to vegan?
The impact it will make is not worth the effort. It is very inefficient.
To make a diet work you need it to be sustainable, so if you’re in this for the long run you better think about it clearly.
Absolutely agree, especially where I live, the quality of the meat often made me feel sick. It's quite upsetting how my family still willingly buys it despite that fact, when my Mom could budget better quality meat. I guess convenience just wilts all reason
>raping cows to make cheese is more ethical than just leaving them alone
what kind of coping vegfag made this
I really, really enjoy cooking and baking vegetarian meals so if anything it's more fun for me , that's aside all of the environmental responsibility I feel. The issue is I live in a country that doesn't offer these alternatives so it's quite difficult and inaccessible hence I asked.
move out, freak
I literally said I am already , I'm emigrating in a month
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Looks like you already transitioned, only a matter of time now.
Fujos are so fucking weird

I don't understand why you'd assume I'm not a woman and simply jumped to the conclusion I'm trans based on a photo
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You know the rules, gayboi
Fujos aren't trans
I don't know what it is I don't watch porn
I remember my college days, when I transitioned and became a vegan. Worst fucking time of my life. I almost died as a result of vitamin deficiencies.
I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like if I were to cut my penis and testicles off with scissors and had to dilate every day.
you're one of those freaks who think everyone else has the capacity to become trans because you were dumb enough to think you could be a woman
>you're one of those freaks who think everyone else has the capacity to become trans because you were dumb enough to think you could be a woman
Technically speaking, he's not wrong, if you define a woman as a thing with a vagina, and not an entity capable of reproducing via sexual activity.
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Depends, you can substitute nutritional yeast for cheese in some cases, and I'd argue almond milk is better tasting than actual milk if you get a brand that's not sweetened. (Even unsweetened silk is sickly sweet for some reason) Sometimes its just better to accept removing dairy from your diet entirely rather than replacing it, as adults probably arent meant to drink milk thats supposed to help calves gain 500lbs in a short period of time anyways. I would go pescatarian over vegan though, no reason not to do this. Fish aren't much more intelligent than potatoes and they're good for you. You can eat tilapia/shellfish every day, it's so low on the food chain it doesn't contain mercury or anything.
>adults probably arent meant to drink milk thats supposed to help calves gain 500lbs in a short period of time anyways.
You know that even whole milk is like, at most, 4% fat, for real for real?
t. fatty
Just put bacon where bacon wasn't there before.

Alternatively, salt pork.
I've had almond milk only once because it's so pricey here but I'll definitely try to make it. I'm cutting off sugar too so I won't sweeten it. I have contemplated just being pescatarian, as fish is delicious, but I made my own vegan fish with tofu and seaweed and I still thoroughly enjoyed it, especially seasoned. I would feel lazy had I still eaten fish. As if I wasn't doing more than I knew I could
Just do society a favor and kill yourself
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Vegan has to be the MOST Degenerate, Backwards, "Political FEELS" movement there ever was...
Think about it, There's not a SINGLE mammal on the planet that is vegan--They ALL are raised on milk.
It's like you guys wear your phenotypical imperative like a hairshirt.
I get that Animals DESERVE the respect that all living things should from their stewards-(from US, Animals don't have those kinds of morals,) but to deprive one's self of life sustaining ESSENTIAL nutrients...
Who the FUCK ever heard of VEGAN TIDDIES???
The point of the movement is to back away from the fact the meat and dairy industry are incredibly detrimental to the environment as a whole. It's fine if you don't want to be a vegan, to me it's just what I've felt compassionate about as a child, trying to make even a tiny difference, even if it fails.
Yet somehow vegans still find a way to be unhealthy
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As I said, I GET THAT part...
But Also, you don't HAVE to buy into the Factory Farm bullshit..
As a Omnivore, I LOATHE those who abuse animals, I can watch human on human gore ALL DAY LONG and NGAF, but in chink-dog/kot vid and I'm affected deeply.
Try ovo lacto or even pescetarian/Veg, but you are ONLY doing yourself a disservice on a fundamental level.
Look into your local farmers, MOST that I've met really do care for their animals.
Or even better...Ask your parents about getting a few chickens and raising then yourself--WHO better to care for them, if not YOU?
This is my LAST poast ITT(unless you reply with an Quest-ion)
Do your will, just don't degenerate yourself--or you WILL be laughed at for hoisting yourself on your own retard...
Here is a quest-ion for you, for real for real: why do you think it is okay to watch humans suffer and die horribly, while simultaneously thinking it is wrong for lesser entities to go through the same things?
Another quest-ion: Are you a psychopath or mentally retarded? (I can't tell the difference between malicious intent and pure incompetence anymore)
>Do your will, just don't degenerate yourself--or you WILL be laughed at for hoisting yourself on your own retard...
I think you meant to say "petard," you fucking retard.
Unless you're allergic, got bit by a tick, or genuinely can't stand the taste, there is no reason to be a vegan or vegetarian. There are billions of people eating 5x as much meat as you, and there are third world countries like China that will eat ANY animal they get their hands on.
It sounds like SOMEONE is hoisting himself on his own retard. Kek.
The problem with vegans is they aren't creative and don't know how to cook so they eat unhealthy processed trash
They were asking for it.
>They were asking for it.
Purple haired land whales don't go to cisgender bars and clubs because they want to talk about how evil white men are.
Then you should try being pescetarian. When I added mussels or some other shellfish to my diet once a week my energy increased substantially.
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>why do you think it is okay to watch humans suffer and die horribly, while simultaneously thinking it is wrong for lesser entities to go through the same things?
Because people have SHOWN themselves to be deserving of these things...Animals are Not THE SAME.
2)Are you a psychopath or mentally retarded?
Neither, I'm a REALIST. And I can almost guarantee that I've a MUCH higher IQ than you.
You are out of your philosophical depth here.
That's the JOKE, Midwit.
a rope
>try being pescetarian. When I added mussels or some other shellfish to my diet once a week my energy increased substantially.
Pescetarian means "fish eater," not "cockroach of the sea eater"
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>Neither, I'm a REALIST. And I can almost guarantee that I've a MUCH higher IQ than you.
>You are out of your philosophical depth here.
Yes, I'm sure that someone who can't even use the English language correctly has a higher IQ than I, and I'm sure they aren't suffering from Dunning-Kruger Syndrome.
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And something for the SMORTER..Anons..
>and I'm sure they aren't suffering from Dunning-Kruger Syndrome.
If you were as SMORT as you CLAIM, you'd know that Dunning-Kruger was actually a victim of it's OWN THEORY.
They didn't read the fucking Graphs correctly and drew their conclusions erroneously.
>hurr duurrr Can't eben ENGLISH
Go fuck yourself you cocksure midwit.
Have you even ever Chaucer'd?
the whole "Standarization of the English language is ARBITRARY" and governed solely by academia..
You' are like a little CHILD wandering into the movie...
ANd I'm on my 5nd cocktail...so... There's THAT
>ANd I'm on my 5nd cocktail...so... There's THAT
...fucking petard, hoisting himself up by his own retard. Lulz
To annoy you, obviously, GOD women are dumb.
raising domestic livestock is far less detrimental to the environment than growing large swaths of vegetables and fruits and grains, though, so i don't understand how that can be an argument or motivation.
Here's your (you).
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AGain... That' the FUCKING joke..zozzle.
Here's the ANSWER to the first one...
The only substitution I can think of for meat/dairy/eggs is peanut butter.
It's the only plant fat that still tastes fatty and is good for you and is fair priced.
>Hey, look at me, I'm pretending to be petarded.
Shut the fuck up, retard.
>Haha, joke's on them. I'm only pretending to be petarded.
Beans and rice COOKED TOGETHER will form a complete protein>>20656672
.. the results are a little weird though.
I like your MOXIE, kid.
that was funny...kudos.
>Beans and rice COOKED TOGETHER will form a complete protein
Alternatively, you could just eat meat, petard.
>femcel can't cook
Big surprise
I do...
Please TRY to keep up.
Sure but it's not like we can live healthily off of just one protein
Generations have survived on cream and potatoes that doesn't mean it's a good diet
Are you pretending to be petarded or are you actually petarded?
I can't fucking tell the difference.
This is ABSOLUTELY true.
A good rule of thumb is to eat foods that your Great Grandfathers would recognize as food.
I mean of course NOT during lean times.
I also believe that foods are SEASONAL, meaning that certain foods are designed to bulk you up for COLD, and others are just for sustenance.
Fruits and gourds are a great example of this.
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DO NOT go on plant diets if budget is going to be a problem. If you're not eating organic veggies it's guaranteed they're going to be SOAKED in pesticides.

This is the REAL reason why plant diets are not recommended for most people. Also remember picrel.
You, apparently.
You could have simply ignored all of my posts, but you cared enough to respond to them.
You're a piece of shit who creates problems for attention. Kill yourself.
Didn't say I can't cook, I cook every single day of my life, multiple courses, hence I already said I enjoy being vegetarian. My boyfriend also eats meat and I cook for him at times
I also pulled these
Which just confirms that bacon is good and clearly vegan
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>my boyfriend
I do buy from farmers markets, I plan on growing my own vegetables once I get my own place as well, I try to be organic in that sense. Like I said I highly enjoy being creative with my vegetables as well so I enjoy this diet
He's on vacation at the moment so I'm destroying my mental health checking this site
I have a boyfriend. His penis feels like an italian sausage filled with sand.
Left is a doctor. Right is a failed actor turned meathead. Nobody in their right mind would take advice from the retard on the right.
Cats are ugly, disgusting animals
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>Left is a doctor. Right is a failed actor turned meathead. Nobody in their right mind would take advice from the retard on the right.
I think you meant to say "petard," not "retard"
Please stop using offensive language. It's like why we say "people of color" instead of "colored people" or "enword"
Kys, brownoid
Cats are food, not pets.
Also, I'm yellow, not brown.
Beautiful eyes for a kitty
I was talking about the fatty taste of peanut butter to replace the missing fatty taste of meats and dairy. BEANS AND RICE do not have the same taste.
Avocados are like 1.50 a pop and have that whole canola oil saturated fat aftertaste going for them
Go back to eating meat, you're already starving yourself and your family is rightly worried. Don't break their hearts even more, it's not right to force them to watch you destroy yourself.
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Good lookin' (if perturbed) Kot ya got there..
*(same Anon)
I AGREE completely.
no conflict there.
You can pour oil or melted butter or shortening on beans and rice. I usually use lard because it hardens up after a few minutes and I can pretend I deep fried my beans and rice.
Eat a bullet. Perfectly vegan, and solves your issues permanently.
That's GOOD practice, no matter what method you use.
Lard is GOOD for you.
The thread is about avoiding animal fats so I was apeasing the lost soul.
I always put butter on my rice (and beans and rice) because it's fantastic and also makes asians seeth for some reason.
Yes I forgot avacados.
>asians seeth for some reason.
That's because in China there is no cow butter. They use a special soy butter made from hydrogenated vegetable oil, diacetyl, sodium chloride, and monosodium glutamate.
>while still being on a budget
Oh please. Wait until you are independent. Save your money for a down payment, or to finish your education, duh.
I find vegans to be untrustworthy. Every vegan I have known is a chronic shoplifter or has other morally dubious habits. There is just something about the look in their eyes, it sets off primordial alarm bells in my head.
>he gets triggered by shoplifting
Like I said, untrustworthy. Thieves have no moral compass and if they are willing to steal from others they will do it to you if the opportunity arises. I choose to associate with people of low moral character if possible. No offense to you, I'm sure you are one of the few good ones but I can't take that chance you understand.
*not to
>I choose to associate with people of low moral character if possible. No offense to you, I'm sure you are one of the few good ones but I can't take that chance you understand.
No bait sorry, I know you are used to people who have no standards but not everyone is so freewheeling with their lives.
>they are willing to steal from others
Who am I stealing from? It's not a mom and pop store, it's a faceless corporate mob that makes a living screwing over actual people.
>the environmental responsibility
Bro you have been brainwashed by a cult. Eat a steak for fucks sake. Love you.
There are no women on the interwebz
>you can substitute nutritional yeast for cheese in some cases
wtf is macaroni and nutritional yeast. that sounds nasty
Does that mean OP is a cute boy?
Thank you, good sir. Sometimes you have to be a little harsh with these newfags, but it's for the best.
people have done it
I don't recommend you eat it though
maybe 1/5th of the cheese for Mac and cheese could be nutritional yeast before you lose all resemblance of the dish
generally it's best to avoid nutritional yeast, it's like if some bitch wants you to replace sugar with applesauce
what book is this, I want to look up a copy. also dividing a shape in half is cheating.
Nutritional yeast is literally healthier for you than cheese.
cool. it still isn't cheese and won't do any of the things cheese does. vegans don't know how to cook. they don't even know what butter and cream is for and think they can just replace it all with coconut
You didn't show tits
Yeah but it taste good
Fucking newfag.
>b-but only newfags say newfags
This is plebbit cope so we stop saying faggot.
>won't do any of the things cheese does
Flavors are not unique to 1 material. Mind boggling, I know.
cheese is used a million different ways and yeast doesn't do almost all of them. it doesn't exist solely for flavor
>What's the easiest way to transition from vegetarian to vegan in a household that thrives on eating meat ?
Buy and cook your own food. You don't get to play with stupid diets unless you're feeding yourself.
I suggest rope.
Why are you female?
Pretty sure your loli has gelatin or shellac or carmine. Not even a good vegetarian.
I convinced my mom to become vegetarian
Well the only people I've met who do stuff like that are definitely not vegan in fact i had a friend who'd do ridiculous stuff like that, he'd steal from tipjars and so on, and he could never comprehend why I was vegetarian. Severe lack of empathy
I don't know how many times I have to say I do that already. I cook for my family every day and I'm moving out very soon. Yes I cook meat for them
No I don't even have any friends who are vegan, one is just pescitarian. it's purely by choice and my own beliefs. My parents both screamed at me a few times to eat meat, I'd have to avoid meat without making it obvious but they caught on, I was really determined. I'm 19 and they still get angry at me for it, though I never force it upon them and they don't even ask why I am one. That's why I'm moving out
Why wouId a IoIipop have gelatine in it, retard.
Absolutely loathe vegans
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>pic related

Answers to the others next.
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It's unrealistic to think the ingredient has no applications in cooking and its of a similar flavor profile to cheese, which is to say it's similar to MSG in that it is savory but is also nutty in a way that brings it closer to aged cheeses.
>they don't even ask why I am one.
If you don't mind me asking, why are you one of Them?
Is this one of those teenage rebellion things that kids do to piss off their parents? It sounds like it.
...i dunno, ask all the companies who do why?
I use it on my breadsticks and savory monkey bread. I just don't like it when people say to just replace cheese with something. there might be a way to replicate some recipes but it's different for each. it's also easier to just come up with original recipes that don't use cheese than try to make frankenfoods
I've cooked vegan for someone before and they didn't realize it until they got to the bottom of the bowl and asked where the meat was. it was just red lentil curry with rice
>pussy vegans grossed out by meat
color me shocked
>...i dunno, ask all the companies who do why?
It's pretty simple: when a horse like Boxer is no longer useful, they send them to a special building where he/she/zir is then given a special one way ticket to Sugarcandy Mountain.
And at some point after that, the marrow is removed from their bones, and then the bones are turned into gelatin, and sold to lollipop manufacturers. Isn't communism great?
>it's also easier to just come up with original recipes that don't use cheese than try to make frankenfoods
I can't eat cheese, but sometimes I have a craving for mac and cheese, so I'll buy a box of noodles and instead of using cheese, milk, or butter, which comes from animals, I use alfredo sauce instead.
>instead of using cheese, milk, or butter, which comes from animals, I use alfredo sauce
Which comes from animals
From someone who grew up in a whole vegetarian household. Just don't do it. Being vegan will translate in both malnourishment combined with more foods that are bad for your health, the grains slowly destroy your body on the longterm, all replacement foods are processed to hell and back. Best thing you can do for the world and yourself is just eat everything in moderation.

If i grew up with a normal varied diet and whole fiber foods i would've made it a lot further in life,instead i almost can't eat anything anymore but vegetables and meat. By becoming vegan you will curse your offspring.
Well the doctor seems to know fuck all about diet and nutrition then, because whatever the "meathead" is doing (eating steak and eggs, which is full of nutrition) is working great!
Buying a huge dildo and craming it up your ass.
Sounds like a good time

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