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How to eat when youre poor
1. Grains. This will be the main component of your diet. Pick whichever you enjoy the most since you will have to eat a shit ton of it. Whole grains have more protein but also more anti nutrient making them harder to digest and i wouldnt advice eating them long term since you might actually run into health problems. Refined grains have less protein but also safer.
2. Something fresh to negate scurvy. This can be anything that is "fresh". For example something as little as having some raw garlic with your bowl of rice. Or a lemon with your water. Or a tomato with your boiled spaghett. Of course, the more you can get of this the better.
With these 2 components, you can go pretty long without dying. Youll probably be pretty weak and wont have much energy for most anything but youll survive.
To make your life a little more comfortable, you can add these 2 things:
3. Some animal food. The cheapest would probably be bones. Just get some bones and boil the shit out of it. Throw whatever vegetable scrap you have in there. Drink the water. Or use it to cook your grains.
4. Vegetables to add vitamins and water bulk. With the amount of grains youre gonna eat, youll most likely be constipated as fuck. You need vegetables to make yourself regular.
Et wala, with these 4 components, youll survive whatever life can throw at you.
Poor people have higher testosterone than your pampered ass and get more women than you.
inb4 melinated individuals suggest stealing.

You should also supplement your grains with legumes. Dry beans are dirt cheap and cooking them is almost entirely passive. Cottage cheese is also a good, relatively cheap source of animal protein.

Ketards are the fattest people I know.
So are you just naturally dim or is it a woman thing? This is about how to eat when youre poor. Not what to order when chad and thad takes you out for dinner.
>born female
>keeps posting anime
I don't like where this is headed
Yes youre right i forgot about the beans. They are pretty good supplement with grains.
>Some animal food. The cheapest would probably be bones.
Last time I looked at the price for those they really weren't that cheap compared to eggs or milk, especially when considering calories. Maybe some places would give them away for free.

>With the amount of grains youre gonna eat, youll most likely be constipated as fuck.
You should probably be eating whole grains since they'll have more fiber and overall nutrition. More flavor and texture too so you don't get as bored eating bland starch.
Chicken thighs and pork can be gotten for dirt cheap. No need to be without protein.

If you have thing against meat, beans are decent sources of protein
you must be talking about 3rd world poor. I was first world poor, so we just had foodstamps and welfare supplemented by food bozes, and dumpster diving.
My go to's have always been

1. pack of wieners
2. off brand macaroni and cheese
3. cheap wheat bread
4. chicken drumsticks
5. banquet brand meals
6. steal sandwich meat if you have to
>Anon teaches you
>starts rambling about anti nutrients
/ck/ Center For Kids Who Want To Be Frugal And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too
SHOPPING: Stop spending $50 a week, you dumb fucker.
-USE COUPONS, plan meals around 'em, don't just buy food because they're on sale though.
-Buy according to price per ounce/gram. Careful some items aren't cheaper in bulk.
-Frequent cheaper stores (Aldis, Lidls, Walmart, Asian market, immigrant stores).
-Farmers markets for in season produce.
-Don't be afraid to haggle, at farmers market near closing, at grocery if say lettuce is slightly wilted.
-Get to know your farmers market and grocery workers. They'll be more likely to help you out, allow haggling, etc.
-Buy oil/soysauce/cooking wine/rice, etc at an asian market in bulk for cheap, legumes/beans/strange veggies/spices at immigrant stores in bulk for cheap.
-NO to the deli counter, salad bar, precooked meals (frozen pizza, microwave meal), snax, pre-frozen shit, etc. Salad bar is acceptable for SMALL amounts to help a dish out (slices of onion, pepper strips, etc).
-Buy meat in bulk on sale, divide and store in freezer, invest if deep freezer if you can. This also works with PANDEMIC meat (mad cow, swine flu, bird flu) grocery meat is SAFE. Hoard that shit.
(fat bag of cumin for $2).
-Water. Not milk, soda, or juice. Water. All of these are expensive and any nutritional value can be found elsewhere. Especially milk.
-Avoid drugstore/pharmacy "deals". They're usually worse than grocery markets.
-A little bit of quality/expensive cheese provides much more flavor per dollar than cheap kraft cheese.
-Alfalfa, lentils, etc, are cheap, nutritious greens.
-Weeds outside may be edible veggies; harvest food from a neighbors garden (ask your neighbor); grow basic herbs (cilantro, basil, rosemary, mint, scallion, parsley) on a windowsill garden.
COOKING: Because you've never made anything and you don't know where to fucking start.
-For sandwich choices, try homemade egg salad, tuna salad, grilled cheese, grilled chicken.
-Try cooking with mainly tovu/beans/seitan, and adding just a bit of mean for flavor/psychological value.
-Mac and cheese seems cheap, but is expensive when you factor in milk/butter.
-baked chicken breasts drizzled with olive oil and spices (i got this savory blend shit from sams club, shit is so cash. no salt or msg) are awesome for just about anything. including sandwiches. get some fresh tomatoes, onions and peppers on that bitch with some 12 grain and SPICEY BROWN MUSTARD and you got yourself a sandwhich
-See examples below
STAPLE LIST: Because you keep going shopping once for every fucking meal.
-Bulk buy rice, potatoes (or dehydrated potatoes), flour, beans (dried or canned), tomato products (crushed, paste, etc), canned veggies, pasta, tuna, oatmeal, oil, bouillon cubes, store brand oats, onions, peanut butter tub. All of these can be used in many ways, beans are especially cheap and can be eaten as they are.
-Moderately buy spices (thyme, rosemary, oregano, cumin, parsley, chili flakes, cumin, coriander, bay, kosher salt, dill, peppercorns, oregano, basil, mustard, chili, cayanne pepper, garlic powder, onion powder)
-Various cheap white/red wine and wine vinegars.
-In general, items that are versatile (have many uses) in cooking, + spices that'll add variety to make the difference between a bad and a good meal.
GENERAL: What, you need MORE tips?
-You can be poor without sacrificing flavor, nutrition, or variation.
-www.choosingvoluntarysimplicity.com look at the "Frugality" section.
-google "low cost recipes home-cooking from scratch" for buying/cooking for a family of 4 at $50/week.
-You can trade time for money.
-Buy and ask for kitchenware helpful kitchenware, (ie a blender/food processor can save you on precut and preground products, crockpot saves loads of time.
-food pantries, soup kitchens if you're desperate, volunteer at the kitcen to maybe get extra leftovers. Salvation army is good for kitchenware.
-Clean out the work fridge once a month.
EXAMPLES: Put that knowledge to use, padawan
-Example1: You are making a big ass batch of soup containing mostly potato products and bits of vegetable scraps. When Paula Dean makes such a "potato" soup, she would add in copius amounts of milk, butter, cheese and bacon. Ditch all of those. Afterall, you would rather eat the crispy bacon sparingly as a treat than watch it disappear into a soup! Add dehydrated potato flakes to the soup base of vegetable stock to add creaminess and substance. Be liberal with the spices, garlic and onions, sauté them all first to bring out the flavor.
Add in a mild creamy bean like Great Northern to make the soup significantly more substantial and "eat like a meal." Make biscuits if you want. Freeze vast quantities for later.
--Example2: You are having taco night with your underageb& friends.
When Mama Ortega makes such a meal, she would use vast amounts of ground beef and serve it with chips, salsa, bean dip, sour cream, Krap shredded cheese, and Spanish Rice. Ditch all that shit. You will use cumin, chili flakes, chili powder, paprika, garlic powder, etc to heavily spice up some beans, rice and canned tomato products as your taco filler. You will use tortillas from the immigrunt store sparingly. Think massive burrito rather than danty taco. If you must use cheese, use less than a fourth of the amount Mama Ortega would smother a taco with. Eat a small amount of lettuce/salad with it.
-Example3: You are making a sandwich for lunch. When Jared makes a sandwich, he adds 10 slices of honey roasted deli ham, Krap cheese singles, olive oil based Mayonaise, bakery fresh artisan rye bread, lettuce, tomato and avocado. He eats his sandwich with some chips, a pickle and Waldorf Fruit Salad. You're a poor bastard, so you get basically none of that. Remember those immigrunt tortillas from yesterday? That's your bread. Use some frozen chicken or immigrunt tofu you bought on sale, or make bean fritters as a filler (smoosh up beans, mix with potato flakes and whatever else you like, pan fry in a spits worth of oil). Cabbage and carrots are in season and you picked up a bunch at the farmer's market. Shred them, toss with vinegar, oil, sugar and you have some cole slaw.
Bitches at Panera would pay 8.99 for a chicken wrap with coleslaw....
With chicken thighs, you can make adobong manok, the other ingredients are also quite cheap.

I have not consumed fruits, vegetables, or (many) things made with them as ingredients for over 25 years. I am not dead nor do I have scurvy. Stop this retarded pointless fucking psy-op to trick people into being more willing to push away from meat.
You can get vitamin c from raw meat/fish.
it's amazing someone can look at this person and have anything but negative thoughts
I make tortillas from self rising flour now. Refried beans from cheap pintos and northern beans plus lentils. Leftover tortillas become quick pizzas with the bean paste, a scoop of pizza sauce from a cheapo brand in a can I found, and fresh onion on top no cheese. Delicious even cold in the fridge

beans/lentils and rice

I also had bought a 50 pound bag of popcorn way back when I had money. I make so much popcorn and it still hasn't run out yet

I use Kool aid for vitamin c sadly. Waiting for the garden to grow in so I can have veggies again in bulk

Eggs and pancake mix are a splurge right now but help things not be mundane. Cheapest jar of peanut butter, eat by the spoonful with salt poured on.

I could make other bread stuff I guess but it's a little annoying to eat without butter or a proper soup. Guess I could make a loaf and make some kind of chili or taco soup with the beans
Just gotta eat less meat. You can buy large cuts of pork or whole chickens and just cut them into pieces. You only need a little per day to get your fix. That + rice + frozen vegetables. Eggs and toast. Oats. So cheap.
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found a taco seasoning packet and got bored enough to make a sort of rolls, so i guess soup and bread it is!

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