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File: IMG_20240708_131751499~2.jpg (2.22 MB, 4000x2917)
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My lunch at work

Spicy chickpea and tuna salad
Yeah, I'd eat. Would probably want a bit of bread with it though
That's nice for a quick snack to pound in the break room. My mother and siblings make my work lunch every day. Yesterday it was a salami and turkey sandwich with Swiss cheese along with six pickled eggs with red onion and some homemade pumpkin bread for dessert. My boss is also chill with smoking weed and drinking light beer on the job. Cigarette smoking is prohibited on the property.
This looks like hurricane pantry supplies you had to finally use up.
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My lunch at work was arguably better.
fuck no it isn't
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gib recipe
weird foreign shit made at home as opposed to a real american sandwich made by a real american corporation
catfood tier slop
based white man meal
i know you are baiting + samefagging but its so funny to me that there are actual people like that out there
Stinking up the lunch room with your fish dishes from home.

Are you a darkie? This is poor etiquette.
Where's the lunch?
would be okay with say some tandoori pork and chapatis. No meat, no meal.
That sandwich has probably been sitting in the cafeteria for a month before you paid $12 for it today
YUK! Just Imagine the stench from that OP stuff.
It seems like some foreign stuff that humans stay away from.
Swap out tuna for kippers and I'd eat that.

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