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Post suggestions and recipes for sauces that don’t have tomato sauce in them, to dress pasta, rice and whatever cereal you want to eat with them.

Here’s one of them I made today: the base is a purée made with leek and zucchini (after cooking them in EVO oil with some shallots), anchovies paste to add the (((umami))), fresh parsley and hazelnuts tossed in the blender with everything.

The result was nice and delicate, I could’ve added tuna but it was good as it was.
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Speaking of which, a basic pesto made with basil, nuts, a hefty amount of EVO oil and salt does the job too. You can add Parmigiano reggiano and garlic if you want to make the original recipe.
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Cauliflower are good too if you want to make something like the recipe in the op, I used steamed cauliflowers but if you want a better flavour you can steam cauliflowers with some broccoli, transfer them to a baking tray and press them flat wirh the bottom of a drinking glass, sprinkle some EVO oil and breadcrumbs/almond-nuts-walnuts-whatever flour/etc and broil them in the oven until crunchy, then blend everything to make the sauce.
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Quick sauce: canned tuna (or mackerel), cooked in EVO oil with shallots and/or leeks until savoury and then drizzled with plenty of white wine to make a sauce + anchovies paste and capers.
I love to make pasta with minced meat (or squeezed sausages) and some kind of geen vegetable (broccoli, green beans, leeks, zuchini) and then make a sauce based on pasta water, fennel seeds, garlic and red chili. Finish with pecorino romano.
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the darker color of the pasta contrasts so good with the green. Very good looking dish
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The same happens with brown rice pasta
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