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Got some monsters churning out 3-4 z's a day... What are some recipes for them. Already done are
>Z cakes
>Z bread
>Panko crusted fries Zs
Good recipes only
bread and fry the flowers they fucking rock
Grilled with salt/pepper/paprika is the quickest way to eat a lot of them.
Youre not going to eat 2 loafs of zucc bread every day but you could eat 4 grilled zuccs everyday.
You could do zoodles too if yous a bitch
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Roasted zucchini pasta
Good for muffins. Don't have recipe.
From Naples here.
We do a number of things with them
Parmigiana di zucchine.
Insalata di zucchine grigliate con menta (the zucchine can also be fried for this rather than grilled; when fried, it's called zucchine a/lla scapece)
Pasta con zucchine e uova.
Depending on the variety, zucchine ripiene (this is done with round zucchine; you can do it with long type, but it's not quite as good).
Frittata di zucchine (this one can be difficult if you're one of those people who rushes everything).

Outside of my native cuisine, there are several foreign zucchine dishes I like. Lebanese zucchine soup. Chinese stir fried zucchine with prawns/shrimp. Ukrainian fried zucchine with raw tomato (basically keto bruschetta). Korean zucchine pancake, hobakjeon (same deal as the frittata ie this can't be rushed; I like the shredded one over the whole rounds one). Sri Lankan courgette curry fry.
Oh, and if you've had Chinese stir fried egg and tomato, I've grown to prefer it with zucchine instead of tomato. I still use ketchup in the sauce, but the zukes give a better texture that tomato, IMO
They're really good uncooked marinated with a white wine vinegar vinaigrette, they're perfect with fish (any kind), they go well with any kind of mushroom (just cut them into a brunoise and add them) and they make a decent summer soup with mint. You can add them to a pasta salad for a picnic and the flowers are wonderful when stuffed, battered and deep fried (plenty of recipes on the interwebs).
Yes, can u toss me a good recipe? I can Google them but idk whats gonna be the best, I'm seeing stuffed with ricotta? Lots of stuffed ones...
Not OP but zucchini parm sounds very tasty. I rarely have zucchini with cheese but I looked up a few Lebanese zucchini soup recipes and there was one with cheese and now my mouth is watering lol.

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