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File: efterugns rye.png (442 KB, 720x465)
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pic rel. most delicious bread in the world, tough and ryey.
why the fuck do other countries not eat rye? aside from poland and germany.
Is it 100% rye flour bread or is it mongrelized?
pumpernickel is the superior rye
File: breadguy2.jpg (157 KB, 721x598)
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mongrelized? idk, pic rel is my take on it and it uses 100% rye flour from the local miller.
No point in farming rye if your climate allows you to farm corn, wheat, barley etc. so people aren't used to eating rye bread out of necessity.
Because they don't have rye.
I live in america and the only time I ever ate rye bread in my life was from some coupon deal at arby's. was it 100% rye? who knows.
I would eat rye bread if it was available, but I live in a bread desert
>why the fuck do other countries not eat rye?
You're delusional.

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