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Are professional kitchens still like this? I'd love to train as a chef but the reputation for needless aggression and psychopathic behaviour makes me nervous about pursuing it.
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Some may be...IDK, I've been out of THAT game for about 25 years.
There ARE kitchens that are NOT like that. Just like becoming a bartender, you Ideally become a bar-Back until there's an opening, you can do like Marco and pick a good restaurant to go and start at the bottom...
Just KNOW, you are giving up evenings, Weekends and Holidays for the REST of your career.
I started to HATE to cook and had nightmares of the order-in printer after 10 years.
Made it all the way to a 1 star restaurant.
just commit, until you CAN'T anymore.
BTW, Gordo was a little Sell-out BITCH..
Whatever--He made his Bux.
I trained with this old Greek man at his dinner. He would only get tense during the weekend breakfast rush. Just be stoic and sober and you'll go much farther than most of the back of house felon junkies.
Some are, some aren't. I have worked in both. In my current job, our head chef and the owner hold two meetings a month, with meetings with the staff after. They are very strict on no bullshit like bullying, but also requiring we report anything shitty like bad hygiene or bad behavior.
depends. it's inherently a pretty tough, disciplined career. you'll most likely work with people with strong and possibly confrontational personalities. but, the MPW/Ramsay kind of behaviour is not the norm, you have to remember they were pushing for the very top of the industry. it's a different game. you might have people who act like wannabe Ramsay's, but if you're not a Michelin star restaurant, you tell them to fuck off.
Just be a little cautious. The last thing you want is to be stuck in a kitchen with a stressed out psychopath (which there are quite a few of).
In professional kitchens like the one Marco Pierre White and Gordan Ramsey worked in, there was definitely this kind of atmosphere and it still continues to this day
In non-professional restaurant kitchens, for example at a typical chain restaurant or diner, you won't find it that often
I didn't make it anywhere near high level kitchen but was a linecook off-n-on for 10 years and can relate to nightmares about working. I haven't worked in that industry in probably 15 years but still have dreams about having to push food out the window during crazy events like flooding, fires, or just simply all the items not in their correct spot. All the while the fry timers and baker timers going off "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP"
That guy comes across as a pathetic homosexual, I wouldn't trust anything from "him" especially not going to some overpriced restaurant fom his types. Why is it flailing it's about, only homosexuals and tv types do stupid stuff like that?
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That seems like Twiki from that old Buck Rogers series.
what in the fuck are you talking about?
Stop being a pussy. How about you work in a kitchen, any kitchen and see if you can even handle working fast food meals first.
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>but was a linecook off-n-on for 10 years and can relate to nightmares about working.
Those are EVEN worse...you got the unintentional !1UP.
I know that pain too...worked in chains until my early 20s..
>pic UNREL
If you are here you can take it
Took me years to stop getting bullied by you motherfuckers, had to teach English to myself now I'm certified
Aww. Do someone miss out in their daily dose of heroin and brown liquor.
Why do restaurants do this? There is no way any of them do all those dishes well. Best place in my town has a menu the size of a calling card. It does 4 things, if you ask for alterations you get told to fuck off. But those 4 things it does better than anyone else in the business.
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