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>had to throw away half of a delicious pizza because it was giving me food poisoning
I really wished that the owners of my local pizza hut weren't indians. they pretty much run every fast food place in my city these days.
You have to blame yourself for getting anything from pizza slut.
should've kept eating it a little bit at a time
get your money's worth, and toughen up your gut so it'll be better at handling any food poisoning you might get in the future
ive noticed all the workers here are old boomers. not sure what the implication is
>ordered burgers from favourite burger place yesterday
>one of the burgers had a bunch of several long hair in the patty
>carefully mashed the patty and took out every single strand of hair
>took a picture and sent it to ubereats customer faggots
>they gave me a refund
>ate the burger anyway after disposing off the many hair infested bits
What have I become?
>Hairs in your food?
You should have sued their sorry pathetic asses.
maybe you're lactose intolerant
This is why you should always inspect your burger and not chomp onto it immediately like a fatty
I am, I took two extra strength 4500 FCC pills like I usually do when I eat pizza or things with cheese. Got sick.
Okay, maybe I didn't eat enough pills, so I took three the second time and ate only two slices, still got stomach grumbles that I settled with a pepto bismol pill.

So yea, tried it twice. Pizza is fine for me previously with my lactase pills. This wa s just a case of food poisoning.
You should never order delivery from a place you haven't scoped out first. You're basically asking for food poisoning because hygeine is offensive to hajarpreet singh handling your pizza bare handed.
Cheese has very little lactose. If you have a problem after eating cheese it's something else. Maybe a protein sensitivity.

I had issues with a fast food chain serving me obviously spoiled food. Reported to corporate, stopped going there, and within a year or two the place was completely overhauled and fixed.
That pizza hut has been a staple of the community for decades. It's just that the Indian ownership of fast food places was a gradual change.
>This is why you should always inspect your burger and not chomp onto it immediately like a fatty
No they were inside the patty, very deeply embedded. I only realised when i took the first bite and then saw a bunch of hair peaking out
I really shouldn't have eaten the burger even after removing the hair. I feel violated. I guess this is how women feel after being raped

No i actually like their burgers and they're a local chain so i don't want to hurt them. My cousin dated the owner's brother
I think this was from the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont high where some guy hocked a lugie into some cop's burger, that was nasty.
I regularly eat at the grimiest greasiest food trucks near me and I never get sick. sounds like you have health issues.
sirs are ugly that's the only reason you need to not like them. it mean's they're evil.

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