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>Watches a youtube video about a pasta joint in Japan
>Their best seller is Beef Batayaki pasta
>Grilled thin-sliced beef on a hotplate of pasta
>They only season their beef with red wine and butter
>No salt, no pepper, no herb
Tell me again why wypipo got made fun of for not seasoning dey food while the Japanese are getting away with it
>hotplate of pasta
The heat of the pasta cooks the meat?
On the table there this weird bottle of blackish brown liquid
It's usually next to the container of little red sticks
You should try them semtomi
Post video
>be retard
>watch youtube all day
>be completely insecure about yourself and deflect onto your race because you have no personality
>have no idea what food you've never eaten in a country you've never been to tastes like
>post moronic thread on /ck/ instead of going out and making eye contact with a girl

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